Love of Asian Botanical Paintings

I have a love for Asian botanical paintings. Ive been seeking them out for a long time. I have many in my collection and love each and every one of them. The first Asian botanical painting that I bought was Vietnamese. It was one of a series of twelve paintings that I bought that were created by Vu Viet Hung. I have them all over my home. These oil landscapes by Vu Viet Hung are stunning. These Asian botanical paintings really set a serene tone in my home. The subtleties of the colors and the simple themes go so well on my walls. I found a lovely Asian botanical painting quite by chance at a yard sale. I dont usually make a habit of looking for paintings at yard sales, but this one was displayed out front and enticed me to stop. At first glance, I thought I was looking at a painting of a palm tree. At closer inspection, I found that the painting was of a bonsai tree. My office has a more contemporary feel than the rest of my house. I have found that I like to have an abstract Asian botanical painting to ponder while I am thinking. I searched for a long time to find just the right piece to hang there. I finally found a piece by an artist named Soniei called Enlightenment. Soniei has a collection called the New Zen Sho Collection. I love his work. The abstract that I bought is considered an Asian botanical painting because it features bamboo. In addition to the bamboo, there is beautiful calligraphy. I have my eye on another Asian botanical painting by Soniei that has shades of sea-foam green. It is much more subdued than the one I bought called Enlightenment. This one is called Self-awareness and it is just lovely. It is another painting of bamboo. My mother-in-law admires the Asian botanical paintings that I find. I found one that I really liked at a gallery in Hartford while I was on vacation. It did not fit with my home and so I bought it for her. She has really enjoyed it. It features two flowering trees in acrylic on two panels. The painting really is stunning with all of the shades of red. It looks great in her house. My husband isnt as big a fan of Asian botanical paintings as I am. They just dont speak to him. He has allowed me to hang one painting in his office because he approved of the color scheme. The Asian botanical painting he chose for me to hang for him was a black and white. Our daughter loves watercolor Asian botanical paintings on fabric. She keeps her eye out for advertisements in our local paper for people selling them. She has already purchased three. She is well on her way to her own collection. Bamboo is the most popular subject in Asian botanical paintings. I have found so many paintings in so many different mediums that all feature bamboo. I catch myself buying so many paintings that Ive started giving them as gifts for friends and family for house warming gifts. My sister recently bought a condo and I gave her an Asian botanical painting of happy birds and bamboo. She liked the watercolor and asked me to find her two more to hang throughout her home. I was able to find several more at the same shop that were created by the same artist. The other Asian botanical paintings were of snow bamboo in moonlight and green bamboo. Ill keep checking back at that store for new paintings. She said that she could probably use one or two more. I am planning to redecorate my kitchen. I do not like the French Country dcor that the previous owner chose. I would prefer that my kitchen reflect my personality better. I will absolutely need an Asian botanical painting hung prominently in my kitchen. I have the perfect Asian botanical painting in mind already. It is a nice Chinese painting that was done on rice paper with ink, water and color. It is mounted with nice silk border by an expert and is ready to frame. PPPPP 701

Child Food Allergy: How to Effectively Manage It

As a parent, it is very important for your child to have everything. You would want everything to be the best for your child and this is why most parents work very hard in order to give their children their needs and their wants. You work hard in order to give your child the best possible living conditions, nutritious and delicious foods, enroll them to the best schools, and you also want them to have the best toys that they can play with. As you can see, it is quite natural for you as a parent to want the best in everything for your child in order for them to grow up healthy as well as happy. However, there comes a time where your child gets sick. Today, there are numerous cases of child food allergy that can severely affect your child's way of life. With a child food allergy, you have to take care and closely monitor what your child eats. Because they still dont have an idea about what foods they can eat and what foods they cannot eat, it is very necessary that you should always keep an eye out for your child. However, if they are now going to school, you have to consider that their classmates may eat food that their child is allergic from. You have to realize the fact that your children just might want to taste it. And, with you at the office, working very hard for your child, you can't always keep an eye out for your child and tell them that they can't eat the food. First of all, allergies are triggered by histamines. Although histamines are normally found in animal dander, and in pollens, it can also be found in certain foods. In fact, some people are allergic to a lot of foods that they have to know what they are eating. You also have to know how allergies work in order to fully understand how you can manage it. Allergies are triggered when your child ingests histamine. Histamines are normally considered to be harmless in the human body, however, when a person is allergic to it, the white blood cells or the immune systems overreacts and attacks the histamine. This also triggers the body to experience sneezing, runny nose, and swelling in different parts of the body. This is considered to be your body's self defense when they encounter an alien object in your body. There are severe cases of allergies that some children experiences that can really affect their life. In some cases of allergy attacks, you may need to take your child to the hospital. This is why it is very important that you should identify what kind of food is allergic from. Usually, child food allergy is triggered by histamines in peanuts and in shellfish. Although they may develop allergy to other kinds of food, peanuts and shellfish are the main triggers of allergies. It is also a great way to keep track of their diet in order for you to identify the causes of allergy attacks in your child. However, it is best that you should consult their pediatrician where they will perform a series of tests that can be used to identify what kind of allergens triggers your child's allergy attacks. To do this, your pediatrician will do a series of lab examination that will include skin tests to determine the causes of the allergy. By doing this and by knowing about what kind of food your child is allergic to, you will be able to manage the food they eat and give them a more normal life to live.

Childrens Art Paintings

Childrens art paintings are fun to look at. They bring me good feelings. I have had a lot of jobs the last couple of years buying childrens art to hang in various places. I have enjoyed every single job. I bought two childrens art posters for the childrens hospital to hang in one of their waiting area. They were both from Maurice Sendaks book Where the Wild Things Are. I loved that book when I was a kid and this art brought back some good memories. I found a Jim Daly childrens art print to frame and put in the physical therapy lounge at a local rehabilitation center. They wanted to put together a friendly feeling place that would help keep kids entertained. I put the painting where parents can read. I was asked to hang childrens art along a long hallway in a home I was decorating. I thought that this was an odd request because there werent any kids living there and the home had a very stark and cold feel to it. It was definitely the minimalist style this homeowner had that left me puzzled. The childrens art paintings that I ended up choosing for the hallway were all from the same artist. The artist specialized in mini paintings and they were all so simple and beautiful. They actually fit with the owners style. I had each painting put into a simple frame with no matting and hung them all along the long hallway. I actually liked this artist so much that I purchased twice as many childrens art paintings than I needed to complete the hallway job. I plan to give these paintings as gifts to people that I know with either a child or a whimsical spirit. I even liked the artists name, Lollipop Art. I was asked to add some decorations to a familys daughters room. The family was extremely active and bicycling seemed to be the primary family exercise. I thought it would be fun to find some childrens art painting that depicting cycling in a fun way. I found an acrylic signed by the artist of a woman on a bike with a child and a yellow balloon. I had a client call me asking about buying a childrens art painting by artist Stephanie Bauer. The painting was called Dragonfly. I did find the painting and also found that it was not for sale. Fortunately, there is a fine art print made from this painting. My client was more than happy to purchase the print and have it framed in an extremely nice frame. It hangs in her daughters room now. She loves it because it is pink! I was hired to find a painting for the waiting room at a local dance studio. I found that all of the classes were for children, so I looked for a childrens art painting to hang there. I found one called Little Girl Ballerinas. It was very colorful and whimsical. The owner of the studio loved it. I was hired to redecorate three girls bedroom. The family had three daughters that all wanted childrens art paintings on their walls. Each had a distinct personality and interests that didnt overlap with the other two. The first girl received an acrylic painting called Sports Girls. This sister is the one that is very athletic. The next sister is very interested in entomology. She is very shy and quiet. I found a childrens art painting for her that she really liked. I could buy the actual watercolor from Pily Torres, so I bought a reproduction that looked great after it was framed. The third sister was completely immersed into dancing. I found a gorgeous childrens art painting of a folk art ballerina that had several different pinks in it. It looked great without a frame and she was really happy with it. The most recent job I had wanted something really unique. They wanted a childrens art painting, but they were more interested in an extremely large mural. I found one that the family really liked that depicted a fantasy scene. It looks like there is a castle in the background and a unicorn in the foreground is leaping. I liked what it added to the room, it was the perfect choice. PPPPP 715

Chicago Teeth Whitening Methods: Why Everyone has that Smile on

Chicago Teeth Whitening Methods: Why Everyone has that Smile on Their Faces Many people in Chicago are getting confused about which products are more effective when it comes to whitening their teeth. This because of the number of them already exists. Advertisements about these products can confuse people all the more. All of them are saying that they are the best whitening solution. Many people are enticed by what they are saying that they end up buying brands that are not suited to them. Do all these products really work? Some people can attest to the fact that their teeth were made whiter by the products that they use. On the other hand, there are those that say none works for them. Whatever their individual views are, only one thing is certain; if you have found the whitening product that suits you and is using that regularly for some time, there is a bigger possibility that it will work. What are the causes of teeth discoloration? Drinking coffee and tea are known to dull the color of your teeth. This is if you are a constant drinker of these for a period of time. Additional factors that contribute to teeth discoloration are caffeinated sodas, smoking and tooth injury. The most common and accepted cause is age. No matter how well you clean your teeth, it will eventually become dull as you age. What are some methods of teeth whitening that people in Chicago can use? 1. Toothpastes with active teeth whitening ingredients. For removing stains caused by foods you eat, whitening toothpastes are the best option. Toothpastes consist of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. These are the important ingredients for whitening the teeth. Gradual discoloration of teeth can be prevented if you constantly brush your teeth. Not only that, you will be free from germs and plaque that can also cause other tooth problems. 2. Teeth bleaching and whitening formulas. Teeth whitening and bleaching products have the same ingredients that present in toothpastes. The only difference is that the level of hydrogen peroxide is higher. Teeth whitening has 10-16 percent hydrogen peroxide content while bleaching products have 35 percent. There are a lot of teeth whitening products you can buy from drug stores and groceries. If you want to find out which one is best for you, you can try different products and see which will suit you best. You will find that they are generally cheap. Teeth bleaching are done by dental professionals. Because of the use of higher amount of hydrogen peroxide, this method should be taken with caution. It is best to consult with your dentist first if you want to have your teeth bleached. They will be able to give you advice on how best to proceed with this method. 3. Veneers. This is one of the best known method whitening teeth permanently. Veneers are made from porcelain. These porcelains are affixed to the tooth. The process can be very expensive. It normally costs around $900 for every tooth. This is the reason why not all people can afford this method. Those who do are those that are intent on permanently having whiter teeth in the fastest time. Today, it is not difficult to have super shiny and super white teeth. You only need to choose the best method that you think will suit you and your budget. Then you can start looking for the best teeth whitening method in all of Chicago.

Buying Yellow Paintings

Ive been watching yellow paintings at an online auction site. I wonder where these yellow paintings will end up hanging. There were twenty bids on a painting of yellow daffodils. It was really pretty. I really liked the painting titled Red Flowers Yellow Ochre Morning. It came in three panels that were each 20X16. The picture online showed the painting above a bed and it just looked so clean and crisp. The medium for this painting was acrylic. The smallest paintings that I found were on a panel bracelet. The paintings were of Indian and Near Eastern rulers. The paintings were put in an openwork gold frame set with seed pearls. This piece was created in the early twentieth century. Another yellow painting that I liked was Yellow World by Karen Khachaturov. There were a lot of contrasting yellows in it. I could see yellow lemons and a beautiful yellow flower. The lemons were painted so realistically. This artist has paintings hanging in private galleries in over 40 countries. I can only imagine that the oil painting of yellow roses by an unknown artist will hang in a lovely home. The painting has a nice quality to it. The petals of the yellow roses in the painting seemed to reach out as if they were still alive There was a nice painting that had twenty bidders that was of a vase of yellow daffodils. The feel of the painting was that of one of the masters in impressionist art. The artist listed the item herself and she is also a poet and songwriter. I can close my eyes and see that painting hanging in someones formal parlor. It is so very elegant. The future home of the French chic painting of yellow, lavender and pink roses must be that of a very feminine woman. When I was looking at the painting, I could almost smell the roses. I thought that the sale price of two hundred dollars was disappointing. I think it should have sold for more. My search for yellow paintings found a painting entitled Yellow Taking Over. I dont know why the artist titled his work like that. There was some yellow in this collage, but not much. The painting was done in 1956 by Nicholas Krushenick. It came from the personal collection of a famous photographer that works for the Village Voice. This would look good in someones law office. I wish that I could have purchased the antique oil painting of exotic yellow flowers. The auction said that it was painted in 1897. The pictures made the painting look like it was in great shape for being over one hundred years old. It would look good on the wall of my guest bedroom. Artist Heidi Vaught had a listing for a painting she titled Ambiance numbered 10. The painting had only one bidder and sold for the opening bid, one hundred dollars. I think the winning bidder got quite a bargain. This painting was abstract with lots of teal and yellow. Another painting by Heidi Vaught went for sixty five dollars. This was another bargain, if you ask me. The painting was entitled Yellow Squared and it had a really dizzy feeling to it. I liked it at first sight. I have a friend that would have like the painting I found of a yellow cat. It looked just like her cat. The painting was an original acrylic contemporary painting in yellow ochre. It would have complemented her modern furnishings. Yellow roses make a wonderful subject. I never tire of paintings of yellow roses. My favorite recently was done by Joan Cobb Mayer. The interpretation was stunning. There was one other yellow rose oil painting that caught my eye recently. This one was painted by Berniece Meyers. The bloom extended to all sides of the canvas and the center seemed infinite. I felt good after viewing it. PPPPP 651

Providing the Best Honeymoon at an Affordable Cost

Many people get the idea that honeymoons should be spent in an exotic location where it's located half way around the world. However, you have to consider that this kind of thinking will mean spending a lot more money for your wedding. If you're wedding exhausted all your resources, you should opt for a honeymoon destination that is cheaper. You have to consider the fact that the honeymoon destination shouldnt be located half way around the world in order to be romantic. You have to realize the fact that the romance in the honeymoon will all depend on you and your spouse. Even the most expensive and the most exotic honeymoon destination can't be romantic if you and your spouse dont like the location or is not having fun. So, in order to save a lot of money for your honeymoon, you should try and think of a way to make it cheaper. Of course, you still have to go on a honeymoon in a romantic location. First of all, try and think of a honeymoon destination that is nearer. This can cut the cost and will be as romantic as any kind of honeymoon. If you live in California and you had your wedding there, you can try and consider Hawaii as your honeymoon location rather than go to the Caribbean which is much farther and will cost much more expensive. When you need to fly to go to your destination, you should consider getting an economy seat in the flight. Besides, when you reach your destination, you can relax all you want and with the economy seat in the plane instead of the first class seat, you can be sure that you will save hundreds of dollars for you and your new spouse's plane tickets. When booking your accommodation, try to book it online. You will see that there will be discounts for online booking and you can also have a lot more choices of accommodations. This means that you can still experience luxury accommodations at cheaper rates when you book online. If you want to experience a great honeymoon, you can try booking for a cruise. There are cruise liners existing today that offer great packages for honeymoon vacationers. Some even offers two cruise tickets for the price of one as a package for honeymoon vacationers. With cruise ships, everything is included, such as luxurious honeymoon suite, food, and even great romantic activities that you and your new spouse can do. Cruise liners also offer great quality luxurious accommodations that you and your new spouse can definitely enjoy. The foods are also considered to be the best at cruise liners and the daytime and nighttime activities are endless. Activities, such as scuba diving, kayaking, and even guided tours at port of calls are offered in cruises. Nighttime activities will include great shows, and parties. As you can see, honeymoon vacations don't need to be expensive. All you need to do is shop around for a honeymoon package that offers great package deals. You can be sure that you can spend your honeymoon vacation at a lower cost but the same romantic experience that you always wanted. These are the things you should remember when you are planning for your honeymoon. Always remember that there are quite a lot of destination choices to spend a romantic honeymoon. All you need to do is look for it.
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