Reasons To Buy Berber Carpet

Everyone hears about Berber carpet, and just how great it can be. The carpet was named after a hand made bulky wool that was textured and used by a tribe in North Africa, the Berber tribe. The Berber carpet that is used even today follows the same tradition of the tribe by using flecked bulky yarns to create a beautiful carpet. Below, you'll find several reasons why you should choice Berber carpet over all others. The carpet is unique The flecked looped yarns that are used to make Berber carpets provide a very unique yet stylish carpet that makes Berber easily to identify. Choice in loop sizes There are several loop sizes with Berber carpets, so there is always going to be a size for any room or decoration, from the large knobby loops to the small and tight loops. There are several choices as well, that include cut and loop designs, multiple level loops, and even level loops. Hypo allergenic Berber is the ideal choice for anyone who has allergis or younger children. The carpet is made from wool so it's non toxic and non allergenic, and it will stop bacterial growth on the spot. Very comfortable The manufacturing process that created the loops of wool have millions of air pockets in them so the carpet has a nice and cushioned feel when you walk across it. It also offers an insulation factor due to the weaving which helps to regulate the temperature of the room as well. Durability Berber carpet is one of the most durable types and also one of the easiest to clean. The stains are easily lifted from the carpet and it takes a lot of miles on the carpet before it will even begin to show any signs of wear. Berber is also well known for longevity, as it always seems to look like it was installed yesterday. It rarely ever shows footprints, and it doesn't even show the lines from vacuuming. The only thing you have to watch out for is snagging, as you don't want to snag the loops and damage the carpet. Affordable This is actually a mystery, as Berber is pure wool and still cheaper than nylon, olefin, or any other type of man made carpet, even though it outlasts the rest and maintains a newer look over a longer period of time. Berber is one of the most affordable choices you can make and it still looks richer than any other available choices. Choices of colors The color choices with Berber carpet are varied and include earthen or neutral colors, dark colors, and pastel colors as well. There are plenty of colors to choose from as well as patterns. Berber carpet offers more choices than any other carpet type. Hiding the sub floor Because the density of Berber carpet is so thick, you can easily hide anything wrong in the sub floor without having to spend a lot of money having the sub floor repaired of replaced. This helps to make Berber carpet very cost efficient in older homes that need to have the carpet redone. Grade variety Just like with other carpets, you can choose from a variety of grades that will determine just how plush the carpet is. Berber is available in several different grades, even a product grade that is designed to go on over top of concrete. Besides the fact that Berber is one of the most economical carpets to buy, it is also one of the most economical to install. The carpet is easy to lay, which will save you time and effort, making it a truly excellent choice when it comes to carpet for your home. PPPPP (word count 613)

Exercise and Hypertension

It seems as though many Americans are living a life that leads to high blood pressure or hypertension. As people age, the situation gets worse. Nearly half of all older Americans have hypertension. This disease makes people five times more prone to strokes, three times more likely to have a heart attack, and two to three times more likely to experience a heart failure. The problem with this disease is that nearly one third of the folks who have hypertension do not know it because they never feel any direct pain. But overtime the force of that pressure damages the inside surface of your blood vessels. However, according to experts, hypertension is not predestined. Reducing salt intake, adopting a desirable dietary pattern losing weight and exercising can all help prevent hypertension. Obviously, quitting bad habits and eating a low fat diet will help, but the most significant part that you can do is to exercise. And just as exercise strengthens and improves limb muscles, it also enhances the health of the heart muscles. Heart and Exercise The exercise stimulates the development of new connections between the impaired and the nearly normal blood vessels, so people who exercise had a better blood supply to all the muscle tissue of the heart. The human heart basically, supply blood to an area of the heart damaged in a myocardial infarction. A heart attack is a condition, in which, the myocardium or the heart muscle does not get enough oxygen and other nutrients and so it begins to die. For this reason and after a series of careful considerations, some researchers have observed that exercise can stimulate the development of these life saving detours in the heart. One study further showed that moderate exercise several times a week is more effective in building up these auxiliary pathways than extremely vigorous exercise done twice as often. Such information has led some people to think of exercise as a panacea for heart disorders, a fail-safe protection against hypertension or death. That is not so. Even marathon runners that have suffered hypertension, and exercise cannot overcome combination of other risk factor. What Causes Hypertension? Sometimes abnormalities of the kidney are responsible. There is also a study wherein the researchers identified more common contributing factors such as heredity, obesity, and lack of physical activity. And so, what can be done to lower blood pressure and avoid the risk of developing hypertension? Again, exercise seems to be just what the doctor might order. If you think that is what he will do, then, try to contemplate on this list and find some ways how you can incorporate these things into your lifestyle and start to live a life free from the possibilities of developing hypertension. But before you start following the systematic instructions, it would be better to review them first before getting into action. 1. See your doctor Check with your doctor before beginning an exercise program. If you make any significant changes in your level of physical activity particularly if those changes could make large and sudden demands on your circulatory system check with your doctors again. 2. Take it slow Start at a low, comfortable level of exertion and progress gradually. The program is designed in two stages to allow for a progressive increase in activity. 3. Know your limit Determine your safety limit for exertion. Use some clues such as sleep problems or fatigue the day after a workout to check on whether you are overdoing it. Once identified, stay within it. Over-exercising is both dangerous and unnecessary. 4. Exercise regularly You need to work out a minimum of three times a week and a maximum of five times a week to get the most benefit. Once you are in peak condition, a single workout a week can maintain the muscular benefits. However, cardiovascular fitness requires more frequent activity. 5. Exercise at a rate within your capacity The optimum benefits for older exercisers are produced by exercise at 40% to 60% of capacity. Indeed, weight loss through exercise is an excellent starting point if you wan tot prevent hypertension. Experts say that being overweight is linked to an increased risk of developing hypertension, and losing weight decreases the risk.

Picking Out A Carpet

Carpets are available in many different styles and colors, although when you shop for your carpet, you should try to buy the best quality carpet you can get for the money. Even if you happen to be on a very strict budget, you shouldn't skimp on your carpeting or your carpet pad, as quality products will tend to last longer, wear better, and even save you quite a bit of money in the long run. Almost all modern carpets are made from either nylon, polyester, or olefin. Nylon is the strongest type of material and also the most widely used. Even though nylon will never wear down to the treads, it can fade and get very scrubby in appearance. Buying the proper padding for your carpet and having it treated with a stain resistant treatment will help to make it last a lot longer. When you pick out a carpet, you need to know how to tell if carpet is good enough quality. One easy way to test is by looking at the density of the carpet. This means the thickness and closeness of the pile, or each specific strand of fiber. The closer the fibers are to each other, the better the overall quality will be. You should stick your fingers into the rub or bend it to see if you can feel or see the mesh. The less you feel or see, the better the quality of the carpet. Another factor with quality carpet is the twist level or the number of twists in 1 inch length of fiber - as the more twists you see, the better. The density of the pile will affect how the carpet will wear, while the cut of the pile will affect how the carpet looks. A plush cut carpet looks like a field of velvet with even color and it's great for a formal look. The saxony cut carpet has irregular cuts of pile, and provides a great everyday look. Frieze is a very nubby twisted pile, with a less formal look although the wear it offers is very good. When you buy carpet, you shouldn't ignore the carpet pad. Along with going for the best quality of carpet you can afford, you should also buy the best quality of pad as well. The padding will cut down on noise, and also help to act as a cushion so it's very important - almost as important as the carpet. By taking your time and knowing what to look for, you won't have any problems picking out your next carpet. Quality and durability are the keys to great carpet and pad, which is why you don't want to rush this process. PPPPP (word count 449)

Exercise and Cellulite

When Mike turned 65, he was 25 pounds overweight. By strict dieting, he shed the extra pounds, but he lost more weight; he also lost his energy and vitality. He was always exhausted, and his friends, seeing his gaunt, drawn face, worried about his health. By the time volunteered for a particular fitness program two years later, he had put 25 extra pounds back on. After 6 months of exercise and some willpower at the dinner table, Mike slimmed down again. This time he felt better than he ever had, brimming with energy and glowing with good health. What made the difference? The first time Mike lost weight; the second time he lost fat. The distinction is important. According to research, a large portion of the weight lost by dieting alone is active tissue, such as muscle and connective tissue, while a smaller fraction is excess fat. Exercise has the opposite effect. It increased his lean body mass and decreased his excess fat. Same thing goes with cellulite. Most people tend to think that cellulites are only present to people who are obese. That is why they sometimes associate cellulite with fats and obesity. Actually, even if cellulite refers to the chain of wrinkled fat cells and subcutaneous connective tissues beneath the layer of the skin, it should never be associated with people who are fat or obese. In fact, there are many people who have cellulite but are not fat at all. In reality, nobody knows the main reason why some people accumulate cellulite. However, there are some factors that health experts are considering such as the structure of the fat cells or the poison that entered the body. Some experts say it may be caused by some hormonal changes in the body. But none of these things has been proven to cause cellulites. However, the only main reason why most of the cellulite cases are abundant in women is that the connective tissues of women are more rigid and firm than men. Hence, whenever a woman gets fat, the fatty cells tend to swell and get bigger. It creates a protruding appearance to the skin producing an orange peel look. For this reason, women are more prone to cellulite than men. That is why it is important for women to be more careful on their body as they have higher chances of accumulating cellulite. Fats and Cellulite With the many cases of obese people having cellulites in their body, most of them believed that their cellulites are caused by being too fat. Even though not all those who are obese develop cellulites, being overweight can really trigger the development of cellulites. This is because too much fat under the skin tend to push the connective tissue creating a strain on the skin. Thus, cellulites form. However, this is still dependent on the structure of the cells. If an individuals cell structure does not inhibit the tendency to bulge or expand even if fat deposits accumulate, then there will be no cellulites. So, the most important thing to remember here is to keep those connective tissues firm and strong and avoid accumulating excess fats so as to avoid the development of cellulite. How? Start an exercise routine program. Transforming food into fat seems all too easy for most of us. Losing fat is far more difficult, and to accomplish this, we have only three alternatives: (1) decrease food intake and keep activity constant; (2) increase activity and keep food intake constant; or (3) combine both approaches: diet and exercise. Physical activity can help reverse the results of inactivity. An hour of vigorous exercise burns up 300 to 600 calories. If you also cut 300 to 500 calories from your daily menu, you can also lose weight at the rate of one to two pounds a week. Without exercise, you would have to eat 500 to 1,000 fewer calories a day to lose the same number of pounds in a week. Exercise is not for everyone who is over-fat, however. The severely obese person should exercise only under medical supervision to prevent strain on the cardiovascular system and connective tissue. And no one should restrict food intake drastically without consulting doctor. Resorting to this kind of activity will only get the matter worse. Remember what happened to Mike? He thought that when he started dieting, he would eventually lose all the excess fats he has accumulated. The problem is that he lost those connective tissues rather than excess fat. For people who are prone to cellulites, this will be a greater problem. Losing connective tissues instead of fat by strict dieting can only make the skin more prone to greater problems but the fat cells are still there. That only means that the problem is not solved at all. Hence, if you wish to loose those cellulites, it would be better to loose those fats first. The idea here is to burn those fats by increasing your metabolism by 7.5% to 28% more than your normal rate. It is for this reason that exercising is an important factor in losing cellulite. So for a more cellulite free body, always engage in an exercise routine.

Natural Fiber Carpet

Natural fibers used with carpet are produced either by insects, animals, or even plants. The fibers that are produced by insects or animals are known as protein fibers. Those that are made by plants are known as vegetable fibers. Vegetable and protein fibers share the common disadvantage that they are both very absorbent and will have extended drying times when wet cleaned - which can lead to mildew, shrinkage, and even dry rot. Wool Wool fiber is produced from the fleece of lambs or sheep. Wool of carpet is imported from countries such as England, Australia, and New Zealand. Wool is the oldest and considered to be the finest of all carpet material. The ability of wool to stretch up to 40% of its original length and the fact that it can be bent back and forth more than 180,000 times without breaking makes it very resilient. Wool is the most expensive material for carpet, although it is also the best you can buy. Silk The fiber of silk is produced by the larva of various insects known as silk worms. The silk, in continuous lengths from 300 to 1600 yards is spun to produce the cocoons. As a fiber, silk is naturally non flammable, strong, and not affected by static charge problems - even at low humidity. Cellulose fiber This type of fiber is produced by plants and normally not used as face yarns. These types will however, show up as backing materials of tufted as as well as carpets that have been woven. Cotton Cotton is a vegetable seed fiber that is produced from the cotton plant. The primary use for this fiber is yarns woven in carpet or rugs. Cotton is resistant to alkaline solutions and becomes stronger when it is wet. The biggest disadvantages to cotton is the fact that is the most absorbent of all fibers and requires extended drying times after being wet cleaned. It is also easily damaged by acids, stains easily, mats down, soils quickly, and is subject to mildew, dry rot, and shrinkage. Jute The fiber of jute is produced by the jute plant which grows in South America, Pakistan, and even in India. The stalk of the jute plant is where the longer coarse fibers are obtained, located between the outer bark and within the inner pulp. Jute is normally used as weft yarns, across the width, in woven carpets and as a backing material in the construction of tufted carpets. Jute is an inexpensive material that also serves other uses than just carpet. Like all other fibers, this one has disadvantages as well. The fiber is weak when it becomes wet and is also subject to dry rot, shrinkage, and mildew. Sisal The fiber of sisal is produced by the leaves of the agave plant. Sisal is very strong and primarily used for making rugs, sacking, rope, and even carpet. The fiber stains easily and is also very difficult to clean. Wet cleaning can also cause shrinkage so its best to use low moisture methods. Rayon There is quite a bit of confusion about rayon and it is easy to understand why. Rayon is a synthetic fiber that is produced from natural cellulosic fibers of wood pulp or cotton. The material is put through several chemical treatments which help to turn it into a synthetic fiber. Primarily, rayon is used for area rugs because of its silk like appearance. It can be damaged by acids, has low resistance to abrasion and is also prone to cellulose browning. PPPPP (word count 588)
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