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Teeth Whitening: Do it the Professional Way
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on Senin, 08 Februari 2010
There is a popular saying that goes like, Smile and the world smiles with you. There is no doubt that a beautiful smile radiates infectiously to others. Let us put an emphasis on the word beautiful. How does one possess a beautiful smile? Of course you have to agree that heredity cannot be singled out. Lifestyle and attitude also play part in the maintenance or even having a sweet smile. But what if you can not incorporate a do-it-yourself way to your busy lifestyle so as to have a smile makeover transform your simple smile into a rather healthy and infectious one? In this case, a professional treatment by a dentist might be the best remedy. The following article provides an appraisal of a professional teeth whitening system usually provided and conducted by dentists. Professional teeth whitening is a technique by which whitening compounds that are peroxide based are applied to teeth by dentists within their dental office. Laser teeth whitening is the common practice of dentist to whiten teeth stained by nicotine, food, or even liquids. Peroxide-based whitening compounds usually depend on two factors: 1.The concentration of peroxide in a whitening compound 2.The amount of time a whitener is put in contact in the surface of the teeth Laser teeth whitening utilize a higher concentration of whitener for a shorter period of time, say for hours or for few appointments. The whitening compounds and associated equipment (bleaching light or laser) used by dentists are normally purchased from a manufacturer as a franchise, system, or simply as a kit. In fact, many manufacturers have provided national campaigns about their whitening products and equipment, and dentists play a vital part in the promotion of a manufacturers product because they are actually using the product to their patients. Below is a list of some professional whitening products dentists and professionals choose. (The kind of bleaching laser or light is enclosed in parentheses.) 1.BriteSmile (gas plasma light/light emitting diode) 2.LaserSmile (a Biolase laser) 3.LumaArch (halogen light) 4.Rembrandt Sapphire (plasma arc light) 5.Zoom! (metal halide light) Each of these whitening systems has its own degree of effectiveness. However, we can summarize three standard steps when using these types of products. 1.The dentist will compare the tooth shade of the patient with a tooth shade guide. Surface stain and tartar are removed before determining the tooth shade. A dentist needs to document a pre-treatment and a post-treatment tooth shade to assess the effectiveness of the whitening treatment system applied. A dentist may make use of variously shaded tooth-shaped porcelain tabs and compare them to a patients set of teeth and each match is documented. Some dentists even take pictures of a patients teeth before and after the treatment. Flour of pumice is used to polish each tooth to ensure that stains are completely removed. 2.The dentist will isolate teeth being whitened. Bleaching agents, normally peroxide-based, can irritate or even damage delicate tissues within and inside mouth of patients. To protect these tissues, dentist use dental dam barriers. Thin sheet of latex punched with a hole for each tooth and dental gels painted around each tooth are used to protect teeth being treated. When the latter is used, a cheek retractor, cotton rolls and gauze are used to make sure that the patients lips and cheeks are held out of the way. Afterwards, these items are simply peeled off. 3.Bib covering and eye protection are placed on the patient. Unexpected things can happen. Bibs are worn by patients to protect their skin against the caustic nature of these bleaching agents. Eye protection is also placed to ensure that whiteners will not irritate even the eyes of the patients. Moreover, it is a common knowledge that an intense bleaching light or a laser used to activate the components of bleaching compounds could cause eye damage. What else can I do if I have undergone professional whitening? To get rid off typical stainsthe coffee and cigarette varietycan be washed away alternately with professional whitening systems. Here are some additional tips: Munch some apple and drink water afterwards. Brush after every meal to have a less chance of keeping stains on your teeth. Brush gently but effectively by using a dentist-approved toothpaste and toothbrush. Practice the correct ways of brushing. Researches on dentistry note that an electric toothbrush removes a plaque percentage that is about 98.2 percent. Gargle with a mouthwash that has an antibacterial action. This practice will surely will reduce stain-catching plaque. Dont depend on quick-fix remedies like using super-whitening tooth polishes because these also make the enamel of teeth thinner. And as enamel gets thinner, more of the dentin will show off making your teeth appear as heavily stained. To put it simply, here are some reasons why or why not choose professional whitening systems. 1.The effect can be seen even instantly. 2.The whitening can be completed in just a few appointments (possibly even just one). 3.Professional teeth whitening remedies cost more than do-it-yourself teeth whitening items. Hope this article brightens up your smile!
Healthy Grocery Shopping
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Grocery shopping is something we all have to do, even though choosing the right foods can be very hard indeed. To assist you with your healthy grocery shopping, the tips below can indeed help make things easier than ever before: 1. Never go grocery shopping on an empty stomach. 2. Select canned fruits and tuna that are packed in water, not oil or syrup. 3. Look at the labels for the words "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated". The earlier you see them appear on the list, the higher the amount of unhealthy trans fatty acids the food will contain. 4. Don't buy turkey with the skin on it, and if you plan to buy chicken - buy a chicken breast meal. 5. When you select frozen dinners, select those that are not only low in fat, but low in sodium and cholesterol as well. 6. If you aren't consuming enough dairy products, go with calcium fortified orange juice instead. 7. Go for whole grain breads, cereals, and rolls. 8. Give cantaloupe a try. With just 95 calories, half of the melon will provide more than a day's supply of Vitamin C and beta carotene. 9. Don't be tricked into buying yogurt covered by nuts or raisins, as the coating is normally made of sugar and partially hydrogenated oils. 10. Get some of the low fat treats, such as pretzels, ginger snaps, and angel food cake. By following the above tips when grocery shopping, you'll avoid the bad foods and get those that you need. There are many different healthy foods at the grocery store, all it takes is the will power to go past the bad foods and on to the good ones. (word count 282) PPPPP
Teeth Whitening Products: Pros and Cons
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Choosing teeth whitening product amidst the different teeth whitening products available in the market today can be very confusing. And some of the teeth whitening products are not giving your desired result. If you ask the experts, they will tell you that the best method of teeth whitening is still through your dentist. Not only is it the best, it is also the most effective and the quickest to have whiter teeth. But then, not all people can afford the fees that come with each treatment. Another thing that hinders them from going to dentists is fear. It seems that as early as childhood, dentists are one of the most feared personalities that people do not want to encounter. This fear continues on in the adult years. Although dentists do not advise people to choose teeth whitening products, they all agree in saying that these products are effective in some degree. According to studies, teeth whitening products, if used regularly and consistently can result in whiter teeth that can outlast any dentist-assisted procedure. Another additional plus that teeth whitening products have is that they contain the same ingredients that are being used in professional whitening. Two of the active ingredients needed for whitening teeth are hydrogen peroxide and carbamide. These two are also the ingredients that are present in some of the products that are sold in groceries and drug stores. The only advantage that teeth whitening products have over professional whitening is that they tend to be very cheap. Everyone who will tumble upon them can simply afford to add them to the list of their basic things. Most of these products can be bought for $30 or less. Compare this to the $100 or more that you need to pay to the dentist. It will not surprise you why people prefer them over the high fees. Still, teeth whitening products are found out to have some disadvantages. Some of these are: 1. Suitability. Teeth whitening products cater to all. But then different people have different needs. What others found effective may not work for others. This is one of the problems that people will encounter with these products. There are those that have sensitive teeth and gums. The reaction to the products will depend upon the suitability of the products to the persons using them. An option would be to try different products until you find the one that is suitable to you. 2. Strong chemicals used. You will not know what your reaction to the product until you have tried it out. Since you do not know how sensitive your teeth are, you will also not know what might happen when you start using the product. Better consult with your dentist first before choosing a certain product. 3. Tray may not fit. The tray put in your teeth is not exactly fitted after you. So there is a tendency that it may either be too large or too small. When it is too large, the formula may not work well. On the other hand, if it is too small, it may cause gum bleeding and side effects that will cause bigger problems. Be sure that the teeth whitening precuts you choose is suited for you. If none of them works, then maybe professional teeth whitening will.