An Energy Alternative: Free Energy

There has been much debate about what is often called free energyenergy that can supposedly, with the right technology, be drawn straight out of the atmosphere, and in very abundant supply. The debates are about whether the stuff actually exists or not, what it would actually cost were it to be harnessed, and if it does exist is it truly as abundant and efficient as it's being made out to be by proponents of research and development into this potential alternative energy source. When one hears the phrase free energy device, one might be hearing about one of several different concepts. This might mean a device for collecting and transmitting energy from some source that orthodox science does not recognize; a device which collects energy at absolutely no cost; or an example of the legendary perpetual motion machine. Needless to say, a perpetual motion machinea machine which drives itself, forever, once turned on, therefore needing no energy input ever again and never running out of energyis impossible. However, it is not so simple to say that a new technology for harnessing the energy floating in the atmosphere is impossible. New technologies replace old ones all the time with abilities that had just been impossible. Harnessing the power of the atom for providing huge amounts of energy was impossible until the 1940s. Flying human beings were an impossible thing until the turn of the 20th century and the Wright Brothers' flight. The biggest claim of the proponents of free energy is that enormous amounts of energy can be drawn from the Zero Point Field. This is a quantum mechanical state of matter for a defined system which is attained when the system is at the lowest possible energy state that it can be in. This is called the ground state of the system. Zero Point Energy (ZPE) is sometimes referred to as residual energy and it was first proposed to be usable as an alternative form of energy way back in 1913 by Otto Stern and Albert Einstein. It is also referred to as vacuum energy in studies of quantum mechanics, and it is supposed to represent the energy of totally empty space. This energy field within the vacuum has been likened to the froth at the base of a waterfall by one of the principal researchers into and proponents of Hal Puthof. Puthof also explains, the term 'zero-point' simply means that if the universe were cooled down to absolute zero where all thermal agitation effects would be frozen out, this energy would still remain. What is not as well known, however, even among practicing physicists, are all the implications that derive from this known aspect o quantum physics. However, there are a group of physicistsmyself and colleagues at several research labs and universitieswho are examining the details, we ask such questions as whether it might be possible to 'mine' this reservoir of energy for use as an alternative energy source, or whether this background energy field might be responsible for inertia and gravity. These questions are of interest because it is known that this energy can be manipulated, and therefore there is the possibility that the control of this energy, and possibly inertia and gravity, might yield to engineering solutions. Some progress has been made in a subcategory of this field (cavity quantum electrodynamics) with regard to controlling the emission rates of excited atoms and molecules, of interest in laser research and elsewhere.

An Alternative Energy Education Method

The best method of educating young people about alternative energy production that this writer has ever witnessed is the use of the PicoTurbine Company's kits, books, and projects. The PicoTurbine Company produces these things for the purpose of advancing the cause of renewable (alternative) energy and getting young people to look into the future and see that the environment that's being seeded now is the one they will inherit then. As the late, great Gerry Ford said, Things are more like they are now than they have ever been before. If we are to change the future world for the better, then it starts right here and now with the advent of green energy systems. One of the core concepts of PicoTurbine can be stated: Tell me, and I will forget. Show me, and I might remember some of it. Involve me, and I will master it. Based on this old tried and true adage, the kits that the company produces come with activity suggestions to get the young people into hands-on learning situations. One suggestion of the company is to demonstrate how heat can be produced by wind energy (the company's specialty) through using a picture wire for the heating element. PicoTurbine has found that people typically think of wind energy as being cold energy, and are pleasantly surprised to see how wind can be used for generating heat in the home. Another project suggestion that the company offers is to have different groups split off in the classroom and then compare their respective wind turbines that they have built. They can see which ones produce the most or least electricity; which ones start up with need of the least amount of wind power; and for very young children, which ones have the most aesthetic appeal. There is a core curriculum that PicoTurbine has in mind for teachers to instill in their pupils. Renewable, alternative sources of energy include solar, hydroelectric, geothermal, and biomass in addition to wind-produced energy. When we use more alternative sources of energy, we decrease our nation's dependence on foreign oil supplies, which often come from nations who cannot really be called our allies. Alternative energy is already becoming cost effective when set against the fossil fuels that we are so reliant on currently. PicoTurbine points out that wind farms and solar arrays are already letting their makers enjoy commercial success. In the last two decades, the cost of photovoltaic cells expressed in terms of per-watt has gone from nearly $1000 to just $4! It has been predicted by analysts that by the year 2015, the cost per watt should only be about $1 (in today's dollars). Students also need to be taught about the hidden cost of fossil fuels: pollution and environmental degradation. Air pollution from burning fossil fuels has been shown through studies to increase incidences of asthma attacks, heighten the effects of allergies, and even cause cancer. Switching over to clean, green energy found in the alternative forms would prevent air pollution and help bolster the environment.

Providing You That Body You Have Always Dreamed Of

Have you ever dreamed about getting that "Schwarzenegger" body? If you have, then you dont have to dream anymore. Today, gyms and fitness centers can provide you with the body you have always dreamed of having. You have to consider that body building is one of the most popular activities in the United States today. It can give you a muscular body that you can proudly show off at the beach. IF you have that extra flab or that love handles that you always find hard to get rid off no matter how much you exercise, then you should try training in the gym. Today, the American Body Building is offering many people who want to have a perfectly trim, muscular and fit body. It is a fact that that extra flab that you always carry around with you can be embarrassing, especially when you are out on the beach where you have to get your shirt off and get a tan. You also have to consider that a great looking body is also a healthy body. This means that by working out with the American Body Building, you can be sure that your muscles will be tones as well as your heart and other internal organs. Always remember that it is also important to get your heart pumping in order to have a perfectly good health. You have to consider that it's not only your outside appearance that counts you also need to have great health in order to fully enjoy your life. Besides, what's the point of having trimmed and perfect looking abs, biceps, triceps and other muscles if you have a bad heart? The American Body Building is considered to be one of the most popular body building products in the United States. Many body builders from all over the world have testified that the American Body Building Supplement products offers positive results in their workouts and body building activities. Even the world famous WWE superstar John Cena uses American Body Building products. If you saw how John Cena looks like, you know what you will be getting with the American Body Building supplements. There are several kinds of products that the American Body Building offers. Their products are basically categorized into seven kinds of supplements. It is important that if you are serious about your workouts and are serious on getting that body you want in no time at all, you should get at least six of the different kinds of products. The first product is called the Diet and Energy. This particular product is taken before you start working out. It will give you the energy you need and it will heat up your muscles to prepare it for an intensive workout. The second product is called the Power and Recovery. This product is taken orally after working out and it is used for lean mass gain. This means that it helps your muscles to recover and repair themselves after an intensive workout in order to prepare you for another intensive workout as fast as possible. If you need rapid delivery of supplements, you should try and consider using the Concentrated Shots of American Body Building. It will give you that extra energy boost when you are working out in order to complete your training. After working out, you will normally be dehydrated. The American Body Building Pure Hydration product can help you recover the essential fluids that were lost in your body. Before, during and after workouts, you will need essential proteins to help your muscles to sustain its health and at the same time develop. The American Body Building Hi-Protein can help you get your muscles trimmed every time. If you enter body building competitions, then you should try the Hardcore Essentials product offered by American Body Building. This is packed with supplements and is competition tested to provide the best body and also provide the best results in well-trimmed and lean-looking muscles. So, if you are looking for a way to get a muscular body that you can proudly show off, you should consider taking your workouts to the extreme with American Body Building supplements.
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