Allergy-free Dog Food, Is it the Best Solution?

Your pet dog is a unique companion that requires your love and attention. When your dog is suffering from any ailment or condition, you're also suffering. Sometimes, it's difficult to find out what causes such ailments, and many vets claim that it has something to do with food allergies. Around 10% of dog allergies are due to food. Allergies related to foods can be very alarming to the owner. If you frequently see your dog excessively scratching and itching, then your pet may have a certain food allergy. The most common food culprits are corn, wheat, and soy. There are also dogs allergic to beef and chicken. It would be best to bring your dog to a vet so that the doctor can give an accurate diagnosis and the proper way of treating your best friend. If your dog compulsively and excessively licks his foot, or bites or chews his other body parts, this is already a sign that your pet has an allergy. Usually, pet nutritionists and vets recommend the substitution of your dog's protein source. For this special purpose, lambs are often used to introduce something that's new to his diet. If you greatly rely on your vet, he would usually give you expensive formulas that are hypo-allergenic. But did you know that you can also figure things out by yourself? There are dog food mixes that are specially designed for those with food allergies. In the long run, these mixes can be expensive. You can begin giving allergy-free mixes so that you can closely control your dog's diet. The mixes contain vitamins and nutrients formulated exclusively for dogs. Try to experiment and introduce other protein sources and observe the dog's reaction for a few days. There are certain dog mixes that are chicken-based, while others have fish protein. Every now and then, change your dog's protein source and observe. If you finally found one that goes well with your dog and the allergies seem to improve, then stick to that diet. There are things to remember when you're introducing a new food for your dog. You must do it slowly for about six days. Use the ration 4 is to 1, with 4 being the old food. Do this gradually until the sixth day, when you've totally changed your dog's diet. Stick with the food for at least a week and keep a close watch if your dog develops a certain reaction. You can't solve the allergy problems of your dog overnight. Break your dog's food cycle by starting with a neutral food that's grain-free. After finding the right protein source for your dog, you can try re-introducing the grain back and see if there's an effect. Use your common sense; and if you choose to do things on your own, you can also save a lot of money. And remember that you should feed your dog with a well-balanced diet with the right amount of vitamins and minerals. The process of sensitizing your pet dog to a certain food agent and the complex antibody response which takes place in your dog's intestinal tracts are not yet well understood. Despite this fact, many vets and nutritionists know the symptoms and how to correctly diagnose allergies, as well as treating them. So you see, you can also try other alternatives in choosing your dog's food other than allergy-free foods. All it takes is patience, time, and common sense.

Having a Hidden Allergy Can Contribute to Making You Ill

Having a Hidden Allergy Can Contribute to Making You Ill One out of two individuals suffers from hidden food allergies, and this includes around 70% of chronically ill people. If you're one of those unfortunate people, what will you do? Persons suffering from discomfort and unnecessary pain usually exhibit classic symptoms like weight gain, bloating, food cravings, irritable bowel, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, depression, chronic fatigue, bedwetting, hyperactivity, rhinitis, rashes and itches, eczema, sinus problems, asthma, mount ulcers, ear infections, migraines, and joint pains. If these symptoms happen frequently for no reason at all, then more or less you already have a food allergy. You can overcome most food intolerance and allergies, and if you want some help, you can purchase a book written by Patrick Holford and James Braly. Their book is all about hidden food allergies. They explained the benefits if you exclude certain foods in your diet but only for a certain time. After a couple of months, you can eat the same kinds of food safely. Holford is a well-known nutrition expert in Britain, and many of his books are international bestsellers. Braly on the hand is a medical researcher and is also top in his chosen field. Both of the authors have also suffered form hidden food allergies, and that's what encouraged them to write such book. If you're constantly having the symptoms mentioned above, there is a great chance that you have intolerances and allergies. This can add to your troubles and are usually the major cause of your health problems. Unnecessary suffering is the least possible thing that any individual would want to experience. Their book can serve as your guide as you go through a maze until you finally discover which kinds of food can make you sick or ill, and the right foods to consume instead. The book also contains remarkable scientific advances that can help you in identifying if you have a food allergy. The authors explain how people become intolerant, and they reveal underlying food allergy causes. The book teaches the reader how to get rid of the causes to reduce the potential of an allergic reaction. One more thing that might catch your interest, the book can teach you in three months time about desensitizing yourself to certain types of food. If you can do this, you can now eat the kinds of food that you've been trying to avoid. People who have allergies for life can't use the method, but what the book offers is reduction in the symptom's severity by using drug-free and natural methods. When you say allergies, most people would think of chemical allergies; but did you know that household products or environmental factors are nothing compared to the kinds of food that you usually eat? Yes, that's right. Food is the most common cause of your symptoms. Most individuals are unaware that they have the allergy that's why it's called hidden, and is yet to be discovered. Once you discover the types of food that your body is allergic to, you can avoid eating such foods and have other healthy choices of food items. The book is for the entire family. It has several chapters that give useful information, score chart for your symptoms, and about gluten allergy. If you suspect any hidden food allergy, then you can purchase from your local bookstore or through online stores. Hidden Food Allergies by Holford and Braly is quite affordable, besides, this is a good investment because you can learn a lot of things and perhaps this is also the answer to your health problems.

Allergy-Friendly Book for your Child to Help You Cook the

Allergy-Friendly Book for your Child to Help You Cook the Best Research shows that there are about five to eight percent of young children who is inflicted with food allergy. A food allergy is an immunologic reaction of the body when an individual is hypersensitive to a particular food protein. With the growing number of children getting food allergies, more parents and caregivers are seeking help from a lot of resources such as books. Nowadays, there are several books which tackle information on food allergies in children. However, do not be overwhelmed by books which have tempting titles which says that theirs is the best allergy-friendly book for your child. It is only in rare occasions that you can find a book which contains everything you need to know about food allergy in children. Hence, it is best to evaluate the reading material that you are about to acquire by the following standards: 1. Overview of Food Allergy The book must contain a general idea of what food allergy is all about. The definition of food allergy must be well-defined in a manner where even children can understand them. Additionally, the root cause of the food allergy in children should be explained. The signs and symptoms of food allergy in children must be well-discussed. There are instances that the general signs and symptoms are different from those experienced by children. Moreover, the different treatment and prevention methods must be thoroughly talked about in your preferred reading material. It is equally important to for any author to include food allergy related by-laws which may be helpful to you and your child. Labeling law is an example of state rule implemented for food allergy. 2. Types of Food Allergy in Children The types of food allergy in children differ from those on adults. The common food allergies in children are: ?Milk this is considered to be a common allergen to children especially infant. ?Peanut severe allergic reaction may result with this type of allergy to children who have asthma. ?Egg- allergies to this type of food may cause other illness to children such as asthma and nasal allergy. ?Seafood seafood allergy includes hypersensitivity to fish and shellfish. ?Wheat there are children who outgrow their allergies to wheat at an early age. ?Peanut this is said to be a life-threatening type of food allergy especially if left unsupervised. ?Soy this is said to be the least type of food allergy to cause life-threatening situations. 3. Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention It is important for food allergy books to discuss apt diagnosis, treatment and prevention for children. There are several methods to diagnose the presence of food allergy to children. Some examples are close observation to symptoms, elimination diet test, skin prick test and blood test. Studies show that the best way to treat and prevent food allergy is to prevent consumption of allergens or triggers. For children with severe allergies in food are given emergency treatment such as wearing allergy bracelet or card information or carrying EpiPen. 4. Food Recipes Parents are sometimes anxious that their children may not be getting the recommended amount of nutrition due to food allergy. However, there are means and ways to deal with it such as preparing food substitutes to the type of food allergy. Recipes may also be helpful for parents or caregivers to prepare delectable meals.
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