Buying paintings: Surrealism

Surrealists were a group of painters and artists that drew a large amount of inspiration from the potent impact from dreams. In the beginning, before this artistic movement was fully embraced, many civilized people questioned the value of these works of art. Though considered some of the more recent ground-breaking artwork yet to date by drawing on the psychoanalytic work of Freud and Jung, the Surrealist movement has not lost any of its prior affect on many a budding artist today, and influence from this art can be found in many of the works produced by the fresh artists of today. Surrealism started as an outgrowth from another movement in the art world between the first and second World Wars. The movement that was later called Dada, and was most popular before the occurrence of WWI; many works of anti-art were produced as a reaction to the growing restrictions of the social world around at the time. Where Dadas artwork was produced to deliberately defy the boundaries of reasonable interpretation, Surrealism expressed a more positive goal of combining a sense of the fantastic with a realistic eye, and creating a bold vision that took the idea of the surreal to the next level. It is when reviewing the more creative and remarkable artists of this era, that one can come to realize the appeal and effect that the dreamy state of being has had on the art as a whole, and a person can come to grasp a more personal aspect to these unique interpretations of some of the issues that affect us today. Art is constantly being redefined from within, and it is solely upon the artists shoulders to weigh out the experience onto a canvas. It has been said that art imitates life and vice versa, but with Surrealism, the tables are certainly turned around when seen for oneself. Artists and free thinking individuals such as; Andre Breton whom wrote the Surrealist Manifesto in 1924, to famed artist Pablo Picasso to whom Surrealistic success was achieved during his period of Cubism. Some of those artists who are now renowned as predecessors to the Surrealist movement began as affiliates of the Dadaism that was strongest during 1919 and the early 1920s, and some of those artists even took Surrealism to greater heights than before. Such as Marcel Duchamp who took to defying the boundaries in stride with his previous experience in the Dada movement. Though some pieces can seem happenstance from a distance, the powerful intent of the artist to convey a new meaning through mixing up and recombining various creative influences, and even at times making new threads of thought from old ideas or objects is the goal of the artist. To defy the boundary that one has to each own their reality in life, and to put on a new sense of perspective, shaping the rest of a lifetime to come. Some of the more famed paintings are hard to find inexpensively, but buying prints can be the easiest solution to that problem. There is still a great deal of work created today that draws heavily from the impact that Surrealist thought has made on art in general, and especially on how art can be defined on a truly individual front. The most world-renowned artists have already passed on, but their examples stand as firm points from which to gain an understanding of what Surrealism is, whether defined through a critical mind or as a sampling of how broad the area of art can be. Surrealism is an artistic expression of that state of mind that lies unexplained at the gateway of the subconscious. PPPPP 607

Affordable Body Jewelry

With body piercing and body jewelry steadily penetrating pop culture and mainstream society, more and more people have been taking advantage of this vogue fashion statement. Nowadays, not only the rich and popular can adorn themselves with these avant garde fashion pieces. With more and more demand, more and more, cheap body jewelry have become available in the market. The beauty of body jewelry is that it need not be made of very expensive material. Nowadays, it is quite easy to get cheap body jewelry without having to compromise style. Cheap body jewelry are now produced to give consumers a wide range of choices that will easily fit their budget. This way, looking and feeling good need not be too expensive. For instance, traditional body jewelry such as rings, earrings, necklaces and bracelets are now made of non-precious materials that look just as fabulous as their extremely costly counterparts. There are even alternative choices for cheap body jewelry used for various body piercing. It is important to note however that your need to be extra meticulous when it comes to choosing cheap body jewelry. Although they are as fashionable as their more expensive counterparts, the reason why some body jewelry are not so cheap is because they use sterile materials to ensure the protection of your piercing. For instance, it is advisable to use good quality metals and materials for body jewelry when having a body part pierced for the first time. This is simply because a pierce results in a wound that needs to heal properly to avoid complications. This is especially true for extremely sensitive body areas that remain moist and susceptible to infections like tongue piercing and the like. For these types of areas, cheap body jewelry just won't do if you want to ensure proper healing and sanitary circumstances. While it is possible to use cheap body jewelry once the pierced flesh has healed, it is extremely stressed that only sterile and quality materials are used for the piercing and healing state. At any rate, materials like sterilized stainless steal can be used which makes for cheap body jewelry as opposed to precious and semi-precious metals like silver and gold. In this case, even if you don't used precious metals and instead, use cheap body jewelry, you can be assured of continued safety from complications regarding your body piercing. To find the right cheap body jewelry, purchase them only from reputable stores and outlets. Be sure to read the packaging for the materials used on cheap body jewelry as well as any indication on the quality control measures that have been put in place to ensure that the piece of body jewelry you are about to purchase is something that will not compromise your safety. It may sound like a very tedious and meticulous regimen to have to closely inspect cheap body jewelry before purchasing them, but remember that body jewelry becomes a part of your body when you wear it. In this case, it is of utmost importance to maintain the proper controls and hygienic practices. This however should not deter you from purchasing cheap body jewelry. Just be more judicious in choosing the right cheap body jewelry that fits both your style and budget and you can be assured of a carefree enjoyment of fashion tempered with the right sensibility.

Buying Paintings: Romanticism

Though sometimes referred to as the anti-classical movement in art, Romanticism is a style that focuses on the artists individualistic and emotionally wrought point of view, and is found to oppose the art movement known as Neoclassicism. Even though there have been many artists to combine elements of both. Some of the more renowned names around this movement, which utilized strong emotion to convey meaning, were Francisco de Goya and William Blake respectively. This particular art form became a reaction to the outgrowth of reason by homing in on imagination and feeling. It is not difficult to see the value in the paintings by these artists, and there have been many examples of how other artists have influenced one another over time. As the whole category of Romanticism refers more to the trends of artists, poets, and philosophers of the late 18th and early 19th centuries than as much to an artistic movement. Though one has definitely influenced the other and vice versa rather equally as time went along, there are very few areas in modern life that can be said to stay untouched by the Romantic period, and many agree that this was a vital point in the worlds development as a whole. Where the people of the period at the time were involved in an overwhelming interest in things of a rational or enlightened nature, the Romantic ideal favored intuition instead, and has been the subject of many differing characterizations of the movement for intellectual and literary histories. There are many varying attitudes on how Romanticism has affected the modern world, and what place this movement has had in the greater picture of history. Some cite Romanticism as being the originating moment of modernity, while others seem to think that it is a beginning to a resistance to the enlightened age, and still others date the movement as a direct aftermath of the French Revolution that is completely continuous with the present. Romanticism was previously mentioned as affecting music and literature as well as art, but this is less understated than it might seem at first, Romanticism is very prominent in the music and literature of this period. As the age moved along, more than a few critics have considered composers such as Mozart, Hadyn, and Beethoven as being the three Romantic composers. In literature all over the world, the Romanticism movement deeply affected every writer from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe through to even the 20th centurys Ayn Rand, and many more writers between those times when Romanticism was most prominent. As it became apparent that Romanticism was going to stay a strong influence for many years to come, many critics have taken to confirming that the Romantic period has been elemental in the progress of art to the present day, and that there is almost no famed artist who has not been in part affected by these potent periods of artwork and creative purpose. This rebellion against social and political standards of the age was instrumental in the changing over from those same standards, and created a lush place from which to draw inspiration for the next centuries to come. Romanticism has become a piece of history that cannot be overlooked for very long as every place that one can turn has somehow been affected by the progress from this one particular time period, though that is certain for many artistic movements that have been present throughout time, and seems to put more clout into the common statement of art imitating life and life imitating art. Neo-Romanticism worked itself out through artists reevaluation of the earlier works by those like William Blake, and especially in areas like Britain, creating a new underground of writers, artists, and composers. Neo-Romanticists have been considered the contrast to naturalism as Romanticism was considered the opposite to Neoclassicism in its heyday because of the movement seems to stress feeling and internal observation, as opposed to the naturalistic tendency to stress external observation, and utilize historic rural landscapes to react to the modern world of machines and its urbanization. Post-romanticism is an outgrowth of passionate art that refers to a postmodern re-enactment of romantic themes and motifs in contemporary art up to today, and combines the best of traditional artwork with a more modern flair. In regards to the 20th century turns that Romanticism has made, Romantic realism has evolved out of Romanticism to incorporate elements of themes of value while referring to objective reality and the importance of technique, and was popularized though not coined by the writer and philosopher Ayn Rand. This lead to artists incorporating Romanticism and Realism, though they seemed more weighed to the Romanticist side of the equation, and is considered more as a branching of the Romanticism movement today. PPPPP 792

Cause of Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's disease is a form of a mental disorder that is also known as "dementia", a brain disorder that affects and seriously impedes the brain's ability to process rational or normal thought. This usually results in limiting the amount of daily activities that require the use of cognitive abilities of its sufferers. Alzheimer's is a debilitating disease because it affects the part of the brain that is responsible for thought, memory, and language. Alzheimer's is especially one of the most disabling diseases that can affect the older population. What makes Alzheimer's disease a very serious affliction is that it is a progressive disorder that can slowly kill the irreplaceable nerve cells in the brain. Although Alzheimer's is detected more often among patients over 60 years old, there are some individuals as young as 50 years of age who can show signs of Alzheimer's. Alzheimer's disease holds no boundaries. It can equally affect people of different cultures and is found to afflict both males and females in equal proportions. Not one particular test is known to be used for diagnosing Alzheimer's. A variety of methods and tests are being used to diagnose 90 percent of Alzheimer's cases. A 100 percent accuracy in diagnosing the disease can only be achieved upon autopsy to check for plaques and tangles in the sufferer's brain. The root cause of Alzheimer's disease is not yet quite well understood despite the many years of research on the debilitating condition. Alzheimer's is a complex disease that can be caused by a number of different influences. The main cause of Alzheimer's disease that researchers today have found out is damaged brain cells that die for unknown reasons. The cause of Alzheimer's disease, which was first isolated by the German neurologist Dr. Alois Alzheimer, is the abnormal clumping together of brain cells. These clumps, also known as plaques, and knots or tangles which disrupt normal brain functioning, are considered as the main definitive characteristics of Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's Disease and Its Cause Genetics are also being studied as a possible cause of Alzheimer's disease. Another possible cause of the disease is seen to be a slow developing viral infection that results in brain inflammation. Although the actual cause of Alzheimer's disease may not yet be known and still in the discovery stages, there are a number of risk factors that is known to increase the likelihood of Alzheimer development. Age is known as a risk cause of Alzheimer's disease. As a person ages, the likelihood that he or she will develop Alzheimer's also increases. The average age of diagnosis for Alzheimer's is about 80 years old. Gender is also seen as involved in the development of Alzheimer's disease, but studies for this may still be inconclusive. The reason as to why the risk is seen to be greater in women is that they tend to live longer than the men. Hereditary tendency is being looked into as another risk cause of Alzheimer's disease. The presence of some defective genes and genetic mutations within the same bloodlines has also been seen to increase the development of Alzheimer's disease. Another possible cause of Alzheimer's disease that is being looked into is the malfunction of the immune system and protein imbalances that occur in the brain. Certain environmental factors such as the presence of aluminum in the home or workplace are also being put under investigation as a possible cause of Alzheimer's disease.

Buying Paintings: Realism

In literature as well as art realism is the depiction of subjects as they appear in practical, everyday life. Realism does not deal with interpretation or embellishment. The point of realism is to capture people or situations in a gritty and real way. Similar to realist photography, the realist painter does not place emphasis on stylization but is most interested in depicting situations just as they appear to the naked eye. While realism depicts real characters in real situations, there tends to be emphasis placed on the sordid or ugly. In this way, realism is very much the opposite of idealism. In idealism the theory is that the reality and regular world around us is merely a reflection of a higher truth. With realism, however, its as though were saying all I know for sure is what my eyes and other sense organs tell me. As a reaction to the idealism of Romanticism in France during the middle of the nineteenth century, realism became the popular cultural movement in many ways. Realism is often linked to demands for political and social reform, as well as ideas about democracy. Dominating the literature and visual arts of England, France and the United States between the years 1840 and 1880, realism was popular throughout many facets of life. Realists tend to throw out such hubris as classical forms, theatrics and lofty esoteric subjects in favor of the most commonplace subjects and themes. A very famous example of a realist painting is Jean-Francois Millets The Gleaners from the year 1857. This painting portrays three women working in the fields. The colors are very realistic, almost drab, by contrast to non-realist paintings. Realism as an art movement appears as early as 2400 BC in India in the city of Lothal. Examples of this type of art can be found around the world and throughout art history. In a very broad sense, realism is art that shows any subject or object that has been observed and accurately depicted, though the entire art piece may not conform to realism conditions. During the late sixteenth century the most prominent mode of art in European art was a form called mannerism, which showed artificial and elongated figures in very unreal, though graceful positions. Then an artist by the name of Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio emerged and changed much of the direction of art simply by depicting real humans doing real things. His work shows images painted directly fro meveryday life and shows an immediacy that had never been seen before. Dutch art had any realism entries, with their fondness for homely details and humble situations and subjects. Rembrandt is a very well known example of Dutch realism in paintings. The Barbizon School took realism in a whole new direction when, by observing and painting nature, the beginnings of Impressionism took shape. Realism still plays a role in paintings and art of all kinds today. From film to television and the fine arts, realism is still a major player in the world of creative and expressive processes and productions. Throughout human history there have been those that wish to see things as they are and those that see in reality a hint of the divine. Realism went a long way in providing the one extreme with which weve discovered several in betweens in more modern and contemporary art. PPPPP 558

Your Cat and Food Allergy

Dogs and cats are affected by food allergies. Having a pet cat has its rewards and you get to have a companion when you're all alone in your house. But did you know that even if your feline companion is just 5 months old, it can already have a food allergy? However, majority of cats exhibit symptoms of an allergy between 2 to 6 years old. Those cats that have food allergies have contact allergies or concurrent inhalant. Oftentimes, pet owners confuse a food allergy from food intolerance. The first one is the true allergy wherein symptoms of skin problems and itching are associated with cat allergies. The latter is a result of diarrhea or vomiting and doesnt create an allergic response. The one thing that is common among the two is that both conditions can be removed with a carefully planned diet that is free from allergy agents. Among cats, the most common types of food that cause an allergic reaction are dairy products, beef, and fish. The offenders are also the common ingredient in their foods. The correlation is not considered a coincidence. There are proteins that are antigenic than other proteins. The food proteins are usually similar and the occurrence of allergic responses can be associated with exposure. The major symptom if your cat has a food allergy is an itchy skin. It can also include excessive scratching, miliary dermatitis, and hair loss. If you purely base your evaluation from physical signs, then you can't distinguish if your cat has food allergy, or if your cat has Atopy and other allergies. If at the beginning of winter your cat is having an allergic reaction, or if it happens all year-round, then your cat might be suffering from food allergy. If the itchy skin felt by your cat doesnt respond to steroid treatments and antihistamines, then this is another confirmation that your cat is suffering from an allergy. Prior to obtaining a food allergy diagnosis, your cat's other health problems must be identified and treated. This includes Atopy, parasite hypersensitivities, allergies with flea bites, bacterial or yeast infections, seborrhea, and other problems. If all those problems are resolved and your cat still exhibits symptoms, then you should start with a food trial. Your cat's food trial should consist of novel food and carbohydrate that will last for about 12 weeks. You can avail of the diet commercially, or you can also have it homemade. Dont give your cats treats during the trial period. Just make sure that it is still a well-balanced diet so that your cat won't get sick. If you observe elimination or marked reduction of the symptoms, then you should do provocative testing, which means that you give the original food back. This is essential to prove or confirm your diagnosis. If the symptoms go back after eating the original food, then your diagnosis is confirmed. Your cat truly has food allergy. After such confirmation, you have two choices. You can either feed your cat a homemade diet or a commercial diet. If you choose the first option, you can challenge your cat with other ingredients that doesnt cause allergic reactions. Make sure that you give the right amount of food ingredients. The second option requires you to purchase every now and then and an added cost. Whatever you choose, it's for your cat's well-being.
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