Buying Paintings: Expressionsim

When speaking on buying paintings of the Expressionist movement, it is always a good idea to review what elements make Expressionism unique, and to gain an understanding of some of the artists representative of this particular artistic movement. The agreed upon intention of Expressionist artwork is not reproduce a subject accurately, but to instead portray the inner state of the artist, with a tendency to distort reality for an emotional effect. The movement is closely associated with its beginnings in Germany, and has a few different but overlapping schools of thought within. The term Expressionism was first used to describe the movement in the magazine produced in 1911 called Der Sturm, and was usually linked to paintings and graphic work that challenged academic traditions at the time. The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche later helped to define the area of modern expressionism better by clarifying the movements links to ancient art before any more modern interpretation had, and applied his own unique philosophy to the movement. He has been quoted stating that disordered and ordered elements are present in all works of art, but that the basic traits of Expressionism lay in the mainly disordered aspects. The Expressionist point of view was usually conveyed through the use of bold colors, distorted forms, and a lack of perspective. Generally, a piece of expressionistic art is one that is expressive of intense emotion, and much of this kind of artwork occurs during times of social upheaval. Though it can be argued that an artist is expressive by nature, and that all artwork is truly expressionist, there are many who consider the movement particularly communicative of emotion. Later on, artists like Kandinsky changed 20th century Expressionist work through the formation of Abstract Expressionism. The art historian Antonn Matjek was elemental in coining the term as the opposite to the Impressionist movement as well, and though Expressionism seems well defined as an artistic movement, there have never been a group of artists that called themselves Expressionists. The movement was primarily German and Austrian, and many of the different groups of thought were based around Germany at the time. Another artistic movement that heavily influenced Expressionism was Fauvism. This kind of artwork is characterized by primitive, less naturalistic forms, and includes the works of famed painters Paul Gauguin and Henri Matisse. With this influence firmly in place, Expressionism grew into striking compositions that focused on representing emotional reactions through powerful use of color and dynamic approaches with subject matter, and seemed to counter the qualities centered on by the French Impressionism of the time. Where French Impressionism was to seek rendering the visual appearance of objects, Expressionism became an opposing movement seeking to capture emotions and subjective interpretation, and it was not important to reproduce a visually pleasing interpretation of the matter that the painting represented. Expressionism has crossed over into many differing fields of artistic vision, with sculpture and filmmaking being primary examples today, and have influenced many people throughout the course of its existence as a movement in art. These visions have combined over time to create the comprehensive idea of what Expressionism has become, and many people have found this type of art very appealing and eye-catching. Throughout this century, much Expressionistic artwork has come to be representative of what art can come to be, and many people have been influenced by this very emotional artwork. PPPPP 562

Some tips for building a Childs Self Esteem

Parents are very powerful figures in the life of any child. First of all, they are responsible for conceiving the child and for bringing that child into this world so everything that comes after there will still be held somewhat responsible. The mother best of all has a special emotional connection with her children while fathers are mostly the ones who deal with practical things in raising children. A perfect relationship between parents and children will be when the parents are role models of providing love and support within the family while the children are obedient but to a certain degree also independent in living their lives. In this world however there is no such thing as perfect but this should not stop us from trying to build an ideal relationship. There can always be a health compromise but the most important thing that parents should remember is that the times when the children are still young is the only time they can make the biggest impact. The children are innately obedient and loving towards their parents so it is up to the parents to use this advantage in instilling good things to their children so they grow up to be good and strong willed individuals. One thing that parents can help a child build is their childrens self esteem. Parents should also be aware that aside from being crucial to building a childs self esteem, it is so easy to damage their self esteem if parents do not deal with their children properly. Parents can contribute in developing positive feelings of self worth in their children by helping them in a lot of aspects including the social and academic factors. Let us look some tips that will help the parents out there to build their childrens self esteem. Constant and sincere appreciation will make your child feel special. Most parents tend to only communicate with their children if they need something from them or if they need to correct them in whatever they are doing. This is not a good practice. Parents should take the time to talk to their children about good things that they have done. Make sure that whatever you say is sincere and appropriate. Do not over praise because as in anything else too much praising can bring out a negative result. When you really need to comment on something bad, do not be judgmental instead phrase your comment in a positive form. Your children may not be mature but they know when they are simply being corrected without explanation. Offer a reason why they are being corrected or better yet work with your children to arrive at a solution to make things better so such a situation will not happen again. If you have children with learning disability, make sure that you very well understand the nature of your childrens problem and vow to closely work with teachers and other important people to make her environment friendly to her despite her disability. All these things are not full proof shields against possible crushing of self esteem but it will help them deal with the harsh realities of like with a perspective that they are tough and can meet challenges head on. They may fail but they will get back on their feet faster than everyone else.

Buying Paintings: Cubism

What started out as a rather avant-garde art movement has become one of the greatest examples of artistic forms breaking that mold of convention, revolutionizing European painting and sculpture up to the present century, and was first developed between 1908 and 1912 during a collaboration between Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso with influences from the works of Paul Cezanne and Tribal art. Though the movement itself was not long-lived, it began an immense creative explosion that has had long lasting repercussions, and focused on the underlying concept that the essence of an object can only be captured by showing it from multiple points of view simultaneously. The movement had run its course by the end of World War I, and influenced similar ideal qualities in the Precisionism, Futurism, and Expressionistic movements. In the paintings representative of Cubist artworks, objects are broken up and reassembled in an abstracted form, and the artist depicts the subject in a multitude of viewpoints instead of one particular perspective. Surfaces seemingly intersecting at random angles to produce no real sense of depth, with background and object interpenetrating with one another, and creating the shallow space characteristic of Cubism. French art critic Louis Vauxcelles first used the term cubism, and it was after viewing a piece of artwork produced by Braque, the term was in wide use though the creators kept from using the term for quite some time. The Cubist movement expanded from France during this time, and became such a popular movement so quickly that critics began referring to a Cubist school of artists influenced by Braque and Picasso, many of those artists to Cubism into different directions while the originators went through several distinct phases before 1920. As Braque and Picasso worked to further to advance their concepts along, they went through a few distinct phases in Cubism, and which culminated in both Analytic and Synthetic Cubism. With Analytic Cubism, a style was created that incorporated densely patterned near-monochrome surfaces of incomplete directional lines and modeled forms that play against each other, the first phases of which came before the full artistic swing of Cubism. Some art historians have also pegged a smaller Hermetic phase within this Analytical state, and in which the work produced is characterized by being monochromatic and hard to decipher. In the case with Synthetic Cubism, which began in 1912 as the second primary phase to Cubism, these works are composed of distinct superimposed parts. These parts, painted or pasted on the canvas, were characterized by brighter colors. Unlike the points of Analytical Cubism, which fragmented objects into composing parts, Synthetic Cubism attempted to bring many different objects to create new forms. This phase of Cubism also contributed to creating the collage and papier colle, Picasso used collage complete a piece of work, and later influenced Braque to first incorporate papier colle into his work. Similar to collage in practice, but very much a different style, papier colle consists of pasting materials to a canvas with the pasted shapes representing objects themselves. Braque had previously used lettering, but the works of the two artists began to take this idea to new extremes at this point. Letters that had previously hinted at objects became objects as well, newspaper scraps began the exercise, but from wood prints to advertisements were all elements incorporated later as well. Using mixed media and other combinations of techniques to create new works, and Picasso began utilizing pointillism and dot patterns to suggest planes and space. By the end of the movement, with help from Picasso and Braque, Cubism had influenced more than just visual art. The Russian composer Igor Stravinsky was inspired by Cubism in some examples of his music that reassembled pieces of rhythm from ragtime music with the melodies from his own countrys influence. In literature, Cubism influenced poets and their poetry with elements parallel with Analytical and Synthetic Cubism, and this poetry frequently overlaps other movements such as Surrealism and Dadaism. PPPPP 659

Buying Orange Paintings for Friends

Buying orange paintings for friends can be very rewarding. This can also be a business if it is done properly. If you know your friends tastes, you can be very successful. I have been finding the most delightful paintings in orange lately. I have been buying the paintings for friends. They have been very well received. I found a seascape that had a beautiful red and orange sunset in it. The artist was Robyn Joy and buying paintings from her has been relatively easy. Her prices are reasonable and the quality is excellent. There was a painting that I decided to buy for some friends that were getting married. The painting was enormous and perfect for the loft they just purchased. It was orange and red and had a very stylized heart represented in the center. The painting was shipped from Germany and arrived only three days before the wedding! The painting that I chose for my sons college roommate was of orange sneakers. He got an executive position at Nike and needed help decorating his office. He loves the color orange and was thrilled that I actually found some dynamic modern impressionistic art for his office that featured shoes. My yoga instructor has been a good friend to me. I found buying a painting for her to be a very rewarding search. The painting that I ultimately chose was an abstract nude orange oil painting. She proudly hung it in her studio. My love of orange paintings tends to lean toward the abstract. I keep finding paintings that really speak to me. Buying the paintings for my friends has been really fun. One of my oldest friends received a painting of orange blossoms for Christmas. I know that orange trees bring back wonderful memories for her. While I was searching for just the right painting for my friends new home, I found a wonderful artist named Aileen. I bought her painting called Sunset Palm. It was an original acrylic painting on solid wood. It was breathtaking. Folk art is something that I am not very good at buying. I found myself drawn to some pieces at a local gallery that were very colorful and fun. I even found myself buying one! The friends that I bought the painting for are cat lovers and this was a folk art painting of three cats. The painting I bought for my best friend looks very stylish on her plain walls. It complements her modern furnishings and it makes an instant focal and conversational point. This painting is orange and burnt sienna has a dream like quality and, according to the artist, is born from our rich cultural heritage of myths, legends and poetry. It is full of atmosphere and evokes feelings of mystery. Pop art is fun to buy for friends. I had a friend move to Southern California and buy a beautiful home. I found the perfect painting for his stark white kitchen. The painting is of an orange and a glass of orange juice. It looks so nice on the new wainscoting. My niece is getting married later this year. I have spent quite a bit of time getting to know her soon-to-be new in-laws. I have found a lovely painting for them as a welcome to our family gift. They are involved in rose competitions and I found them a wonderful oil painting of a wild orange rose. I cant wait to give it to them. The most energetic painting Ive purchased was for a friend of my husband. I found an art student at the local college that was trying to sell a wall painting she had done in orange and green. The painting depicted orange and green in nature and how they represented the moods of the day. I wanted to keep this one for myself. I have a friend that teaches in a Montessori school. I found that buying a painting for the school was pretty easy. The classroom my friend teaches in is called the Iris room and I found a lovely watercolor painting of an iris that was very vibrant. My friend and her students sent me a very lovely thank you note for buying it. PPPPP 702

Developing Self Esteem During Childhood

The building of self-esteem starts in childhood. This means that as parents you have a responsibility to help your son or daughter to have a healthy self-image of him or herself. A healthy self-image is the cornerstone of good self-esteem. How important is self-esteem in a child's development? Developing self-esteem during childhood is very crucial. This is because it could affect the child in every stages of his or her development. How he looks at him or herself will definitely affect his or her future relationships, career development, confidence, prosperity and even happiness. Studies have shown that one of the traits happy people share is having a positive self-image of themselves. How does a parent that his or her child has a healthy self-image? There are several ways to do this. Below are just some of the things you can do to develop your child's self-esteem. Never compare your child with other children The single most devastating thing a parent can do to ruin his or her child's self-esteem is to compare him or her with other children. Unfortunately, comparisons are very much a part of our culture particularly our schooling system. One of the ways a child gets compared to other children is through peer pressure. Every child knows that there is tremendous pressure from other children, particularly from the ones in school to conform to the ways of a certain group. That is why in school you can see several cliques and these groups can be identified with different labels. There are the jocks, the jerks, the nerd or geek, the addict, the slut, etc. These groups are inherently not bad but oftentimes group's identity precedes the individual's identity which could lead into a loss in identity and eventually low self-esteem. To most adults these are just groups and labels but for a young innocent child the cliques are their world. Your child intentionally or not gets labeled and his or her tendency to is group with the ones with similar ideas and interests. Always praise and encourage your children When you talk to your child, always remember to use positive and encouraging words. If your child has done something praiseworthy then do not hold back on the kind and beautiful words. Doing so will do wonders for your kid's self esteem. It does not matter whether the act is big or small. If he did something good then praise him for it. There is nothing more discouraging than the feeling of not being appreciated for the things that you have done. Praising and encouraging children provides them with a positive self image of themselves. For them, it means that they are important enough for you to notice and recognize their achievements in life. By constantly giving kind encouraging words to children, you can ensure that they will grow healthy psychologically. Of course if they did something wrong, children should be reprimanded. But should do it in a way that it won't hurt their ego and damage their esteem. Whenever they have done something that is less than d desirable always make it clear to them that you are not in favor with the deed and not with them. Remember, developing your child's self-esteem is very important in his or her progress. Just follow the guidelines to make sure that your kid will grow up mature emotionally and mentally.
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