Fast Facts On Potatoes

Throughout America, potatoes are the most popular vegetable, even being ahead of other well known vegetables such as lettuce and onions. You can cook potatoes in a variety of ways, and they are included in one out of three meals eaten by almost all Americans. When they are prepared in a healthy way, a potato can be an excellent source of energy and also pack a nutritional punch. Like oranges, potatoes are very high in vitamin C. The fact is, one medium potato contains 45% of the vitamin C that's recommended for good health. Potatoes are also high in fiber and carbohydrates and contain more potassium than a banana. A potato is naturally low in calories and contains no fat, sodium, or cholesterol. The skins of the potatoes provide a helpful dose of fiber, iron, potassium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, and several B vitamins. You can prepare potatoes by boiling them, steaming them, or even roasting them. If at all possible, you should avoid putting potatoes in the refrigerator or freezing them, as cold will turn the potato starch to sugar and cause them to turn dark when they are cooked. When you store potatoes, keep them in a cool, dark place. Too much light will cause them to turn green. You can store them in the basement if you have one, as the basement is the best place to keep potatoes. From mashed potatoes to baked potatoes, a potato is something we all know and love. They serve many different tasty foods, and they provide our bodies with plenty of healthful benefits. We all eat potatoes, some of us even grow our own. Whether you grow your on or buy them, the potato is the one vegetable that makes everything just a little bit better. (word count 295) PPPPP

Painful self expression

Body piercing is both an art and science. An art form since it is a means to express oneself. And a science since body piercing also involves some basic knowledge on metal properties. Regardless, body jewelry has become more of a fashion in the past decades for both men and women. Various subcultures have emerged that uses to full extent body piercing and body jewelry. These include the emergence of the hippies and gay communities and the newer punk subculture. Materials used for body jewelry production have evolved from the traditional gold and silver to the now more common surgical steel. Other newer materials used include titanium, glass, plastic, wood, horn, amber, stone, bamboo, silicone, fossilized ivories, tusks and other bones. Nowadays, the material itself is a statement of originality, uniqueness and self expression. You already know about the usual materials used for body jewelry. These are gold, white gold, sterling silver, stainless surgical steel, platinum and titanium. It would be best now to look at the different types of materials used as forms of alternatives for the more expensive metals. Glass and plastic are some materials used for body jewelry. However, it is important to know that not all glass and not all plastics can be fashioned into body jewelry. Glass suitable for body jewelry are only limited to borosilicate glass. Pyrex and Kimax are popular makers of these types of glass. Borosilicate glass is the only type of glass suitable for body jewelry since they are tempered, medical-grade, non-porous and lead-free. Glass jewelry is non-toxic and is bio-compatible. However, glass jewelry is used for only on well-healed piercing. Also, glass is heavy and the use of big chunks of which can create more strain on the piercing causing involuntary stretching and healing problems. Plastics on the other hand come in various forms like Acrylic, Nylon, Teflon (PTFE), Silicone, Polymer, Lucite, Resin, Polyamide and Polyester. It is said that acrylic is the best plastic that could be used for body jewelry. Not only is acrylic inexpensive, it is versatile and lightweight as well. The problem with acrylic and plastics in general is that they are not autoclavable. This means that body jewelry made from plastic is not truly safe since there is no true safe way to sterilize them. And even if bio-compatible, acrylic jewelry can cause redness, irritation and bad odor on the piercing since it doesn't allow the piercing to breathe. Generally, plastics are not suitable as piercing jewelry and should only be worn in short-term and in a well-healed piercing. Some jewelers and body jewel crafters used rubber and silicone to fashion body jewelry. Studies have shown that rubber and silicone can be used as body jewelry. However, they should never be used for piercing and even for unhealed ones. The main danger in using silicon is that it auto-stretches. This creates problems like tearing or over-stretching of the hole. Plus silicon's flexibility tends to seal the skin around the piercing. Because the hole is sealed, it doesn't allow the hole to breathe and heal and causes the build-up of bodily discharges which eventually will cause irritations and severe infections. Other body jewelries are made from other natural products such as wood, stones and even ivories and bones. They are beautiful and their exotic feel creates a different appeal. They come in different colors and styles. Care should be taken however when using such body jewelry. They should never be used for fresh piercing since the uneven surface can serve as beds of bacteria causing a wide range of infections. These types of jewelries are reserved for well-healed piercing only.

Does smoking affect your erections?

When it was first introduced into the market, the advertisers promoted their products through celebrity endorsements with Sir Walter Raleigh and Philip of Spain working tirelessly to popularise smoking and enhance their personal profits. Although many attempts were made to ban the use of tobacco in various countries around the world, we had to wait until the last century for real progress to be made. The decision whether to use any drug is always a balancing of the benefits against the costs. In the case of tobacco, smoking releases a batch of chemicals producing a pleasurable response sufficiently strong to be addictive. People are hooked quite quickly and find the unpleasantness of the withdrawal symptoms a deterrent to quitting. But, despite the best efforts of the tobacco industry to hide the medical evidence, we now understand the physical dangers of smoking. The link with cancer and heart disease is undeniable. This information now deters many young people from starting to smoke and encourages existing smokers to endure the withdrawal symptoms to quit. Curiously, less is made of the link between smoking and erectile dysfunction. Perhaps it is considered too personal an attack on lifestyle choices. Just as some will resist calls to moderate the amount of alcohol drunk despite the risk of liver disease, others will deny the need to quit smoking unless their lives are directly at risk.

There are a number of different physical reactions to smoking nicotine that are important in this context. The first is a general contraction of the blood vessels which causes an increase in blood pressure as the heart is pushed to pump harder to maintain the circulation. Over time, the nicotine encourages arteriosclerosis, a hardening of the arteries in the contracted state. In research published by the American Journal of Epidemiology, 70% of all cases of arteriosclerosis is caused by heavy smoking. The first symptoms of this appear in the smaller arteries in the hands, feet and penis. You may feel the cold more and erectile dysfunction will become an increasingly obvious problem. Recent research from China shows that men who have smoked are 60% more likely to experience erectile dysfunction than men who have never smoked. If you persist in smoking, there can be damage to the sperm. In the long term, complete impotence and infertility is achieved. As an aside, it is worth mentioning that exactly the same result is achieved when you smoke cannabis.

The moral of this story should be obvious. Ignoring the risks of cancer and heart disease, maintaining and active sex life and the ability to have children demand you quit smoking. Quitting early will prevent any further reduction in the quality of your erections. If you cannot quit, cialis will help you maintain hard erections in the first stage as you develop arteriosclerosis. The drug triggers the dilation of the arteries supplying blood into your penis. But there will come a point when the arteries harden to such a degree that cialis stops working effectively. Now it's only a matter of time before you lose the power to get an erection altogether. This is a direct threat to what it means to be a man. Once the first symptoms of erectile dysfunction appear, you should quit. This should not be a matter for debate. You should just quit.

Facts on Opalescence Teeth Whitening System

People like their pearly whites to be both pearly and white. It sounds lame but it is true. People love to take care of their teeth. One might even say that people are particularly vain concerning their teeth. This is because when meeting people, the teeth are definitely the first thing to get noticed. We smile in order to show people a glimpse of our soul. There are people who depend on their smiles for their living. This is the reason behind the success of such products as the Opalescence teeth whitening system. The Opalescence teeth whitening system lets people take the system home and do the whitening themselves. This might seem like unnecessary work for some people, but for others, it means convenience. People today do not have the time to go to the dentist for teeth whitening. Some just choose to get a tan instead of having their teeth whitened. This is the reason why the Opalescence teeth whitening system is so sought after. Convenience is one of the things that people look for today. How does the Opalescence teeth whitening system work? First of all, you have to know that the Opalescence teeth whitening system is a professional-grade bleaching system. This means that it can whiten your teeth faster than other over the counter teeth whitening systems. This is because of the fact that most over the counter teeth whitening systems contain only about 3 to 10 percent hydrogen peroxide. However, the Opalescence teeth whitening system has a 38 percent concentration of hydrogen peroxide. While most teeth whitening systems today require the use of a bleaching light in order to activate the product, the Opalescence teeth whitening system is the first product which lists the use of the light as optional. People like this because it is often the case that the cost of the bleaching light is undeniably higher than the cost of the actual product. Another interesting fact about this is that lately, many dentists are finding out that the studies regarding the use of bleaching lights rarely do prove that the light is needed to activate the hydrogen peroxide. Although you can take the Opalescence teeth whitening system home, it is still advisable that you get a professional to whiten your teeth. This is because the Opalescence teeth whitening system works best when in the hands of a professional. About 90 minutes is required from preparation to the actual procedure. Think of it: just one and a half hours for you to have whiter teeth! Besides giving you whiter teeth, the opalescence teeth whitening system also gives you other benefits. While some teeth bleaching systems may give you sensitive teeth and thus, forever deny you the pleasure of eating ice cream, the opalescence teeth whitening system actually minimizes sensitivity. This means that you do not have to sacrifice the pleasure of eating certain foods in order to have a great smile. Another complaint that people have with common bleaching agents is the fact that these often cause teeth to become vulnerable to cavities. However, the opalescence teeth whitening system actually strengthens the enamel, making it harder and decreases the likelihood of cavities. The opalescence teeth whitening system can give great benefits to whoever uses the product. You get whiter teeth in a way thats convenient and painless. So what are you waiting for?

How To Use A Tell A Friend Script To Drive

How To Use A Tell A Friend Script To Drive Traffic Today More and more webmasters have the recurring dilemma on how to increase the flow of traffic in the websites. During the past few years many methods that been developed to solve this predicament. While most of them would work there are those that would not make even a small impact. One of the methods that have spawned many success stories in driving traffic into websites is viral marketing. Viral marketing makes use of the tendency of a person to share something to find informative, entertaining or amazing. Many companies bank on this behavior to spread their products and increase the popularity of their company or their website. Viral marketing makes use of many mediums in enticing this behavior. It might be in the form of an interesting story, an addicting flash game, an amusing video and many others that may catch a persons fancy. This ingenious form of marketing is typically low cost and is a wonderful tool for any company to utilize. The benefit greatly overshadows the cost or efforts to initialize this marketing scheme. Any website would greatly benefit that viral marketing. Tell A Friend Script One of the easiest methods in viral marketing is using a tell a friend script. This is a simple programming script that you can attach to the programming of your website. Generally, tell a friends script are installed in pages where a media is placed so that a person can easily send the media to any of his friends or his family members. The basic concept of a tell a friend script is a script wherein a person may input his name, e-mail address, the recipients e-mail address and send the media to the intended recipient much like an e-mail with an attachment. As the recipient receives the e-mail he wouldnt think of the mail a spam mail because he would see the senders name as someone he or she knows and trust. Tell a friend script eliminates greatly the chances of being blocked because they use the information inputted by the sender. This allows for wider spreading of this marketing method. It can be quite sneaky but it is very effective. With the e-mail sent and opened the sent media will either be read, viewed or played. Also along with the mail would be a brief description of the company or site that sponsors the media sent. This allows for the introduction of either the site, company name or its products. The along with it is another tell a friend script. Then the process begins again. As more people use the tell a friend script, more and more people will know of the existence of the sponsoring company or site. People who read the ads inside the mail who liked what they see would go and click on the link and visit the site. This drives traffic into the site resulting to great number of potential customers. Tell A Friend Script Availability A tell a friend script is very simple and does not require a complicated method of programming. In fact, you can copy paste a script and simply put it on an intended page. Finding one is even simpler. All you have to do is go to a search engine and type in the search box tell a friend script then press enter or click go. In the search results page you will see many links that will direct you to a site where you can get a tell a friend script. It would just be a simple matter of looking and searching for the script and copying it to your intended web page. With a tell a friend script viral marketing strategy you can drive traffic into your site which could potentially spell profits. This is a simple harmless script that offers great benefits for low cost paired with great creativity and foresight. It is imperative that you have patience in using a tell a friend script. If your chosen media doesnt get the mileage that is expected of it, it may take some time before it gets spread or shared. But surely many people will see your ads and there is great probability that they will visit your site increasing your traffic flow.

Purchasing Body Building Supplements Online

In today's society, many people are conscious about how they look. It is a fact that having a muscular body means that you will be more attractive to look at and will have more self confidence. Having a body that you can be proud of can build self-confidence and people will be intimidated with your body. Besides, having a muscular body is better than having a thin and puny looking body. It is also better than having those extra padding in your body that many people call as "love handles" or "beer belly". A muscular body also means a healthy body and with today's health conscious society, you have to consider getting a great looking body and also a healthy heart. So, if you want to have a great looking and muscular body that looks like WWE's superstar John Cena, or a body like those of Hollywood star Vin Diesel's, you should turn off that TV, get off your La-Z-Boy and visit the gym or, if you can afford it, purchase body building equipments to build a personal home gym. Building that body you want will require you to have great discipline in terms of workout routines and diet. It will also require you taking dietary body building supplements in order to achieve your maximum performance in your body building routines. Today, there are quite a lot of body building supplements available in the market. You have to consider that body building requires intensive workout routines and will cause significant injuries in your muscles. This is why you should know how to do proper workout by hiring a professional body building fitness trainer to assist you in your routines. Body building supplements is also recommended in order for you to achieve maximum performance for your body. These supplements work by aiding your body and muscles to reach its maximum potential and help repair injured or damaged muscle tissues faster. You have to know that body building supplements cannot work on its own. It doesnt mean that you can take body building supplements and simply relax and watch your favorite TV show in your comfortable recliner and wait for your muscles to grow. This is not how body building supplements work. You still need to workout hard. As mentioned before, the body supplements you will take will only help your body reach its maximum potential. However, you have to consider that some body building supplements can be hard to find. Thanks to the advancement in communications technology, you will have access to different kinds of legal body building supplements available in the market today. Body building supplements manufacturers are now making their products available online where you can choose from a wide variety of body building supplements at a very affordable cost. You have to consider that retailers tend to increase the price of body building supplements because of its growing demand. By ordering it online, you will be able to get the body building supplements you need at a very affordable cost. However, before you just purchase any body building supplements you see, you have to consult your professional body building fitness trainers about what particular body building supplement you should purchase and what effective brand is available. These are the things you have to know about body building supplements. By knowing what kind of brand to purchase and also what kind of body building supplements, you will be able to achieve great and visible results in your body at a very short time.
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