Freelancing for dummies

Freelancing is one of the most lucrative ways to earn a living nowadays. You can do it as a side business or you can do it as your regular one. It really depends on how much you can do and how much you can earn from the assignments that you get. One thing good about freelancing is the fact that you dont have any scheduled time. Unlike regular work, wherein you have to come to work at a prescribed hour and render a specific number of hours of work, in freelancing, you work only until the project is done. Afterwards, your time is free. Freelancing for the first time, however can be pretty daunting especially if you dont have the experience to back you up. For those who is thinking of plunging in, better think twice. You must remember that though freelancing can become a career, not everyone is cut out for it. It is not a career that everybody can take on without sufficient experience and contacts. If you have to do it, make it your sideline first and then gradually ease out of your regular job if the pay is already enough to support all your monthly expenses. Below are some tips for people who are just at the beginning of their journey towards freelancing. Read on and you might be able to get some ideas to start you off. Establish your contacts The number one thing that you have to do when starting to freelance is to establish your contacts for these are the people who are going to give you assignments. This is the reason why it is good to do freelance work if you have already done similar jobs for a number of years. This way, you are already recognized in the industry and know a lot of people who can give you assignments. Establishing contacts does not only mean that you'll just be getting their calling cards. You also have to make sure that they remember you by establishing good rapport with them. Build a solid reputation Another important thing about freelancing is to make sure that you do every job well. Remember that freelancing is a job that relies on the assignments that are given by others. Unlike a regular job where you have a steady income and steady number of work, with freelancing, the work is anything but stable! You have to compete for every job that you get. For this, you need a solid reputation to see you through. Start small Freelancing does not mean that you have to leave your work and just be a regular freelancer. You can actually do freelance work on the side while still earning a steady income with your regular job. Of course, you have to make sure that this is acceptable with the company you are working with. This is where the personal ethics will come into play. In doing freelancing work while still holding a regular job, you have to make sure that you are not doing jobs for companies or people who are direct competitors of your company. As much as possible, stay out of the industry that you are in and only accept jobs that are for a different industry. This way, there will be no conflict with your work.

The world goes freelance

The word freelance was first coined by Sir Walter Scott, a renowned Scottish historical novelist and poet, in 1819 when he wrote his novel Ivanhoe, to refer to a medieval mercenary warrior. The term has then shifted into more figurative meanings. In the 1860s, freelance became a figurative noun, and in 1903, it was officially recognized as a verb by etymologists like the Oxford English Dictionary. Today, the word freelance has changed into different forms: as a noun, freelance or freelancer; as a verb, a photographer who freelances; and as an adverb, he works freelance. Working freelance has become a career and lifestyle choice. It has given more people a variety of benefits and these people feel that there is no better option than the ones they have due to the flexibility of work. More people today choose to leave the security of their day jobs and engage in freelance work due mainly to the following factors: * Variety of jobs. More people are drawn to go freelance for this reason alone. Freelance work offers a greater variety of assignments compared to regular employment. And with the internet offering more opportunities, freelancing becomes a mine for those who seek good opportunities and better projects, not to mention higher paying jobs. A freelancer can also take on different jobs at one time. He/She can write feature articles while designing a website. * Fast turnaround of projects. Most freelance jobs are time bound. These jobs are usually done fast and allows freelancers to move on to new projects as soon as they finish the job. * More freedom, more flexibility. Going freelance can give a person the freedom to choose the place, date and manner in which to do work. Though some freelancing schemes require contracts, freelance still spells a no employer-no employee relationship. Freelance work offers more freedom for someone who does not want to be confined in an 8 to 5 or 9 to 6 work scheme. The freelancer is free to choose his working hours and be his/her own boss. Because of the freedom in work schedule, freelancing gives a person more time to pursue other interests or take on more jobs. Other freelancers also consider the fact that they can even take care of their family better as soon as they start working freelance. * Improved income and savings. Freelance workers can usually command higher income rates for their projects because they are hired for their specific talents and skills. This is a big plus because they are paid high but do not have to work full time. Though income rates for freelancers vary, most of them still benefit from the setup. They charge either by the hour, by the day, or on per-project. Others use value-based pricing methods instead of imposing a flat rate. Payments are arranged based on the agreement, and could be done upfront, percentage upfront, or paid whenever the project is completed. For others, a staggered payment scheme may be agreed upon. Today, freelancers can easily find work through the internet. The internet has been a good facilitator of freelancers and employers around the world. These jobs can range from writing short articles to language tutors to architectural designs. The demand to complete projects through freelancing is still very high, as shown by the thousands of projects posted in the Internet.

Tips in getting Freelance writing

One of the best things about being a writer is the fact that you can hold a permanent job and still write on the side. That is the good thing in having a creative profession. You can do sidelines and freelancing jobs while still being salaried regularly. In fact, many writers in magazines and newspapers accept writing and editing jobs on the side while others who can afford not to have a permanent job will settle in with freelance jobs. Actually, there are some freelancing jobs that can pay a lot and can even exceed a persons monthly pay. Permanent writing jobs however provide the security. You wouldnt want to wake up one morning without money to pay for the rent, right? Freelance writing jobs are a dime a dozen especially with the advent of Internet. Writers are frequently commissioned to do online content to keep websites updated and informative. Still, one needs to know where to look and how to look if you want to get regular assignments. Below are some tips in getting freelance writing jobs Go online. There are a number of writing jobs that one can find in the internet and what is more, these freelance jobs can be accomplished at home. Some do not even require you to pass the articles in person. Because of the great convenience that the internet provides, telecommuting is already possible. This means that you dont have to physically go to work. You can just submit your works online. Payments for these kinds of jobs are often deposited through bank transfers. You can find freelance work listings in websites that feature freelance works. Some jobsites also have listings of these kinds of assignments. Establish a network Being a writer, you have to establish a network of people who will later on recommend you for jobs and writing assignments. PR professionals for instance look for writers who can do assignments for them. The same goes with owners of companies that advertise over the internet or those who maintain websites which you can write for. Editors of magazines and newspapers are also often in the lookout for writers in publications. There are a lot of people who are looking for part-time or freelance writers and the bigger your network is, the more people you can associate with who can help you. Ask for a referral or a recommendation The first step in asking for a referral is to do a damn good job that people will want to refer you to another. Although writing is big business, the industry is actually pretty small. Chances are your boss in one project will also know someone who is doing a similar project. Ask for a recommendation to another person who is in need of a writer or better yet ask them if they know someone who might be looking for a freelance writer. This is one way to get assignments. Write well The key to having a great freelancing career is to take care of your reputation not only in terms of your writing but also in the way you deal with people. For instance, you can write so well but if you are always late in passing your assignments, no person would want to deal with you. Remember that writing involves deadlines and you have to keep up with it if you want to really stay in the industry.
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