Making Taper Candles

Taper candles add elegance to your dinner table. They are perfect for romantic evenings at home. You can make your own taper candles without much experience in candle making. The process of making taper candles involves and dipping rather than using molds or jars. Hand dipping takes some practice to get the hang of, but you will be a pro in no time. While you are practicing, you can melt that wax down again and again until you known the right way to form your taper candles. During practice, dont add any color either to keep the costs low. You will need to purchase a dipping can from a craft store or online to make taper candles correctly. A double boiler is to narrow to make this long candles. In addition, you will need a thermometer, wax, wick, dye for color, and fragrances to add scent if you desire. It is important you buy wick specially designed for taper candles. If you use pillar wick, your taper candles wont burn properly. To make the best quality taper candles you will want to use paraffin wax. Beeswax can bend easier, especially on warm days. To melt the wax properly, use a large pot with a few inches of water for the dipping can to sit in. Never place the dipping can directly on the stove top as this is a safety issue. You may also expose your home to toxic fumes. While your wax is melting, work on your wicks. It is important you buy wick specially designed for taper candles. If you use pillar wick, your taper candles wont burn properly. Cut the wick at least four inches longer than you want your candles to be. If you are making sets of taper candles, make sure each wick is cut the same exact length. This is easy to do by cutting one, then folding other pieces over and making a few more cuts. Once you wax has melted and at a temperature of between 150 and 165 degrees, you can start the dipping process. If you are going to add color or scent you will want to do it now. Move the dipping can to a flat, dry surface. If you are using a counter top, place a towel or cookie sheet under the dipping can. Take a wick and dip it into the hot wax. You will only be getting the wick covered the first few dips. The process of dipping taper candles is easy, yet time consuming. You will get the best looking candles if you dont try to rush the process. Each dip should be a quick in and out process. Dont allow the candle to linger in the wax hoping it will absorb more. Instead, it will cause your taper candles to have a chunky texture rather than a smooth finish. As the wax starts to cool off take the time to stop dipping and heat it again. Some candle makers dip while they have another dipping can of wax melting on the stove. This way, once the wax they are working with cools they can switch. This keeps the process going if you are able to take advantage of it. The number of times you will dip each candle depends on the width you want them. If you are making pairs, keep track of how many times you dip each one so they will match. As the wax begins to cool after each dip, you can dip it again. As the candle gets wider you will need to allow it to cool longer after each dip. You can also try dipping two at the same time allowing one to cool while you dip the other of the set. Once the candle is the desired size and cools completely, cut the wick to inch of the top of the candle. Making hand dipped taper candles is a great project. The process is not difficult once you get the process of the dipping down. These candles are great center pieces and often used at weddings. You can make them any color you like for the occasion. There are many gorgeous taper candle holders on the market to add even more appeal to the lovely candles you created. PPPPP Word Count 714

Decorating A Log Cabin

Decorating a log cabin or even a cottage, usually takes in the country theme. Keeping with the various aspects of nature and its simplicity and freshness, a log cabin ought to provide peace and tranquility. Most log cabins are in the forest or country areas. Using a country style would mean bringing the beauty of the outside, inside. Decorating a log cabin or a cottage shouldnt be too difficult using the country theme since the ideas and color schemes sitting right outside the window. Using nature as an example when decorating a log cabin, using natural wood for flooring and furniture would definitely fit. Birch, pine or cedar would certainly compliment any space especially a log cabin or cottage. To keep the natural look of the wood, you could choose to leave it in its original form or using stain would give the wood a rustic look. Whether you are choosing authenticity or a newer look, wood is surely the best choice when decorating a log cabin. You may decide to bring old furniture from home to your log cabin or cottage. Using slip covers for the couch or chairs can help make the furniture look new. If decorating a log cabin, you may choose to paint the furniture. This too will give it a fresh new appearance. When choosing colors for slip covers or paint, you might consider warm colors in light to medium shades. Yellows, browns or terracotta add warmth to a space. When youre decorating a log cabin, the emphasis is generally focused on warmth and cosiness. A log cabin doesnt require paint for the walls, however if youre decorating a cottage, you might pick similar colors for your walls. Fabrics to use when decorating a log cabin should probably include bold colors and nature themes. Floral patterns are also nice in a cottage or log cabin setting. You could use these fabrics in window coverings, bedspreads or throws and slip covers. To keep with the theme of nature, you could choose accessories taken from the outdoors such as dried flowers or pieces of old wood made into candle holders. People tend to gather things from the outdoors while on a hike or stroll along the river. These items can be used as accessories as well as mementos. When decorating a log cabin or cottage, one factor which isnt really important is your budget. This type of decorating can incorporate items from home or even those picked up at a flea market or garage sale. Handmade trinkets and decorations are also nice when decorating a log cabin. As long as the accessories help to achieve the overall goal of warmth and an atmosphere that is welcoming, any items chosen are fine. A log cabin or cottage is a place designed for relaxation. When decorating a log cabin or cottage, this should be kept in mind. Whatever makes you happy and helps create a space you enjoy and feel comfortable in, go with it. Just remember to have fun.

Making Hand Dipped Candles

Making candles is a great hobby or business endeavor. Once you get the hang of it, the process is quite simple. For those who have the basics down cold, consider experimenting with the art of making hand dipped candles. While these lovely creations take more time, they are stunning. You can use several colors on each candle giving it a unique color scheme. There are basic tools you will need to make hand dipped candles. Most of them you already use if you have experience in making candles. You will need a large amount of paraffin wax, wick, and a double boiler to melt it in. Other utensils include wooden spoons, bowls, and a good quality thermometer. The colors available for hand dipped candles are too many to name. These colors come in various forms including cakes, chips, powder, or liquid. If you choose to add scents to your hand dipped candles you need to make sure it is pure oil that does not have a water or alcohol base to it. You will prepare your wax for hand dipped candles that same as you do for regular candles. Let it continue to heat until it reaches a temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit. Once it does, turn the heat down very low to keep the wax in liquid form. Add the color to the wax, using a small amount at a time until your reach the color you want. Add a small amount of scent the mix at this time if you desire. Use scents moderately as you dont want to have too powerful of a smell. Using too much fragrance can also result in the candle not burning properly. Next, cut the wick for your candles, keeping it just a bit longer than the candle length you want. If you are making sets of the candles, it is important to cut the wicks exactly the same length. You will want to dip the wicks into the candle wax making sure to coat it properly. This is how you will build your candle. After the wicks cool, dip them again. Each time you do, the candle will grow in size. If you want different areas of the candles to be different colors, you will be able to do so by simply having more than one color of wax ready to use. Once your candle is close to the desired thickness you want, shave it with a soft blade, giving the top a pointed look. Dip your candles a few more times to give them a smooth finish. Creating hand dipped candles is a great hobby or business venture. The process is time consuming, but the creations are beautiful. Learning to make hand dipped candles can be tricky. This is not a good type of candle for beginners to try to learn with. They will quickly become frustrated. To practice without wasting supplies, melt down the wax from the candles you are building and use it over and over again until you have the process perfected. To make particular designs on hand dipped candles, consider purchasing a book. Most will offer you great color photos with step by step directions for making each hand dipped candle. You will also be able to obtain great color charts for obtaining the best color for your candles. The internet is also a great place to get ideas for the colors of your hand dipped candles. PPPPP Word Count 575

Dark Chocolate: The Miracle Ingredients of Belgian Chocolates

Everybody loves chocolates. But because it is usually sweet, some people are banned from eating such delicious treats due to some diseases. In this way, they totally give up eating chocolates. However, most people are unaware of the health benefits provided by eating chocolates. The scientific name of chocolate is thebroma cacao. When literally translated, it means "food of the gods". Chocolate are composed of vitamins A, C, B1, E, and E, fluorine, iron, sodium, and potassium. For the past centuries, chocolates are used for treating diseases and problems including depression. Mexican and European civilizations revealed the aphrodisiac characteristics of chocolates. The United States government formally recognized the virtues of chocolates during the Second World War. Chocolate cravers do not have to be subjected to studies just to reveal the mood alteration power of chocolates. It is purely linked with feelings of comfort, safety and love. Some researchers said that confections of creamy chocolates can help people live longer. One ingredient of Belgian chocolates is dark chocolate and is considered as a healthy chocolate. You don't have to be afraid of eating chocolates because its side effects are not negative after all. In fact, this is the best news in the medical world today. Dark chocolates are potent antioxidants that contain similar antioxidants such as wine or phenols. In chocolate bars, phenols help in preserving fats while it prevents atherosclerosis in the body. It also gobbles up destructive molecules and free radicals which are the main contributors for developing heart diseases and other illnesses. However, some findings revealed that milk found in chocolates interferes in antioxidants absorption. Therefore moderate consumption of dark chocolates is still advised. In general, Belgian chocolates are enriched with cocoa phenols compared with other chocolates made from other countries. It is a hint for consumers that a darker color is better. Dark chocolates can lower high blood pressures provided that some factors are met. Large amounts of dark chocolates are only advisable for people at the right age and mild high blood pressures. Moreover, balancing calorie levels is needed by reducing other food intakes containing calories. Healthy foods must not be replaced by chocolates. Consume chocolates up to 150 calories and 50% fats only, probably one ounce of solid chocolate pack. Too much consumption of chocolates must be avoided. It contains high levels of sugars of saturated fats which can cause obesity and health damage. If possible, minimize consumption of fat alternatives including chocolate syrups and foods covered with chocolates. Another known antioxidants found in dark chocolates are flavonoids, the potent compounds in plants which is also found in red wine, tea, vegetables, and some fruits. This helps in fighting factors connected with stroke, and heart attacks. It slows down bad cholesterol processing which clog the arteries and prevents blood platelets from clumping. However, flavonoids contents may also vary. Some foods are more flavonoids enriched and more active which include cocoa, the main ingredient of chocolates. Consuming the right amount of Belgian chocolate can also improve the condition of the artery. Knowing these medical benefits of dark chocolates really helps. It is not only about eating but also learning its ingredients to know both the advantages and disadvantages. So, think twice before you give up chocolates in your diet. If chocolates are eaten in right amounts, it can be truly considered as a miracle food.

Making Container Candles

Container candles are a beautiful way to accent your home, especially the bathroom. To make your container candles look the best, choose glassware that is sturdy and has a simple design. You can purchase this glassware for a very low price at most retail stores. You can generally find great deals at yard sales, flea markets, and thrift sales as well. Try to find glassware with lids if available. Clean all the glass prior to using them to prevent dust or other particles from building up inside. If you have a dishwasher a quick rinse cycle will do the trick. It is not recommended to make container candles in anything other than glass containers for safety reasons. You will need to obtain a few supplies in addition to your glassware before you can start the process of making container candles. You will need a double boiler for the wax, quality wax, dye, and fragrances if you desire to use it. It is best to get wicks with tabs for making this type of candle. For container candles, you can use either paraffin wax or bees wax. Melt the wax in the double boiler to a temperature of about 110 degrees Fahrenheit. Once it has reached that temperature, add your color and scent. For best results, microwave the glass containers for a minute or two. This will make sure the wax doesnt leave unsightly air pockets in the container as it hardens. Place the glass containers on a cookie sheet to make clean up from any spills a snap. Fill each glass container within one inch of the top. Leaving that extra space will allow room for the candle to burn and not drip outside the container. You will need to let your container candles cool for about 20 minutes. Gently place a wick with tab into each candle container. You will need to keep an eye on them as you will need to make sure the wick stays centered as the wax hardens. Once the candles completely cool, cut the wick to of the top of the candle. A great way to make working with the wicks easier is to take a ball point pen apart. Place the shell of the pen around the wick and use it to guide the wick into place. As the wax hardens the wick tab with stay firmly in place. You can also clip the top of the wick with a cloths pin laid across the opening to help keep it in place. You can add creativity to your container candles by decorating the jars with paints or gluing on colored sequences. Glitter makes a great design tool as well. For a simple yet attractive design, consider gluing a pretty colored ribbon around the top of the container. The design of container candles allow them to burn down to almost nothing, ensuring you get the most use out of each candle. For great decorating tips and ideas go online. You will be fascinated at all the great container candles out there including ones for the holidays, special occasions, and fun themes. The possibilities are endless. For a great family craft, consider allowing your children to decorate the jars while you take care of working with the hot wax. The jars keep the flame from escaping, preventing dripping and possible fire hazards. However, it is still important to keep them out of the reach of children and to never leave them burning unattended. If you plan to move a container candle, make sure the jar has not become too hot as this can result in severe burns. Candles add beauty and wonderful smells to your home, but caution should always be used when burning them. Container candles are very simple and inexpensive to make. They also add beauty and romance to any home or occasion. These candles leave the maker with lots of room for being creative. PPPPP Word Count 656

Making your own, not as easy as it sounds

Some people prefer making their own jewelry. By making their own, there are able to maintain a certain level of creativity and uniqueness on their designs. One can rate custom made body jewelry from being exotic, unique, weird, shocking, extreme and even interesting. One benefit: one can brag about creating their own sets of rings, studs, etc. In creating your own body jewelry set, it is important to choose your materials well. You won't like it if you create a masterpiece of design with maximum performance and great aesthetics but you fail to use the jewelry because it induces an allergic reaction when worn. You need a strong, non-allergenic, non-corrosive material which you can use everyday. Thus, you really need the knowledge to guide you which material to be used for your body jewelry. When looking at various materials, you should always consider the percentage of the nickel on the material to be used. It is nickel which causes the allergic reactions on people when wearing pierce earrings, rings, etc. Since nickel is not bio-compatible, once the metal touches the skin, it causes a lot of problems from mild itchiness to even severe irritations and infections. Some materials that are low in nickel include sterling silver. However, even though it is silver part of its properties is made from a combination of alloys and metals, one of which is nickel. Gold is another very valuable metal with very low concentration of nickel and when given to the hands of a jeweler it can be crafted into a great masterpiece. Just remember the bottom line: will the use of the materials cause irritations to the wearer. There are materials that have better properties than silver and gold in terms of anti allergen properties. Among these materials include surgical stainless steel (SSS). Even if it sounds foreign and scary, surgical stainless steel is perhaps the most popular metal used for body jewelry. Aside from its visible strength and almost flawless finish, SSS contains very little nickel which makes them ideal as body jewelry. Less reactions from the body, the more convenient the jewelry becomes. If you have the money and could spare a lot, Niobium and titanium would be the best materials that one could use in their custom body jewelry. Niobium and titanium is non-reactive. Titanium alone contains less than .05% of nickel. Moreover, one needs not to worry about damaging the jewelry made from Niobium and titanium, since scratches and dents from ordinary use are unheard off when it comes to these metals. They are very strong and hard. However, these last two materials are rather expensive and need some sophisticated equipment to be molded into jewelry of your type and design. There are other ways where one can get customized body piercing jewelry. If one does not know how to make their own, they can always create original designs and ask experienced individuals or experts to make their drawings into real jewelry. This too could cost you a little fortune, but if you really need or have the urge to be unique then this is probably the best path that you can take. Body jewelry is a means to express oneself. If you want to be the talk of the town, a head turner or a topic of conversation, then one of the best ways to get notice is have various body modifications conducted on your body and this including piercing. And if you really would like to stand out, then customizing your piercing jewelry is the next best step to take.

Making Column Candles

Column candles are very similar to taper candles, but they are wider and usually shorter. The top of column candles isnt pointed like on a taper candle. Instead, it greatly resembles the top of a volcano. Column candles are very pretty and distinct. They have a classic look to them that is timeless. These candles have a ridge design rather than a smooth design like the column candles. They add beauty and charm to any environment. Making your own column candles is very easy. Column candles burn for hours on end, making them a great investment of both your time and supplies to make them. On average, column candles burn for 35 hours. Column candles do not produce smoke or dripping, making them very popular. Some people experience frustration looking for holders to put their column candles in. They will fit all standard tea light holders and spiked base holders. You will need some basic items to start making column candles including wax, molds, wick, color, and fragrance. The fragrance is option, but definitely adds appeal to your column candles. To melt the wax properly, you will need a double boiler. You will want to make sure you use high quality paraffin wax to make your column candles. Bees wax looks beautiful, but does not hold up well with the structure of the column candle. Too much heat will cause a column candle made of bees wax to ooze all over, creating a mess as well as a candle that isnt too pretty to look at. To ensure the design of your column candles is perfect, coat the inside of the molds with a special spray for them. You can also get the same results using a non-stick cooking spray. After you have melted the wax, dip the wick in it. You will want the wick to be several inches longer than the top of your mold. Insert the wick from the bottom of the mold. Hold it securely in the middle of the mold by tying the top of the wick to a pencil that lies across the top of the mold. This is the point in the process where you will want to add any color or fragrance to the melted wax. As soon as you have mixed it together, pour the hot wax into the molds. If you allow the wax to start cooling before you pour it the candles will have lumps in them. You can remove your finished candles from the molds as soon as they have completely cooled. Snip the excess wick to about 1/4 inch of the top of the candle. If you want to be more creative, you can add leaves or pressed flowers to the candles using a thin layer of decoupage medium onto the back of the object. Immediately press it onto the candle, holding it in place for a few seconds. To make ice crystal column candles, put crushed ice in the mold before adding the hot wax. For additional craft ideas, consider looking in a book or on the internet. You will find some really neat column candle crafting ideas that are quite simple to imitate. Column candles are very unique in their look and appeal. You can make them without any difficulty. These candles make lovely centerpieces as well as personalized gifts. You can find all the supplies you need to make quality column candles at your local craft stores as well as on the internet. PPPPP Word Count 582
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