The Journey of the Belgian Hot Chocolate

Hot chocolate is a delicious drink that is a cocktail of cocoa powder or chocolate, sugar, and milk. This toothsome beverage can be traced back to the Mayan and Aztec civilizations in which they consumed their chocolate drinks made from roasted cocoa seeds mixed with spices like chili and achiote or annatto. The chocolate beverage was not only enjoyed but was also revered. Unfortunately, not everyone has the honor to drink chocolates during those times, only the members of the upperclass can drink it. Chocolate was thought to be helpful in relieving exhaustion and was associated with fertility. The cocoa beans were also used by these old civilizations as currencies. But the chocolate mixture during the old times is not as delicious as todays. When European settlers came to the south Americas, they even found the drink a bit repulsive. Even when Christopher Columbus has returned to Europe and brought with him cocoa beans from his travels to the New World; the chocolate was still a bit ignored. It was only the time when a certain Hernan Cortez visited Mexico in the year 1517 when chocolate is beginning to make its way to the world. Cortez then met the Aztec Emperor, Moctezuma, and was introduced to some of the emperors traditions and activities. One of which is his favorite beverage, the chocolate. The emperor served Cortez the chocolate drink in a goblet made of gold, which was very impressive. The chocolate of the emperor was then a mixture of powdered cocoa beans, vanilla, spices, and honey. The ritual must have impressed Cortez that he brought a lot of cocoa beans back to his native Spain. He also brought with him equipments for making chocolate beverages. The Spaniards kept the recipe a secret for a long time that it was only after one hundred years that the beverage became very popular in Europe. When chocolates found its way to Belgium, it was like a match made in heaven! Belgians are known for their exquisite cuisine that is at par with the French. They even claim that their food is cooked in the way of the French but served generously like those of the Germans. The Belgians have their own way of making chocolates. Through the years, they have honed their skills and perfected the manufacturing of chocolates of the best quality. In this perfection of this delicacy, it is easy to assume that chocolates are to Belgians as electronics gadgets are to Japan. There are a number of varieties of Belgian hot chocolates to choose from and all seem to send the drinkers to paradise. From the moment the lips touch the cup and smell the aroma of the beverage, you will already feel the essence of the beverage being absorbed in your body. As you taste it a little you know that youll crave for more except that it will burn your tongue if you drink it in one gulp. Consequently, slowly consuming it is what makes it more pleasurable! And the perfect aftertaste that is like no other hot chocolate you can find anywhere else in the world. No wonder that chocolate lovers seem to salivate more than the usual every time they here the word Belgium. Probably daydreaming of gargling and finally drinking all the Belgian hot chocolate they can gather up when they get the chance to visit the land of chocolates.

More than a Trifling Experience of Belgian Chocolate Truffles

A chocolate truffle is a collection of chocolate sweets. This mouth watering confection us usually made with a round ganache of chocolate core covered with a powdered cocoa or chocolate. It is actually named after the truffle fungus because of their physical similarities. A ganache is a French term which refers to the concoction of heavy cream and chocolate. It is usually produced from cream of heavy consistency which is boiled and then dispensing it on top of chopped up chocolate. This concoction is mixed until it finally is perfectly smooth. The ratio and proportion of the ganache will vary depending on the kind of chocolate the chocolatier wants. For truffles, the usual ratio is two parts of chocolates is to one part of cream. There are basically four kinds of chocolate truffles that have been circulating the chocolate world. These three are the Swiss truffle, European truffle, American Truffle, and the Belgian truffle. The Swiss truffle is produced from the combination of chocolate and a boiling concoction of butter and dairy cream. This mixture is then gradually transferred into casts for setting. Eventually cocoa powder is sprinkled unto the chocolate casts. The Swiss truffle should be eaten up within days of production since it has a short shelf-life. American truffles are shaped like half an egg which is covered with chocolate. It is a combination of milk or dark chocolates with coconut oil that is hardened and butterfat. The Canadians also has their own version which includes the additional ingredients of peanut butter and graham crumbs. European truffles is created from a base made from powdered cocoa, powdered milk, and fats as well as syrup which then results to a palatable truffle which has oil-in-water essence. Finally, the Belgian truffle is a produced from Belgian chocolate and ganache. The ganache may be mixed with certain liquors and essences. Mixtures of truffles are formed into long strands or balls, covered with powdered cocoa, dipped with icing. The Belgian chocolate truffles, compared to its Swiss counterpart, are richer in chocolate and are less sweet. It is considered as the best type of chocolate truffle in the world of chocolates. Belgian truffles are easy to make even for neophyte chocolatiers. You only need the following ingredients to start with: cooking chocolate, sifted instant coffee, egg yolk, sifted sugar icing, and unsalted butter. To make the truffles, break down the chocolate into small pieces and melt it in a pot. The pot should be heated by a bigger pot filled with boiling water. This is called the au-bain-Marie method. Then add up the butter and mix it until it melts. Next, do away with the chocolate and butter combination pot then mix in the egg yolk, icing sugar, coffee and then let this mixture chill down. Check the mixture from time to time to ensure that it will not become very hard. Then, when the chocolate seems a little solid, scoop a teaspoonful and shape it into balls. You can roll it in your hands to get that rounded effect. As for the covering, combine the powdered cocoa and the sugar icing in a mixing bowl. Then sprinkle it unto the balls of chocolate you have made. The truffles should be then stored in the fridge for a longer shelf life. So, you can either make your own truffle or travel to Belgium to buy the famed truffles yourself. Plus, you even go on a sight seeing adventure while munching on the truffles as you travel.

The Reasons Why You Should Start a Belgian Chocolate Store

The Reasons Why You Should Start a Belgian Chocolate Store Many people today are now starting their own small business in order to have more freedom and also to earn more money. However, you have to consider that not all small businesses are successful. This is because owners of unsuccessful businesses failed to study what most people want and what the demands are in the market today. Sometimes, entrepreneurs have the right idea but the wrong product to sell in their business. So, before you start any your own small business, you have to consider what your consumers want in order to make your business a success. To give you an idea on what kind of business is ideal, you have to think of an item or a food that people really loves and one that never grows old. One such food idea is called chocolates. You have to admit the fact that a lot of people loves to eat chocolate. Even dieting people loves eating chocolate and they openly admit that they even cheated at least once on their diet by sneaking in the kitchen in the middle of the night just to eat chocolates. So, if you are planning to put up a store, you should consider selling chocolate products in order to satisfy the cravings of your potential clients. Since chocolates are very popular all over the world, you can be sure that you will never run out of enthusiastic clients. However, you have to remember that people are also very picky about what kind of chocolates they want. First of all you have to consider the fact that cheap chocolates dont give the taste that people always look for in a chocolate. This is why you should consider selling only the finest chocolates in order for your chocolate store to be always frequented by chocolate enthusiasts. Always remember that cheap chocolates will never make you successful. One kind of fine chocolates is Belgian chocolates. You have to consider that Belgium produces one of the finest chocolates in the world. If you yourself love chocolate, you may have heard of Godiva and Callebaut chocolates. These chocolates are Belgian chocolates, and if you know your chocolates, you will know that Godiva and Callebaut are definitely the finest chocolates in the world. Although fine chocolates from Belgium are on the expensive side, you can always buy them in bulk to save money and order online to enjoy additional discounts and promos. You also have to consider the fact that if you sell only the finest tasting chocolates, you can be sure that your store will be frequented by chocolate lovers. However, you dont have to exclusively sell Belgian chocolates. You can also provide cheaper and locally made chocolates in order for people who cannot afford to purchase fine chocolates. There are also cheaper brands of Belgian chocolates that you can consider. You have to remember that you should always keep the price as low as possible in order for you to get a lot of profits and also a lot of customers. Always remember that just because it's Belgian doesnt mean that you have to mark up the price a lot. To attract and keep customers, always price your Belgian chocolates reasonably. These are some of the things you have to remember when you are planning to put up a chocolate store with Belgian chocolates as your products.
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