Buying Paintings: Precisionism

Also known as Cubist Realism, and related to the Art Deco movement, Precisionism was developed in the United States after World War I. The term for this movement was coined in the 1920s, and influenced by the Cubist and Futurist movements; the main themes for these paintings were mainly regarding industrialization and modernization of the American landscape. These elements were depicted with the use of precise and sharply defined geometrical shapes, a reverence for the industrial age, but with social commentary not a directly fundamental part. The degrees of abstraction ran the spectrum as some works had photo realistic qualities, and though the movement had no presence outside of the United States, the artists that made up this particular grouping were a closely knit collective remaining active through to the 1930s. Georgia OKeefe remained as one of the leading proponents of this style, and stayed so for many years afterwards until the 1960s, her husband was a highly regarded mentor for the group. In a post post-Expressionist phase of life in the art world, Precisionism has affected and influenced the movements of magic realism which utilizes aspects such as juxtaposing of forward movement with a sense of distance, and pop art in which themes from mass culture were used to define art much there forward. Just after the 1950s began, the movement of pop art was clear in places such as Britain and the United States, and employed elements of advertising and comic books to create a foundation that might have been taken as a reaction to the then popular movement of abstract expressionism. Though the term wasnt coined until 1958, it was later linked with Dadaism from the beginning of the century, and at one point was called Neo-Dada because of the strong influence from artist Marcel Duchamp. Later affecting artists like Andy Warhol and Jasper Johns, bringing the definition to come to mean one of low-cost mass-produced and gimmicky artwork, and stressing everyday values with common sources like product packaging and celebrity photographs. By exploring that fraction of everyday imagery, the artists found themselves working with contemporary consumer culture, and this became apparent in parts of Britain, Spain, and Japan around the same point in time. In Britain in particular, where pop art seemed to stem from at that point in 1947, and many works began blurring the boundaries between art and advertising. Whereas in Spain, the movement became interrelated with the new figurative, the work arose from the roots of informalism which began to be a critical aspect in this part of the world. In Japan, pop art has been seen and utilized throughout much of the countrys native artwork through such means as Anime and the superflat styles of art, and became the means through which the artists could further critique their own culture through a more satirical lens. When choosing a stimulating piece by these artists, it may be a more invigorating exercise to find some of those other artists to whom these later artists owe much of their inspiration towards their own work, and Precisionism is just as appropriate a place to start for you as anywhere else in the artistic spectrum. Today, Precisionism can be seen as fundamental influence in commercial and popular art, but cannot be too overlooked as being one of a few different movements to affect our present day stance on arts utility and functions. With the postmodern present coming to light, maybe we shall once again be drawn back to the past that we have come to take for granted too often, and reveal a new age to define a new century of experience. PPPPP 605

Caribbean Honeymoon Destination: A Romantic Honeymoon Vacation with Your Spouse

Caribbean Honeymoon Destination: A Romantic Honeymoon Vacation with Your Spouse The Caribbean is considered to be the perfect place for honeymoon vacations. With it's great beaches and with the different romantic activities that you and your spouse can do, both of you will definitely have a great time when you go on your first honeymoon or even your second or third honeymoon vacation. It is a fact that a lot of couples loved the Caribbean so much that they are willing to save money to go on their second or even their third honeymoon vacation in the Caribbean. However, it is also crucial that you should know how to plan your honeymoon vacation in order to avoid any problems that may arise in the future. You have to consider that even the perfect honeymoon destination can ruin your honeymoon if you dont plan. So, the first thing you need to do when you want to spend your honeymoon in the Caribbean, you have to plan ahead of time. Plan the honeymoon vacation with the wedding and should not come second. The honeymoon is just as important as the wedding. In order to plan effectively, consult with a number of travel agents. You should also try reading the brochures offered by Caribbean resorts. By doing this, you will have an idea on the different features offered by each resort. You should also look for a resort that offers honeymoon packages. You will also have an idea on which package you can afford or you can financially prepare for the honeymoon package in advance. When choosing a honeymoon resort in the Caribbean, you can also visit the internet and read the reviews. The reviews will let you know what to expect about the resort. By doing this, you will know about the services offered by a resort in the Caribbean, and you can also know about the quality of accommodation and the different activities. You can narrow down your search for the best honeymoon destination in the Caribbean by listing down those resorts which has positive vacation reviews. Book your reservations early. Many people make a mistake of booking their accommodations when they arrive at their destination. You have to consider that the Caribbean islands and beach resorts are very popular on tourists all over the world. You have to expect that most resorts will be fully booked, especially during tourist season and in the summer months. A week before the wedding and the honeymoon, you should prepare all your important travel documents in order to avoid looking for it as both of you are on your way to your destination. Get your passports and other travel documents organized to avoid frustrations. Ask your spouse to prepare theirs too. About 2 days before your wedding and your honeymoon, you should first confirm your reservation to the Caribbean resort. You should also confirm your flight reservations as well in order to avoid any problems at the airport. These are some of the things you should remember in order for you to experience the best and the most romantic honeymoon vacation that you and your spouse can ever have. Remember this and you will avoid any problems with your honeymoon vacation. You can be sure that you will never think of anything but spending a romantic time with your significant other.

Buying Paintings: Neoclassicism

Between the 18th and 20th centuries, a few quite distinctive trends were absorbed into the category of Neoclassicism, and it during these times that the movement as a whole came to absorb the classical inspirations that created a revival of ideals. These ideals, though standards from ages past, were defined by the artists synthesis of these elements into new works of art. It does not recreate styles of art from scratch, but instead shows the artists control over a particular body of classical works. By drawing from the classics of the past, Neoclassicism was paying tribute to eras of awareness that perhaps slipped away, but to regain some sense of these classical influences. In Europe, neoclassicism began as a reaction against the Baroque and Rococo styles, and a desired return to the art of Romanesque and Renaissance classicism. Each individual grouping of Neoclassicism, whether affecting architecture or the visual arts, has attempted to capture the ideas of times gone by to utilize them in forms of art that were considered modern at the time. In neoclassicist painting in particular, the subject matter seems to hearken back to those classical ideas by reviving those Greek to Renaissance themes, and forcing them into peculiar constraints that would recreate the elements into new formats. The Neoclassical style of artwork was heavily present during both the American and French Revolutions, and revival in the interest of classical thought in the style of ancient Greece and Rome, at times affecting a more Byzantine stance in some countries. A counterbalance came in the form of the Romanticism movement, and it never replaced Neoclassicism so much as aided in the influencing of many artists throughout the 19th century and beyond. When the architecture began to dominate the main aspects of neoclassicism, and has been found to be academically selective of the best Roman models guided with self-restraint. At first, the style had been grafted with other popular European forms of architecture, and this style became quite pronounced as neo-classically inspired furnishings were popular for the time. The style soon had international renown, and it was at this point that the architecture became strongly influenced by Roman designs after the discoveries at Pompeii, during excavations that took place at that time. Though all these designs seem a bit absurd and overcomplicated nowadays, there was a flush of Greek inspired work in the forms of busts and vases after 1800, and this was called the Greek revival. Continuing to be a force after the turn of the 19th century, even as Romanticism and Gothic styles took favor, but it seemed anti-modern to influential critical circles by the late 19th century. In the mid-19th century, several European cities had grandiose examples of the neoclassical style of architecture, and even early American architecture reflected this movement in various national monuments, and some of those monuments were the Lincoln Memorial and the National Gallery in Washington D. C. Soon, however, World War II would shatter those preconceptions for the world round. Covertly, there were many modernists that chose to express a neoclassical influence with subtle tribute here and there, and even Picasso played around with reincorporating neoclassical motifs into his work at one time. Even the Art Deco style was using these ideas on a very sly level of utilization, playing with classic Grecian lines and even breaking out in American culture through architecture and the dime by 1950, and became a strong ideology in the time between both World Wars. This literary and very literal side of the movement rejected the romanticism of Dada, for example, for the restraint of religion and reactionary politics. It can be a difficult bout to sort through all these items to find the ideal artwork that you would enjoy, and there many whose catalogs are extensive to say the least, making it quite an effort to glimpse through all of those works to find the pieces that you would enjoy the most. Finding the particular classifications that art periods fall under, such as neoclassicism, can keep your interest guided by where you can find most amount of work that you can acquire. Keep in mind, however, that many of these pieces are quite priceless to many collectors, and that buying a print of a particular famed work mat be more cost-effective for your budget. PPPPP 719

Care and Health Insurance for your Pet Pot Bellied Pig

Care and Health Insurance for your Pet Pot Bellied Pig There have been lots of books written about dogs like Old Yeller and Where the Red Fern Grows, Black Beauty is every girls dream horse after his memoirs were so cleverly translated, and a recent string of mystery novels featuring sleuthing cats have earned felines a place in the literary annals. Considering that isnt it interesting that some of the animal characters most people seem to remember the best are pigs. When book lovers think of pigs they smile as they remember the sweet innocence of Wilbur as he strutted around the barnyard, or they shudder with delicious distaste as they think about how George Orwell's Napoleon ruled the farm after overthrowing the humans in Animal Farm. Recently pigs have been finding their way into more and more homes as family pets. Many pet owners are delighted by the pigs keen intelligence and dynamic personality. Or they walk into a neat tidy barn and spot and entire litter of new piglets sleeping in a little pig heap on a bed of straw. The next thing they know they have purchased a young pot bellied pig and are taking it home. The first mistake people often make is assuming that a pot bellied pig would make a good pet for their family is that they don't really understand that the cuteness One minute they are holding a cute little piglet, the next they are looking at a short legged growing piglet with a strangely shaped skull, drooping jowls, and stiff hair. The next mistake pet owners make when they purchase a potbellied pig is that they assume it will stay miniature sized. While it is true that the pot bellied pig is considerably smaller then its barnyard cousins pet owners need to understand that the pigs that are used for bacon and Easter hams are normally butchered at weight surpassing three hundred and fifty pounds. The full grown sows can weigh in at well over five hundred pounds. Once you have purchased a newborn potbellied pig you need to start thinking about its health care. Pot bellied pigs need to be spayed or neutered, they need to have their feet trimmed on a regular basis, they need to have their long tusks trimmed, and they need yearly vaccinations. Purchasing a pet health plan for your new pet might help make veterinary care more affordable. If you decide to purchase a health insurance plan for your pot bellied pig make sure it is one that it will still be valid at the end of your pets life, which could bet twenty years away. If you are unable to find a pet health insurance company who is selling coverage for potbellied pigs try to get a deal through an insurance company that insure farmers valuable livestock. In addition to health insurance pot bellied pig owners should probably consider getting some type of liability insurance in case their pot bellied pig accidentally hurts someone. For the most part pot bellied pigs are low key and amiable but once in a while you can stumble across one that gets irritated with people. Just like their larger, barnyard cousins, pot bellied pigs a re very strong they literally toss a full grown man to the side with just a little nudge of their snout.

Buying Paintings: Minimalism

Though I could enjoy speaking on the topic of art for sometime, I found myself without a way to truly understand the differing values in the ways of thought that permeate this grouping of human experience, and found myself looking to sources over the Internet to further my knowledge to utilize the information gathered to purchase paintings. I have always been interested in the passions evoked by the series of artists and movements that proliferate what we have come to know as the history of art. Reflecting on this notion of lifes passing interaction whether Romanticist, Surrealist, or Minimalist in nature. Speaking on Minimalism now, the ideas that made this movement unique relied heavily upon the work being stripped down to the barest fundamental aspects, and laying bare those integral parts of self-expression. Many pieces of work other than visual art has been affected by these ideals of minimalism, and acted outside of this particular aesthetic appeal, creating new ways to interpret literature and even lifestyles. As far as painting goes, however, the minimalist paintings will typically use limited color schemes and simple geometric designs. Minimalist sculpture is focused on the materials used. Some of the phases commonly agreed on about this movement are each notable for how they have progressed the overall conception of minimalism as a movement. A distillation in forms was the first phase, with contributors claiming in order to create a universal language of art that masses were meant to understand easily, and seemed poised to support the rapid industrialization for particular settings of the time. Searching for a purity of form, and paving the way for the abstractions to come later on, allowing for the second more notable phase to reach its crescendo afterwards. Much of the formats for commercial artwork we see today have had a great deal of background in this movement of visual art, allowing us to understand on a fundamental level what the message is that the work is trying to convey, and a large amount of the signs and signals we find today relies heavily upon these ideals to translate a universal meaning to the general populace. We can easily see the progression of minimalism in these examples of the world over, and it almost as ingrained into our society now as much as we care to see. A minimalist painting will typically use a very limited amount of colors and have a very simplistic geometric design. Minimalism in sculpture, on the other hand, is much more concerned with the materials used. Many people believe that minimalism in generally is about geometric shapes, but this interpretation depends widely on the branch of art as well as the interpreter. But the simplest way to describe minimalism is that the less that is in the painting or work of art, the better it is. Minimalism is all about drawing attention to the few objects and colors of the composition. In this way minimalism shows us that less is better, for the eye is not drawn away by this of that filler or extra objects. Minimalism is about starting with nothing and then carefully applying the few objects and colors that will define the piece as a whole. Minimalism is still one of the major parts of contemporary art, but it is used I conjunction with other styles and flairs from other art movements to form new types of minimalism. PPPPP 567

Canadas Pet Health Concerns that Benefit from Canadian Pet Health

Canadas Pet Health Concerns that Benefit from Canadian Pet Health Insurance There are two health care issues that might make Canadas pet owners consider purchasing Canadian Pet Health Insurance for their family pets. Cancer and Tularemia. Cancer is a type of malignant tumor or growths that invade the surrounding tissues and use the bloodstream to move spread to other parts of the body. Some cancers reappear even after removal of the offending tumor. Cancer can cause that unless the tumor is removed and any remaining cancer cells properly treated. Because of improvements in veterinary care at nutritional needs family pets are living longer. As a direct result of the longer life span of family pets wore more cases of cancer are being seen. Signs that the family pet might have cancer are abnormal swellings that continue to grow, sores are a few heel, bleeding or other discharge from body openings, the pet is having a difficult time eating and swallowing, persistent lameness, difficulty breathing, painful urination, chronic coughing, weight loss, fevers, lack of appetite, and stamina. If you notice your pet experience the any individual or combination of the symptoms you should consult your local veterinarian. In the not so distant past cancer and pets was a virtual kiss of death. In today's medically advanced world of veterinary medicine your pets outcome is more positive. Early detection followed by timely intervention is the most positive here for your pet's cancer. In some cases simple removal on the tumor is all that is required to other may any cancer cells. Some types of cancer require or surgery. The surgery has an excellent success rate with cancers that were detected early on. If your pet has a tumor that is inoperable your veterinarian might suggest radiation, chemical, or biological therapy. Radiation therapy exposes the malignant cells to high level of radiation with the hope that the radiation will kill the cancer cells. Chemical therapy is medication design to kill the cancer cells. In particularly aggressive forms of cancer chemical and radiation therapy is used jointly. Other forms of therapies used to treat and comfort your pet when they are diagnosed with cancer are grooming, nutritional support, Soft bedding, pain management, ulcer prevention, and physical therapy. If your pet is diagnosed with cancer discuss treat to the veterinarian and call your pet health care insurance representative to find out what can be done to extend life of your pet. On October 2, 2004 Health Canada issued an advisory about a potential health concern to dwarf and regular hamsters called Tularemia. Tularemia is caused by a bacterial disease that is most commonly seen in wild rodents and rabbits. Although it only happens rarely Tularemia is transferable to humans causing flu like symptoms. Tularemia typically found in all muskrats, squirrels, beavers, rabbit, skunks, dear, bison, foxes, opossums, and woodchucks. Although Tularemia is seldom seen in dogs and cats can be contaminated through water, eating infected rabbits, and being bitten by contaminated ticks. The typical symptoms of Tularemia are fever, a loss of appetite, weakness, and diarrhea. If the condition is left untreated infected animals frequently died. The typical treatment plan for pets infected with Tularemia is to first eliminate any infected ticks from your pets fur. After that the drugs Strptomycin and Gentamycin are administered for one to two weeks. Tetracycline and Chloramphencicol have also been used to treat pets diagnosed with Tularemia.
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