Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatments of Food Allergy in Cats

Food allergy does not only affect humans but also animals. It commonly affects cats and is considered among the major causes of atopy, and flea bite allergies. Cats may develop food allergies from frequently fed types of food. Cats become sensitive with a certain food ingredient. Thus the antibodies in their intestinal tracts respond resulting to food allergy. In fact, among all types of allergies, food allergies are more prone to cats with a ten percent ratio. Food allergies can affect female, male, and neutered cats. And it is also a misconception linking specific breeds of cats to food allergies. This condition can trigger symptoms in cats as young as five months old and as mature as twelve years old. But the majority of food allergy cases in cats occur between two and six years old. Cats having food allergies also have contact with inhalant allergies. The major distinction of food intolerances from food allergies must be learned to correctly manage food allergy in cats. Food allergies are considered as true allergies showing characteristic symptoms such as itching as well as skin problems linked with canine and feline allergies. If vomiting or diarrhea occurs without creating allergic responses, then it is only food intolerances. Cat food intolerances are similar to humans getting stomach trouble or diarrhea because of eating fried or spicy foods. Both food allergies and food intolerances can be prevented by utilizing foods without offending agents. Several studies revealed that some food ingredients are the major triggers of food allergies compared to others. The most common culprits in cats are beef, dairy products, and fish. As many pet owners have observed, these are the major ingredients found in cat foods. Although some proteins are slightly more antigenic, still it comes in similar forms. Thus allergic reactions depend on the amounts of exposure. The symptoms of food allergies in cats are the same to most types of allergies. But the main symptoms are itchy skin, excessive scratching, miliary dermatitis, and hair loss. It can be difficult for pet owners to distinguish cats suffering from food allergies or atopy through physical signs. However, they must suspect of food allergy if symptoms start to manifest during the winter or all year-round and cats failed to respond to steroid and antihistamine treatments. Diagnosing food allergies in cats is very simple provided that you can recognize symptoms of the different types of allergy. Food allergy symptoms can be similar to symptoms of bacterial or yeast infections, notoedric mange, seborrhoea, and hypersensitivity to intestinal parasites. It is very important to perform food trials to cats. Provocative testing and elimination diets can be done. Feed the cat with novel foods that contain carbohydrates and proteins for twelve weeks without treats. One typical example is potato and duck, or potato and venison. These types of food are commercially available or can be made at home. Young growing cats have already special nutritional needs. Homemade diets containing one carbohydrate and one protein without fatty acids and multivitamins can be fed for twelve weeks. Food trials in kitten are done through feeding a commercially balanced diet. After twelve weeks, feed the cats with previous foods they once eat, if symptoms appear, then it is food allergy. Other perform blood testing, but it is not that accurate compared to food trials. The treatment of food allergy in cats is also simple. Feed the cats with specialized commercial diets form Purina or Hill or homemade balanced diets.

Easy Guidelines on Fighting Food Allergy through Allergens-Free Diet

Some people are not aware that they have food allergy. It can be difficult to diagnose especially if allergic reactions are not apparent before. Symptoms of food allergy only appear if you exceed the tolerable amount of foods you are allergic to. Food allergy lets your body react as if some foods are harmful. The immune system of the body then creates antibodies for fighting back food allergens which triggers the food allergy. Once the person eats the food, touches the food, or even inhales its particles, chemicals including histamine are released by the body to protect it from allergens. Allergic symptoms can affect your cardiovascular system, skin, gastrointestinal tract, or respiratory system. Food allergy symptoms are characterized by wheezing, abdominal pain, swelling, itchiness in the throat, tongue, or lips, itchy skin rashes, and runny nose. Food allergies need to follow special diets. These diets do not contain food allergens as much as possible. It is advised to consult your doctor or dietitian especially if you want to eliminate some types of food from your original diet or begin a specialized diet. It is because you might need some adjustments on the new meal plan or replace any lost nutrients by taking nutritional supplements. 1. Milk allergy diets. You need to eliminate milk and dairy products containing milk. These are good sources of Vitamin D and calcium. So it is necessary to replace it with other kinds of food such as soy products, spinach, and broccoli, also enriched with these nutrients. The labeled ingredients of the products must be always checked. You can also use almond, rice, or soy milk, instead of cow's milk. Non-dairy goods which include some margarines, cheese, yogurt, chocolate, and ice cream. 2. Egg allergy diets. Young children, adults, and infants are more prone to egg allergies. Elimination of eggs and other products with egg contents is needed. Also check labels carefully because some egg alternatives has egg white contents. 3. Peanut allergy diets. Peanut allergies are one of the most fatal and are potentially serious among all types of food allergies. It contains food allergens most common for triggering allergic reactions. Most commercial foods such as ethnic foods, candy, and baked foods contain peanuts, especially if prepared only by one manufacturer. 4. Tree nuts allergy diets. All products with tree nuts ingredients must be totally avoided even though only one nut triggers your allergic reactions. Some shampoos and lotions also contain tree nuts. Carefully check the product labels. 5. Fish allergy diet. Fish have different species but contains similar proteins. You need to eliminate all kinds of fish from your diet, except if your allergist has already determined the specie that triggers your food allergy. It is also advisable not to visit seafood restaurants. 6. Shellfish allergy diets. Shellfish have different species but contains similar proteins. You need to eliminate all kinds of shellfish from your diet, except if your allergist has already determined the specie that triggers your food allergy. 7. Soy allergy diets. Soybeans are considered legumes which include kidney beans, navy beans, black beans, string beans, chickpeas, pinto beans, peanuts, carob, licorice, and lentils. This is widely used for processing foods, so make sure to avoid such products. 8. Wheat allergy diets. Wheat proteins are called gluten and wheat made foods are considered as American diet staples, which you need to avoid. Read the labels of the products carefully. Never forget these diet guidelines to fight food allergies successfully. After all nothing beats caution and preparedness.

Cure For Food Allergy with Psychological Origin

Food allergy is one of the easiest conditions to cure when talking about psychological methods. However, it is recommended to use other methods that are widely available. It is because one treatment may be effective for one person but not to others. From the point of view of some psychologists, food allergy has something to do with emotional experiences or illnesses from years ago. However, most people are unconscious about it. Take for instance; when you were a child, you have developed headaches or nausea from bugs that you have picked up and have associated it with the food you have eaten recently. If you experience the same thing in the days to come, it could bring back the same emotional upset and symptoms of the disease. To eliminate food allergy in relation to psychological origins, you need to successfully send the message to your subconscious mind for breaking that association. You can get the help of a hypnotist or a knowledgeable friend about the process. You need to dig deeper to find out the origin of your food allergy. It is necessary to determine the first incident that connects food allergy into your life. Your subconscious state definitely know what had happened that time and for sure that would be likely traumatic. But you don't need to be upset again, you were young before and as you are getting more mature, your way of thinking also changes. Take away all your negative emotions that you have felt before because of food allergy, and start to think recovery from that distressful situation. More often it can be caused by what somebody said (it can include your parent, doctor, teacher, or another child) or something you witnessed in connection with food allergy. Whatever it is, there is something that was imprinted subconsciously and still operates presently. Thus you don't want to have such a condition. If you know the origin of food allergy, then it is easy to find the cure. Talking to the subconscious mind and letting it do what the therapist say needs a trigger and a command. Your therapist can tell it to disconnect all the things that are associated to your food allergy in all the levels of your subconscious mind so that the condition will never bother you again. A friend can do it for you. Take for instance; let your friend start the procedure by snapping his/her fingers or clapping his/her hands. You can close your eyes and begin to imagine eating the food that caused your food allergy. See how you feel. This may sound ridiculous for people who are not a therapist but can work for many sufferers of food allergy. Your subconscious mind is not considered a reasonable mind but a mind which follows order. Again try to imagine eating the foods you are allergic to, extend your imagination until the food allergy symptoms appear, and then observe your feelings. If you feel the symptoms, then it shows that it is in your mind. This procedure can be done repeatedly until the results become positive. This method provides no guarantees, however it can make a difference. Food allergies can be recurrent during an emotional upset. Just do the procedure all over again until your upsetting episode is over. Food allergies with psychological origin can be treated in this way. But still, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
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