Plain talking about heart attacks

One of the entertainments in everyday life is to watch the endless cycles of urban myths. They start as whispers, slowly build in volume and then roar around the community for a few days or weeks until we all get bored. Then people start whispering a new myth. One of the more common themes is sex and, because we all like our stories to be slightly macabre, death and sex gets the biggest laughs. Have you heard the one about the man who died on top. The rigor mortis set in fast and, were it not for the weight pressing down on her, the woman said she'd never enjoyed an erection so hard and long-lasting. Such stories feed into all the fears and insecurities we have following a stroke or heart attack. Family and friends tell us to "take it easy" and not overexert ourselves. But the medical profession would not necessarily agree. It all depends on your physical condition. If you have been a couch potato, carry too much weight, have a high cholesterol level, are stressed and smoke, the risk of a second heart attack is high. But for the rest, exercise is good for you. It helps burn off the cholesterol, reduce the weight and restore your heart to a better working order. So how do you know which camp you fall into?

You should ask your physician for a stress test You are hooked up to monitoring devices and set to work on a treadmill or exercise bicycle. After a few minutes, there is clear evidence of your blood pressure, pulse and EKG. With this information, you can decide how quickly to start living life to the full again - which obviously includes resuming sexual activity. If your heart was strong during the test, you should begin an exercise program to build up stamina. Sex can be quite tiring and, to get and give the maximum enjoyment, you should build up strength. If there was evidence of heart damage, you should make lifestyle changes and rest to allow your heart time to heal. Your doctor will give you a rehabilitation program to help you return to a more active life. This will start with gentle exercise like walking and swimming, and slowly increase to more energetic activities over longer periods of time.

No matter what you are doing, any shortness of breath, dizziness, chest pains or tightness in the arms, shoulders and neck are signs of danger. You should stop the activity and, if any symptoms persist, treat this as an emergency. That said, the vast majority of men can and do resume sex within a few months of the stroke or heart attack. In this, taking levitra can give you the self-confidence to respond with a hard erection the first time you experience sexual stimulation from your partner. But always talk through the decision with your doctor if you are also taking drugs to reduce your blood pressure. The combination of levitra with some drugs can produce unwanted side effects. It may be necessary to change some of the drugs or the dosages. That said, with guidance you can be back in the groove with full sexual satisfaction, enjoying a new lease of life.

Pet Health Insurance in California

In 1849 hundreds of men made the grueling climb across the Rocky mountain range before stepping onto California's soil. These men, who history remembers as forty-niners, came to California with dreams of striking a mother lode of gold and spending the rest of their days in the lap of luxury. Few of these forty-niners had possessions worth speaking of, just the tattered torn clothes they were wearing, a shovel, a pan specially designed to sift through river sediment, and an old mule to haul their find out of the mountains. Over a hundred and fifty years have passed since the last forty-niner made their final trek across the Rockies with only his own voice and a cantankerous old mule named Worthless for company. In this new modern world a different type of person is journeying across the country seeking the answers to all their dreams and prayers in the warm California sunlight. Today its students, freshly armed with brand new high school diplomas and a tiny sub-compact car loaded down with expensive clothing and glamour shots, seeking not gold but rather fame under the bright lights of an acting studio. Like the fortey-niners, many of these future stars have only their CD collections and a family pet to keep them company on the long drive across the country. What many of these Hollywood hopefuls don't realize is the animal health branch of the California Department of Food and Agriculture has rules and regulations for bringing pets into the state. Most of the rules will involve the young pet owner to take their pet to the veterinarian for a round of shots and an exam before leaving for the land of movie stars and millionaires. The purchase of pet health care coverage can sometimes let the youngsters get the routine vet work out of the way without forcing them to dip to heavily into their savings. Domestic cats that are infected with a contagious disease are not allowed into California. Cats are not required to have a current rabies vaccination nor do they have to have a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection before they cross the state line into California. They must have a health certificate if they are coming from an area that was under rabies quarantine. If you are coming into the state of California via airplane check with the airline about what health requirements they enforce before allowing your cat to fly. Before you leave your home town for the California shore line, ask your veterinarian what can be done to make the trip as comfortable and safe for your cat. Just like cats the California Department of Food and Agriculture will not allow dogs that are carrying an infectious disease to cross the state line into California. Any dog over four months of age is required to a certificate stating the date of its last rabies vaccination, the type of vaccination used, the manufacturer lot number of the rabies vaccine used, and the name of the vet who gave the injection. If you are traveling by plane ask the airline about any additional health requirements your dog must meet before it is allowed to fly. The sooner you contact your airline the better. If you are bringing a more exotic type of pet, such as a potbellied pig, into the state of California you may be required to have an entry permit.

Healthy Fat Intake

This information is aimed at helping you to reduce your fat intake. The average individual eats too much fat, a factor that's linked to a variety of health problems, including cancer. Diets that are high in fat are associated with breast and colon cancer, with some studies linking high fat to prostate cancer as well. A majority of people can bring their fat intakes down to a healthy range by making a few adjustments in the way they shop, cook, and prepare the foods they eat. Now days, it's getting easier and easier to control the amount of fat you consume. The fat content of foods are now available through the nutrition label and through brochures distributed by food companies and even fast food restaurants. You can use this information on nutrition to choose lower fat foods by comparing products and food brands. Once you have a rough idea of what a healthy intake of fat is, you'll know what you can and what you can't have. From day to day, the amount of fat you eat will vary. Some meals and some days will be higher in fat than others. Even high fat meals can be kept in line with healthy eating as long as you balance those days accordingly. The average fat intake over the course of weeks and months is important, not the fat intake of every meal and food you consume. Younger adults and high active adults who have higher calorie needs can probably eat a little more fat. Older adults and those that aren't very active should aim for a lower fat intake. This way, you can control your fat intake and avoid the many problems that fat is associated with. (word count 286) PPPPP

Pet Health Insurance in the USA

Pet health insurance companies are hoping that someday pet owners in the United States will catch up with European pet owners. A recent poll taken of American pet owners suggested that approximately three percent of American pet owners had purchased pet health insurance for their family pet. A veterinarian who was interviewed after the survey was stunned by the results. She felt that the survey was generous. She believes that less then one percent of her patients have any health care insurance. In Europe approximately twenty-five percent of all pet owners have some sort of pet health insurance on their pets. The numbers are even higher in Sweden where approximately fifty percent of all pet owners rely on pet health insurance to help pay their pets medical expenses. Some experts believe that the reason so many pet owners in the United Kingdom have pet health care insurance is because of an act passed in 1971. In the United Kingdom dog owners are liable for any accident that their pet is found responsible for. This means that if a dog darts out into traffic and causes a seven car pile up the dogs owner is responsible for paying all the damages. Unwilling to dip into their own pickets to cover their pets misadventures pet owners in the United Kingdom purchase something called third party insurance. Third party insurance is a simply a liability insurance specifically geared to pet owners. Many American pet owners dont realize that there are similar pet liability insurance plans available in the United States. Pet owners who would like to purchase pet liability insurance to cover any damages their pets might be responsible rather should be aware that certain breeds of dogs are listed as high risk insurance cases and the owners will be required to pay extra high insurance policies. It is unclear why more pet owners in the United States dont purchase pet health insurance. One possibility is that pet owners simply dont understand exactly how expensive pet health care is. Fifteen minutes spent in a veterinarians office can sometimes cost as much as a hundred dollars. When a pet owner finds themselves facing the cost of an emergency surgery or has to take their family pet to a university hospital to have an illness treated they quickly find themselves whishing they had something to help cover the enormous vet bill. All too often pet owners who find themselves in an emergency situation are forced to euthanize their beloved pet for economic reasons. Pet owners who are city dwellers probably feel that they dont need to worry about something like pet health insurance because they cant possibly for see when they would need it. Their pets live inside, what could possibly happen to them. What these pet owners dont realize is that illness can sometimes affect house pets the hardest because their immune systems havent had a chance to build up any resistance. Farmers and ranchers have a very clear cut idea of how fast and accident and how expensive vet care is. Most of them would like to insure the health of their pets but there simply isnt enough extra money to afford the monthly premiums. Ranchers and farmers also tend to have a working knowledge of illnesses and injuries that lets them treat their pets on their own.

Pet Health Insurance

Recent revelations in scientific research have provided pet owners with the means to now save their beloved family pets from injuries and diseases that would have caused the pet to be euthanized in the not so distant past. The sad news is that when the unthinkable happens and a pet life hangs in the balance most pet owners find that they are unable to afford the often staggering price of the treatments which can range from $3000-$10000 and some cases even more, and are forced to euthanize their pets anyway. It is in these instances that pet owners wish they had the foresight to purchase a pet health insurance policy. Pet health insurance is similar to human health insurance. Pet owners who purchase pet health insurance plans from pet health insurance companies do so for a variety of reasons. They might be intrigued by the idea that they will be able to save on their pets annual trip to the vet or they might just be worried that if a serious health crisis develops they wont be able to afford the treatment, Pet owners can pick from a variety of plants such as pet fatality/mortality insurance, major medical insurance, and basic medical insurance (policy names may vary from company to company.) Many pet health care insurance companies offer option a variety of additional riders to complement the pet health care insurance plan. Mortality/fatality pet insurance is similar to human life insurance. The owner pays a premium every month the pet is alive in any event of its death the owner is reimbursed a predetermined amount of money. While the mortality/fatality insurance does not take the sting out of losing a beloved family pet it may help of any additional medical bills that accumulated at the end of your pet's life. Many owners used the check to assist with purchasing a new family pet. One thing's owners should be aware of when they possess AA mortality/fatality pet insurance plan is that most companies require that the owner contact them be for the pet is euthanized. They will often asked to speak to the veterinarian in charge of your pet's case. Basic medical health insurance typically covers veterinarian expenses such as accidents, non-elective surgeries, hospitalization, and illnesses. One popular insurance company offers a plan that pays from cuts to cancer up to $1000; most pet owners use this plan for emergencies only. Pet owners are advised to purchase a pet health care insurance plan as early in their pets life as possible. Many insurance companies and veterinarians point out that most freak accidents happen in the early years of a pets life. Owners should be aware that most pet health insurance plans do not convert genetic dis-orders that develop in certain breeds and some of the more expensive surgeries. Most insurance plans also will not touch pre-existing conditions Horse owners may want to consider purchasing a loss of use policy for their horses. A loss of use policy pays if the force is injured so badly it is no longer able to be ridden or bred, but is not so badly injured to justify euthanizing the animal.
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