Buying Watercolor Paintings

Ive been buying watercolor paintings for decorating jobs. Ive found some really nice pieces on eBay. I recently bought a watercolor painting by an artist named Y. Gianni. The painting was produced in 1890 and depicted an Italian village. It was very vivid and pleasing to look at. I was trying to find just the right watercolor painting for a client when I came across one by an artist named William B. Gillette. The colors were pastel, ranging from soft greens, browns, blues, purples and peach. The scene was that of a pebble beach and crashing waves. The hills on one side gave the beach a feeling of privacy. It really spoke to me and my client loved it. There was a cabin that I was decorating for a discerning client that needed one more piece of art to complete the look I was going for. I found a wonderful watercolor painting that fit just right. It had a lot of mossy green colors and there was a lake with a lake house. The artist turned out to be Charles Dickens Wader. He is a well known artist from New York. I have a client that collects art from Romeo Tabuena. I was fortunate to find two watercolors that the owners had purchased directly from Tabuena in the fifties when they lived in San Miguel. The owner settled with me for an even thousand dollars. My client was thrilled. A lawyer friend of mine hired me to redecorate his office. I had a lot of fun putting in things that reflected his interests and tastes. He loves polo and I found a wonderful watercolor painting of two polo players on horses. My friend liked the paintings and they have become a conversation piece in the new office. My friends dad liked the office I decorated so much that he commissioned me to redecorate his office. He is a hunter and I found a really nice watercolor painting of several mallard ducks flying above a marsh. The painting was done by Jim Killen and he has painted for Ducks Unlimited. His work is well known and respected. My friends father really liked the find and proudly hung it in his reception area. I was really unsure where I was going to find suitable art for the program directors office at a local radio station. When I went to visit with him for a consultation, his office was absolutely stark. I like watercolor paintings and that is my first choice for buying art. I found a fantastic watercolor painting of Bob Marley surrounded by sunflowers. It was awesome and perfect for this job. There is a musician that I was working for a couple of years ago that wanted their studio decorated with paintings from the artist Raoul Dufy. Raoul Dufy made a whole series of paintings called Hommage to Mozart. I was able to purchase three watercolor paintings in this series. I have always been on the lookout for more paintings to purchase for this client. A friend of mine asked me to find a watercolor painting to give to her mother. I found one by Henry H. Parker that was of cattle in landscape. The frame was what caught my eye at first because it is heavy gilt. It would never hang in my house, but it looked great at my friends mothers house. PPPPP 564

Guidelines in Finding Cheap Body Building Supplement

Cheap body building supplements advertisements can be found easily. In fact, it dominates the internet and other types of media. However, it is your responsibility to select the right one. These supplements should help in maintaining your body healthy and free from harmful side effects. Body building enthusiasts should follow these helpful guidelines so that they can never go wrong in finding the best body building supplement. Achieving a fit and healthy body doesn't have to be always expensive. 1. Never supply excessive amounts of body building supplements to your body. It will minimize your expenditures. You should purchase multivitamins or mineral supplements instead of purchasing it in a single dosage pill. It can cover your daily needs for vitamins. Make sure to check the ingredients data facts. Also compare it with the FDA (Food and Drug Authority) daily allowance. - More often, bodybuilders take proteins in its powdered form. Generally, it is consumed after exercising or as meal alternatives. Increased protein intakes in your diet can allow muscles repair and steady muscle growth. - The most common protein being used is whey protein. It has high contents of important amino acids wherein the body is unable to produce and provide good body absorption. Glutamine enriched casein protein contains casomorphin that helps in recovery and holds amino acids for a longer time. All important amino acids are found in soy proteins. However, it has isoflavones with compounds similar to estrogens. Some bodybuilders avoid it because of exhibiting estrogenic activity. The dairy- and lactose-free protein is egg white protein. - An amino acid that is most abundantly found in human muscles is glutamine. This is supplemented since the levels of natural glutamine in the body are lost during aerobic exercises. - MRPs or meal replacement products are pre-packaged bars or powdered drinks. These are consumed as alternatives for a full meal. In general, MRPs contain high proteins, low fats, moderate carbohydrates, and lots of minerals and vitamins. - Others supplements include Prohormones, Creatine, Thermogenic products, and testosterone boosters. 2. Consider the body building supplement manufacturers. Never purchase cheap minerals and vitamin supplements without checking the reputation of the manufacturer. They must provide accessible information about the raw materials, quality of used raw materials, company registration for selling the products, customer testimonials, and solving problems related to claims. 3. Estimate the quantity of the vitamins, shipping times, and expiration dates. You can usually obtain higher discounts or lower prices if you purchase these supplements in bulks. This is good. But ensure that all the products can be consumed before it expires. Otherwise, your money is just wasted. 4. Always choose the body building supplement with the simplest formulas. Stick with cheap supplements without advance formulations such as time-release tablets. Time-release tablets allow active ingredients to be slowly released and stabilize its amounts in the body for a longer period of time. Prices of these tablets are also higher compared to usual tablets. Purchase tablets with usual formulas, the results are not different at all. Weight training and other sport athletes take body building supplements to build their muscles and reduce excessive fats. It can also improve their performances as well as provide fast recovery of strength from training and other related events. But one wrong choice and their fitness and health goals are gone. So stay smart and choose wisely.

Buying Paintings: Synchromism

Synchromism paintings feature harmoniously balanced colors and a feeling of movement. It is believed that synchromist paintings evoke similar feelings and sensations as music. This is a basic tenet of the synchromism art movement. As such, these paintings make wonderfully pleasing additions to any modern art collection. Founded in 1912 by Morgan Russell and Stanton MacDonald-Wright, synchromism was an art movement based no the idea that sound and color are phenomena that are similar in the way that the individual experiences and perceives them. Movement as well as organization of color into color scales are the ways in which synchromism pieces correlate to musical art forms. A basic tenet of synchromism is that color can be arranged or orchestrated in much the same way that notes of a symphony are arranged by composers. This harmonious arrangement of colors and shapes produces experiential results similar to that of listening to well balanced orchestral compositions. Artists of the synchromism art movement believed that by painting in color scales could evoke sensations that were very musical in nature. Typically, synchromism pieces feature a strong rhythmic form or forms that then advance toward complexity in form and hue, moving in a particular direction. In many cases, such explosion of color using color scales pours out in a radial pattern. It is most common for synchromism art works to have some sort of central vortex that bursts outward with color, into complex color harmonies. The first painting to be dubbed a synchromism work, was Morgan Russells Synchromy in Green which was exhibited in Paris at the Paris Salon des Independants in the year 1913. That same year, the first exhibition featuring primarily synchromist works by MacDonald-Wright and Russell was held in Munich, Germany. Following the synchromist exhibition in Munich, there were exhibits in both Paris and New York. These first synchromist pieces were some of the first non-objective abstract paintings found in American art. These later became better known under the label of avante-garde. In this way, synchromism was the first American avant garde art movement that gained attention internationally. Synchromism has been compared and contrasted to Orphism. Orphism refers to paintings that relate to the Greek god Orpheus, the symbol of song, the arts and the lyre. Though Orphism is rooted in cubism, this movement moved toward a lyrical abstraction that was more pure, in the sense that this form of painting was about synthesizing a sensation of bright colors. Though there is little doubt that Orphism was an influence to later Synchromism, Synchromists would argue that it is an entirely unique art form. As Stanton MacDonald-Wright said, synchromism has nothing to do with orphism and anybody who has read the first catalogue of synchromism would realize that we poked fun at orphism. Several other American painters have been known to experiment with synchromism. Whether synchromism was a branch of orphism or its own unique art form, there is little doubt that the harmonious use of color and movement based composition inspired many artists and art forms. Among these artists were Andrew Dasburg, Thomas Hart Benton and Patrick Henry Bruce. Though the majority of Thomas Hart Bentons works centered on regionalism and murals, there was also a strong flair of synchromism. Bentons interest and incorporation of synchromism was due mainly from having studied with synchromism artists such as Stanton MacDonald-Wright and Diego Rivera. PPPPP 560

Where to look for cheap wholesale body jewelry

Along with the popularity of body piercing is the great demand for body jewelry. If you are one of those who underwent body piercing and into changing body jewelry often, you should now be looking at cheap wholesale body jewelry to save money. Today, more and more jewelry stores and shops are selling cheap wholesale body to cater to the growing market of "piercees." They usually offer these cheap wholesale body jewelries in their stores or advertise it in their website and online sites. These cheap wholesale body jewelries come in different materials, shapes, and sizes and are available for each segment of the market. CHEAP WHOLESALE BODY JEWELRY FOR BODY PIERCING Indeed, the best place to look for cheap wholesale body jewelries is the Internet. By surfing the net and visiting various websites of jewelry stores and accessories shop, you can find the best but cheap wholesale body jewelries out there. In fact, these web sites of body jewelry wholesalers regularly add new items to their catalogues monthly in order to offer the best yet cheap body jewelries they have. They also provide price listings of their products to ensure than when a customer asks for it, they have a ready price list available at hand. If you are purchasing cheap wholesale body jewelry for your piercing or you are just planning to get pierced because you want to try out the unique and cheap wholesale body jewelries you saw online, make sure that you first memorize the so-called "Piercee's bill of rights" which states that every "piercee" or a person being pierced has the right to be pierced in a clean, hygienic, and open environment; to be pierced by a calm, knowledgeable and sober piercer to ensure that they wouldnt experience traumatic encounters; to be pierced by a piercer that practices high standards of sterilization; to be pierced with a use of a brand new and thoroughly sterilized needle; to be touched with sterilized and appropriate implements; not to be pierced using ear-piercing guns because they are unsafe; to fitted with a body jewelry that has appropriate size, safe material, design and construction that help in the healing process; and to be properly informed about the aftercare of the area pierced. Before you use any cheap wholesale body jewelry or before you get pierced for that matter, make sure that you are aware of your rights as a customer and as a piercee. Also make sure that if you buy cheap wholesale body jewelry online or in any store, you double check the quality and the standard. Dont get overwhelmed with the cheap price and make sure that you inspect the material first before finally buying it. Avoid buying cheap wholesale body jewelries not made of blackline and titanium because they dont help in the healing process of your wound. NEVER buy cheap wholesale body jewelry made of sterling silver if you are going to use it in your body piercing because these contain toxic metals which corrodes when combined with sulfur that is present in every person's body. Also, void buying gold plated jewelry because it chips. And when it chips, the flakes in the edges of it become rough that can lead to the irritation of your wound. Always keep in mind that although you are buying cheap wholesale body jewelry, you should not neglect the standards of quality. And remember, the cheap wholesale body jewelry you bought is useless if you cannot use it.

Buying Paintings: Symbolism

Evoking a taste similar to the Romanticist tradition, but utilized mysticism and sensitivity through mythology and dream imagery, preceding the psychoanalytical work of Freud and Jung. With a strong philosophical touch, more so than a style of art, and Art Nouveau and Expressionist artists such as Edvard Munch. Beginning in France as a reaction to the movements of Naturalism and Realism, which seemed to capture the particular components of consensual reality, and presented spirituality and imagination reflecting some artists budding interest in religion and spirituality. In literature, poet Charles Baudelaire was developing his work and the movement, and especially with such luminaries as Verlaine contributing to the collective effort of the literary movement during the 1860s and through to the 1870s. With the works of Edgar Allen Poe coming to popularity in the 1880s, the Symbolism movement in artwork represented an outgrowth into the darker and more gothic nature of Romanticism, and contrasted with Romanticisms rebellious and impetuous sides. Symbolist writers wrote in very metaphoric and suggestive manner, to imbue the subjects with a sense of symbolic meaning, and made realistic images into representatives for more esoteric and primordial ideas. In translating the language of dreams into artwork with symbolic leanings, discovering a visual style that draws upon that philosophical approach that captures a sense of art that has been influential on more than one movement artistically, and has evoked some of the more fantastic imagery to ever cross a canvas. The Symbolist Manifesto was published in 1886, leading to a description of the movement that included ideas such as being hostile towards plain and matter-of-fact meanings, and to express the ideal in a perceptible form was the sole purpose of this art form. Symbolists that preferred poetic means of conveying their ideas, were known for their techniques of removing technical aspects to achieve a greater fluidity for their work, and became related with seeking use of symbolic images over raw description to evoke the state of the poets soul. Paul Verlaine was influential in an 1884 publication defining the essence of Symbolism, through many essays on the relevant poets of the day, and came to the conclusion of relating the works of this movement to the famed philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, whose own work delved into art as a means of refuge from the strife of the world. These similarities, which presented a contemplative and artistic refuge using themes such as mortality and otherworldliness, created disparaging arguments between critic and artist alike. Leading to many Symbolist poets of the day to make their own publications and periodicals, and the literary Symbolism then reached its peak in the year 1886, with one particular periodical lasting until 1965. Though the two aspects of the movement were distinct, they would occasionally overlap each other, and became a continuation for mystical tendencies in a Romantic tradition, even flirting with the self-consciously dark Decadence movement. There were several dissimilar groups of painters and visual artists within the Symbolism movement, and the artistic movement seemed to have a greater impact worldwide than the literary movement, reaching multiple artists and sculptors from such distinct parts as Russia. Many of the symbols found herein are not necessarily universal, but more personally affected with the artists obscure and private references, with some dreamlike subject matter influencing later Surrealists. Symbolism has had a strong link to music for a while, and mostly due to the enthusiasm for the work of Richard Wagner, whose own music reflected his influence from the philosopher Schopenhauer. Symbolism even grew to affect some of the literary fiction contributed by Oscar Wilde and Paul Adam, and has a pronounced ring when speaking about movements that have literarily and artistically that have crossed over into other inner groupings of artistic work. The waters of Symbolism have even filtered down the centuries into the state of motion pictures today, and early on held influence with Russian playwright Anton Chekhov, as well as Russian actor and director Vsevolov Meyerholds method of acting that influenced early motion pictures. It is difficult to overlook Symbolisms influence and repercussions throughout the timeline to the current period of the world, as it drifts through many aspects taken for granted on a daily basis, and many pieces of work for many artists from writer T. S. Eliot to painter Pablo Picasso and even the state of horror films as well. A decidedly different state of the world now has interpreted and reinterpreted all this throughout these hundreds of years, and created more and more material reflections of the state of things as they happen to be. PPPPP 762
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