Reasons to Purchase Pet Health Insurance for Your Cat

Cats are funny creatures. One minute they want to be petted and stroked, the next they are taking a swipe at your hand and acting like you are public enemy number one. Some people love the conundrum of pet cats and other people hate them. Love them or hate them they are a still a common pet and have a whole host of potential health issues that will require veterinary care and might have their owners considering the pros and cons of pet health insurance. When cat owners first bring their brand new kitten to the vet they should have the kitten vaccinated for distemper. Cat owners who have a cat that is entering into the golden years of its life should know that kidney failure is the most common problem senior cats have to deal with. Hairballs are often the very first thing cat owners think about when they stop to consider possible threats to their cats health. Hairballs are clumps of hair that can be found in the cats digestive system. Cat owners can purchase food additives that will help eliminate hairball. In extreme cases the cat will have to undergo surgery to have a hairball removed. Just like their owners cats can develop urinary tract infections. Cats who have a urinary tract infection generally cry when they are using their litter box. If a cat is suddenly missing the litter box and having accidents around the house it could be a sign of a urinary tract infection. Treating the urinary tract infection generally depends on the type of infection. After doing tests to determine the origin of the infection vets will normally put the cat on a round of antibiotics. If the infection has spread to the kidneys or caused a blockage immediate veterinary action is needed. Cats kept indoors do not usually develop upper respiratory problems. Cats that have a respiratory illness often cough, sneeze, have runny noses, discharge from the eyes, and are listless. Some cats will run a fever. Just like humans cats that have an upper respiratory illness are contagious and should be kept separate from other cats. Cats with upper respiratory problems should be encouraged to drink lots of fluids. If your cat develops a fever take him to the veterinarian for a round of antibiotics. High fevers, if left untreated, can lead to brain damage and death. Some cats are prone to getting abscesses. Abscesses are wounds, sometimes small, that heal over, trapping infection under the skin. As the pus gathers a bump will appear on the cats skin. Cats with abscesses could be taken to the veterinarians office to have the abscess lanced (cut open), drained, and an antibiotic cream applied. Depending on the abscess veterinarians might attach a tube to the animal to let the pus drain. When the abscess has been drained, cleaned, and dressed the veterinarian will probably prescribe a round of antibiotics. Some cats that have abscesses will run a fever. Lots of pet cats develop diabetes. Many pet health insurance plans will help offset the cost of vet bills.

Rabbits; an Exotic Animal that Could Benefit from Health Insurance

Rabbits; an Exotic Animal that Could Benefit from Health Insurance that Insures Pet Medical Needs Many pet owners enjoy the company and companionship of having a pet rabbit in the house. People are attracted to the idea of house rabbits because rabbits are not only playful and fun to watch they are also very social. Rabbits tend to appeal to people who like the size and feel of cats but are put off by the aloof manners cats sometimes display, most rabbits, if handled properly, are friendly all the time. Rabbit owners need to be aware that because rabbits are so social they need to spend allot of time each and every day playing with their pet rabbit. Rabbits that do not get enough attention can become depressed. Like cats pet rabbits are low maintenance and are easily litter box trained. Rabbits chew on everything, the best way to spare your furniture is to give your pet rabbit lots and lots of chewy toys. Rabbits and young children are not a very good combination, kids habit of grabbing and running around makes rabbits nervous and they can start biting, and rabbit bites hurt. If you decide to keep your pet rabbit in the house you need to be prepared to clean the litter box on a regular basis. Rabbits need to be taken to the veterinarian on a regular schedule for routine vaccinations and check ups. Rabbit owners who keep their rabbits in the house recommend spaying and neutering your rabbit. Pet rabbits are not known for their willingness to take medications. If you have to give your pet rabbit liquid mediation you will need to use a syringe (just the syringe not the needle) or an eye dropper. I prefer syringes because it is easier to measure the proper dosage of medication. Holding the rabbits head and neck with one hand slide the syringe into the rabbits mouth behind the teeth, Check to make sure that the tip of the syringe isn't stuck out the other side of the mouth, point the tip of the syringe towards the rabbits throat. Depress the syringes plunger. If your vet prescribes a medication for your rabbit that is in a pill or tablet form you are going to have to crush up the pill. Once you have crushed the pill into a powder mix it with a little bit of flavored Sustacal or Ensure until you have a watery paste. Use a syringe to administer the paste like a liquid medication. It only takes being bitten by one mosquito for a rabbit to become infected with a severe viral disease call Myxomatosis. Most rabbits die just a few short hours after contracting the disease. The only way to treat Myxomatosis is to vaccinate your pet rabbit before it ever comes into contact with Myxomatosis. Rabbits should be vaccinated when they are six weeks old. Do not give a pregnant rabbit the vaccination; wait until her babies are born. Rabbits are still at risk for Myxomatosis for fourteen days after being vaccinated. Your pet rabbit will need booster shots. Health problems commonly associated with rabbits are uncontrolled bleeding when injured, blood in the urine, broken bones, breathing problems, falling body temperature, and severe diarrhea. If you would like to purchase an insurance plan to help cover the cost of veterinary expenses for your pet rabbit you will probably have to look for an exotic animal policy offer by a pet health insurance company.

Strange but true

Over the years, we all grow used to headlines that capture the imagination like, "Sticky Buns kill 31 in China" or "Two British ships collide, one dies". Somehow the English language is capable of creating dramatic images in just a few words, converting a simple story of food poisoning into an epic movie where killer buns rampage through a crowded mall until brought down by Chinese kung fu warriors. But, every now and then, the story is both extraordinary and literally true. "College girl avoids loss of all her limbs". Medicine is still a fairly inexact science. We all know the names of the big diseases and that there are treatments for many of them. But whether patients get the right diagnosis in time for the treatment to work. Well, that is a different story. Take meningitis as an example. The bacteria responsible live happily in the throats for weeks and months and nothing happens. Then, without warning, something as yet unknown, can trigger them into activity.

The first signs are what seem to be a cold or flu, sometimes with a headache, then developing with fever, vomiting and a rash. But there is no guarantee that these symptoms will appear or in this order. It is often the case that treatment is too late if the rash appears. This is a sign of meningococcemia, a bacterial infection of the blood stream. In some cases, there can be a loss of blood circulation to the hands and feet. At the beginning, they feel cold and, if treatment is delayed, gangrene can set in and there is no choice but to amputate. It is a little like a horror movie. First, surgeons remove the fingers of the affected hand. If that does not stop the spread of the rot, the hand follows, then the arm below the elbow, continuing until there is no arm left. That just leaves the other arm and two legs to go. Amputations occur in between 10 and 20% of cases.

This brings us to Jamie Schanbaum who is a student at the University of Texas in Austin. Early in February, 2009, she felt ill and quickly realised it was something serious. But, instead of going to hospital, she went to bed hoping to sleep it off. This was a crucial loss of time. When she awoke, the bacteria had spread throughout her body. But she has benefited from a new approach to treatment. Patients are placed in an oxygen chamber and given high doses of viagra. Although this drug is most usually associated with the treatment of erectile dysfunction, it works by dilating arteries in certain key areas through out the body. So it has a general effect in improving blood circulation. Changing the air pressure also improves flow. With these two working together, circulation to the affected areas of the arms and legs can be improved and amputations avoided. Years ago, Jamie would have lost all her limbs. Today, comparatively little needs to be removed. Although this is an extreme example of the effectiveness of viagra, it should remind us that it also represents a dramatic way of restoring circulation to the penis and creating hard erections. Different needs are equally well served by this amazing drug.

Making Healthy Food Choices

Vegetables, fruits, and grains are normally low in fat and have no cholesterol. Most are great sources of dietary fiber, complex carbs, and vitamins. The American Heart Association recommends that you eat foods that are high in complex carbs and fiber. Below are some tips for making healthy food choices: - Coconut is high in saturated fat, while olives are high in monounsaturated fats and calories. You should use these items sparingly to avoid getting too many calories from fat. - When vegetable grains are cooked, saturated fat or cholesterol is often added. For example, egg yolks may be added to bread or even pasta. - Processed, canned, or preserved vegetables may also contain added sodium. With some people, too much sodium (salt) may lead to high blood pressure. There are some food companies that are actually canning vegetables with less salt. You can look for these in the market area or choose fresh and even frozen vegetables. - Nuts and seeds tend to be high in calories and fat, although a majority of the fat is polyunsaturated or monounsaturated. There are some varieties, macadamie nuts for example, that are also high in saturated fat. Foods that are high in soluble fiber are a great choice as well. Examples include oat bran, oatmeal, beans, peas, rice bran, barley, and even apple pulp. Whenever you are looking for healthy food choices, always make sure you read the nutrition label or information about the food. You can then determine what the food contains and how healthy it truly is for your body. By taking your time and making your healthy food choices wisely, you'll have a lifetime to enjoy the foods that will take care of you. (word count 285) PPPPP

Teen weight loss: Taking it slowly is still the best

Teen weight loss: Taking it slowly is still the best According to recent studies more kids nowadays are mild to severely overweight. The 1999-2000 National health survey indicates that 15 % of children and teens are overweight. The figure is nearly double that what was recorded a decade or so ago. Some blame their present lifestyle while others blame the lack of discipline in teens nowadays. Regardless of the reasons, teen weight problems are real. But unlike weight loss programs for adults, teen weight loss programs are a little tricky since such programs when left uncheck can be potentially dangerous for their health. Because of the potential danger, dietitian and nutrition experts approach the subject with caution. The basic problem with teen weight loss is that their bodies are still growing and developing and cutting down food intake will greatly influence their growth. It is therefore important that diet programs for teens should cover all their nutritional needs. For teenagers, they generally need to grasp some basic concepts about eating right. If they eat too little, their health will be put at risk. But similarly, if they eat more that they should, the extra food turns into body fat causing weight issues. Teenagers should learn to eat food less with saturated fats. These foods include those fried in fat and oil like fried chicken, burgers, potato chips, french fries, potato chips and other fatty meat. Meanwhile, they also should avoid foods that are high in fat and sugar contents like cakes, chocolates, butter, cream, peanut butter, pies, cookies, and generally any sweets and sweet based desserts. A lot of diet programs claim to be the best solutions for over weight teens. These claims generally revolve around two basic concepts: the right diet and regular exercise. In reality, the quickest and easiest way for teens to loose weight is still the having the right diet and right exercise. Teens should always avoid diet pills. Most of the kids or teens today eat fast foods, get exceedingly large food portions and are really extremely lazy lacking the necessary activities to build a healthy body. Simple outdoor activities for teens can help them loose some of their excess body weight. When you cut grass use a push mower, for example. Engage in activities like playing Frisbee which would help you exercise without even realizing it. There's really no quick way to loose weight. You need to work the excess fat off your body. It is the right combination of diet and exercise which will help you loose weight. But the problem with dieting and exercising is keeping motivated and goal oriented. Kids find dieting intimidating and regular exercise boring. This is why full family support is necessary if you want your kids to loose some weight. You need to keep your kids and teens motivated. Encourage them and help them overcome their cravings by cooking, serving and eating the same food diets that they eat. Get them to be more active. If they find regular exercises boring, join them in other activities such as sports. Teach them what to look for when they eat outdoors. Tell them the benefits of foods and teach them how to read food labels. You may be able to control their diet while they stay home but when they go outside and eat with friends, then you might have a problem. It is therefore important in any diet to implant a sense of self discipline and pride in what they do.
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