The Process of Candle Making

Making candles is fun and relaxing. While it does give you the opportunity to be creative, there are some basic candle making steps you need to follow to make the process flow well. Nothing is more disappointing than discovering your candles didnt form correctly. Safety is very important in candle making. Most people make candles in their own kitchen. You will want to have a fire extinguisher handy as well as a non slip mat placed in from of your stove. Always wear old clothing and long sleeves. However, make sure your sleeves dont dangle where they can fall into the hot wax. Since you will have to get the candle wax very hot to melt completely, there is the risk of severe burns. You also have the risk of starting a fire. It is important to clean up all spilled wax immediately. It wont take long for it to harden, thus becoming very slippery. The dyes and scents used in candle making can leave stains. The best way to set up your work area for candle making is to divide it into three specific work stations for preparation, the melting process, and the cooling process. The preparation area doesnt need to be large, just a flat surface that is well organized. To make the process flow best, use a counter in close proximity to the stove. You will want to keep your utensils, thermometer, additives, and other candle making supplies in this area. It is a good idea to know what types of candles you will be making ahead of time so that you have all the necessary items ready to go. Your melting work station will likely be the stove. You will need to use a double boiler to melt the wax to a temperature that is hot enough without scorching it. The molecular structure of the wax can be damaged if the direct heat to it is too much. This means your candles wont form well or hold up well when they are used. Wax comes in sheets or blocks. You will need to chip off chunks to melt. A hammer and flat head screwdriver work well for this. Chipping wax should be done in the preparation stage so that you can simply add more pieces throughout the melting process. You will want to weigh each piece of wax before you add it to the pot for melting. This will help you determine how much scent and dye to add, which is based on weight. The cooling station needs to be a flat area such as a countertop or table. The wax needs to cool for several hours so this area needs to be able to withstand high temperatures as well as remain undisturbed for long periods of time. The area should not be directly in the path of sunlight or heating/cooling systems. If it is, the candles will not set properly. If you plan to use molds for your candles, have them set up in the cooling area while the wax is melting. Once it is done melting, you will need to pour it immediately into the molds. To prevent a mess from spills, use an old cookie sheet for the molds to rest on. The candle making process will run smooth and efficient if you follow these tips for establishing three work stations. While the process should be fun, it is important that you understand the dangers of candle making including burns and fires. Taking the proper safety precautions will help ensure the creation of candles in your home is a great way to spend your time. PPPPP Word Count 607

Teeth Whitening in San Diego: More Gains, Less Pain

In San Diego, teeth whitening have a lot of benefits. First, you are able to maintain the health of your teeth if you free them from stains caused about by a lot of factors. Another benefit is that you can always start the day with a smile and brighten others when they see your beautiful white smile. If all these are important to you, then you better set up an appointment to have that teeth whitening appointment that is long overdue. What is the first thing that you notice in other people? It is not the hair or their dress. It is their smile. It always gives you a good feeling when you see someone smile at you. May it be a strange or someone that you like so much. There is something in a smile that can stop people in their tracks. But what can make a smile look better is if the teeth are shiny and white. You can always tell that people are captivated by that certain smile if they do a double take and look twice. This is what whiter teeth can do. A lot of people are aware of the advantages that whiter teeth can bring them. That is why they are always on the lookout for the best methods to achieve whiter teeth. It seems that people are very much aware now of the benefits that whiter teeth can give them. So to be able to achieve those benefits, people are using teeth whitening products or having professionals do it for them. If done on a regular basis, you can expect to maintain that beautiful smile everyday. In the market, there are a lot of teeth whitening products that people can use already. Many of them are the same ones that are being advertised on television. The impact that the ads have on the people will mean the difference between a product that everybody want and a product that is unheard of. Dentists are advising people top check out the product first before they start using them. The first step is to look at their labels. From there, you will see the active ingredients that are present in these products. If you are allergic to some of them, it is advisable not to try it out. A lot of cases have been reported about the side effects that some teeth whitening products give to consumers. Most of them complain about gum bleeding and irritation. The reason for this is that the ingredients are too harsh for your sensitive teeth. And without prior knowledge about them, you will end up with much bigger problems than you initially have. In some places, the normal number of ingredients in teeth whitening products is doubled to have more effective results. This is why you need to be wary of what the ingredients are saying. Make sure that they are of the right amount. Sometimes, even though the process will take longer, it will be worth it once you see the desired result in the end. Teeth whitening experts in San Diego are not telling you not to buy the products that are sold out there. It is up to you if you feel that it will suit your need best. There are safe products and methods too. You just need to find which is perfect for you and your teeth.

The History of Candle Making

The art of making candles has been around since primitive times. Of course, as time went by they become much different in design than what they were back then. In the early days, candles were a necessity for heat and light. Today they serve as decorations, wonderfully smelling mechanisms in our homes, and offer light for romantic dinners and baths. The first known use of candles is not completely known. The remains of clay candle holders that date back to 4 BC have given us the knowledge that they have been in use for a very long time. Those clay candle holders were found in Egypt. Candles were also used in ancient times in both China and Japan. These candles were made of wax extracted from insects and seeds. The taper candles of India were made from the wax extracted from boiled cinnamon. Candles are not known to exist in American until 1 AD. It is believed Native Americans burned oily fish and the back of the Cerio tree. When settlers came to New England, they used similar techniques to extract wax from bayberries. Many modern candle makers still use that process to make bayberry candles. However, it is quite expensive to do so. Tallow was the product used to make candles in the 1600s and 1700s. This is a byproduct from animal fat. The product worked well but had a foul odor, especially when it was burning. Bees wax and paraffin wax both were introduced in the early 1800s, and tallow stopped being used. The dipping process for taper candles as we know it today began in 13 AD. Traveler merchants went door to door from town to town. While there, they made taper candles for individuals in their homes. Around 15 AD the idea to use molds for various types of candles was introduced in Paris. While this greatly improved the candle making process, there were still issues with getting the candles to burn properly. In the 1800s, candle makers felt the wick was the weakest area of the candle as well as the cause for defective burning patterns. A braided wick was developed in 1825 that seemed to greatly improve the burning of several types of candles. By 1830, a process was in place to make candles using paraffin wax and molds. These candles were of good quality and burned well. As gas and electricity were introduced, the candle making process continued to evolve. It became much easier and faster to melt the paraffin wax. It is believed that the reason so many of the elements of candle making stayed the same, including the hand dipping process is because the popularity of candles diminished with the introduction of electricity. Today, candle making is a well known art form. There are many companies who manufacture wonderful candles with some very unique fragrances. There are also small businesses that still make their candles by home in their kitchen. Candle making is a great hobby and fun activity for the whole family to be involved in. Candles are now used more for luxury and pleasure than for light or heat. The candle industry continues to grow with new types of candles being introduced all the time. The amount of colors, fragrances, and types of candles to choose from in the marketplace is absolutely amazing. Candles are a very common home decorating item. They are used to accent any room in your house. They are a common centerpiece for dinner parties and formal occasions. The unity candles that are presided over at many weddings hold a deep sense of tradition in the American culture. The art of making candles has definitely changed over time. If you are interested in trying your hand at it, choose a candle that is fairly easy to make such as the container candle or the votive. This will allow you the chance to get used to the process. There are several good candle making kits available for a low price as well as books to give you tips and assistance along the way. PPPPP Word Count 682

Diamonds are indeed forever

What do you think would happen when you combine body jewelry with the world's hardest known natural occurring substance? You'll get stunning nose studs whose value can reach up to hundreds of dollars. The diamond gem market is a big one. However, even though the market is a huge one, the trade, production and distribution of diamonds in the world is only handled by a few, making the gems more valuable in the trading market. Nevertheless, despite the diamond's high costs, a lot still are able to buy them since the value of the gem varies depending on the cut, clarity, shape and quality. Diamond is a symbol of prosperity and love. Traditionally, the gem is used to refer to a person's increase personal clarity, trust, and confidence. It is said that the gem itself intensifies one's thoughts. By wearing a diamond, one can be able to develop their strengths and magnify their positive attitudes. This is why the gem is used more frequently in body jewelry. Both their aesthetic beauty and value gives the wearer a sense of confidence, character and aura of finesse and elegance. There are already many stores that offer great selections of diamond adorned body jewelry. Most stores will feature belly rings and nose studs which are handcrafted with stunning diamonds and other precious gems. Most of these diamond studded jewelry have been laid on platinum and other nickel free metals so one can truly enjoy wearing them free from allergic reactions and possible infections. Most of these stores are already online giving great discounts and freebies such as free shipping of orders and guaranteed no hassle returns. One can easily shop online for the best diamond studded jewelry that one can afford. From single studded diamond belly rings to intricately designed diamond dangling earrings, diamonds can surely make one the center of attention. There are a lot of things to consider when buying a diamond studded jewel. But probably one of the most common terminologies we hear when we discuss diamonds is the carat of the gem. The carat refers to the mass of the diamond. One carat is equal to 200 milligrams. The value of a diamond usually increases as the carat weight increases. This is because big diamonds are rare and are much preferred to be used as gems. Recent trading statistics show that a 1 carat diamond is worth more than U.S. $6,000 while a 5 carat diamond gem could cost more than U.S. $100,000. Another thing that we hear about is the clarity of the diamond. Clarity refers to the absence or presence of flaws inside or on the surface of a diamond. This means that if a diamond has perfect clarity then the gem is extremely clear, which in reality is very rare. Even high grade diamonds contain imperfections, one need to look through a magnifying glass, however, to identify and fully assess the clarity of the gems. Some of the things that one needs to look for include imperfections, or flaws, inside a diamond; white, black or other colored spots on and inside the surface; visible cracks which can cause some problems like causing the stone to split' and the presence of colored and uncolored crystals. Diamond blemishes found on a diamond's surface also varies. Sometimes these blemishes affect the clarity and value of the stone but fortunately most of the blemishes have little or no affect on its outside look. Most common among the diamond's blemishes include scratches on the surface, nicks or chipped portions of the diamond and pits or holes in the stone's surface.

Soy Candles

Making your own candles is very popular. It has always been done with paraffin wax or beeswax. Soy candles are starting to emerge on the market as well. Soy candles are made out of 100% natural soy wax without any additives. Candles made of soy wax will have a wonderful aroma without having any type of fragrance added. Expert soy candle makers know how to mix the soy wax in several ways that give the natural scent a bit of a difference as well as make in fainter or more powerful. Soy candles can be made with or without wicks. Those with wicks are used the same way as any regular candle out there. Soy candles without wicks work with electric candle warmers. The candle sits on the warmer plate and the warmer is plugged into the wall. There is no flame to cause a fire. Wickless soy candles are a great choice for dorm rooms, apartments, offices, and anywhere that there is a potential of a candle being left burning that can cause a fire. Many offices and dorm rooms have put a ban on burning candles for this reason, but they often do allow the wickless candles using the burners. Most candle makers who have tried soy wax are very happy with the results. It has a wonder natural scent and the texture of the melted wax makes candles that are very glossy and smooth. It is not necessary to add additives to soy wax as you often have to with paraffin and beeswax. The additives for those types of wax are for hardness and gloss. Soy wax offers both on its own. Soy wax is cheaper than other types of wax as well. If you want to make candles on a tight budget, this would be the way to go. You will save money on the wax and you wont need to purchase additives or scents. If you are planning to make soy candles to sell, you can make a higher profit because your costs are lower. If you arent sure, you can purchase a soy wax candle making kit online for less than $20. It comes with all the supplies you need to make five candles, including the jars and lids. Many people enjoy the scent of a burning candle, but find the smoke from them can be irritating. This is especially true of individuals who are on oxygen, have bronchitis, or even allergy sufferers. Since soy wax is all natural, there is no smoke or irritates in the air from it. This makes soy wax candles a great alternative for many who otherwise wouldnt be able to enjoy using candles. Candle making is an excellent craft that many individuals enjoy both as a hobby and as a home business. Soy wax is not used as commonly as paraffin or beeswax, yet it works just as well for candle making. Since soy wax is less expensive and very easy to work with, consider trying it. Soy wax melts faster as well, reducing your overall production time. Soy wax is not carried in all craft stores, but you can easily purchase it on line in amounts from three pounds to fifty pounds. The more you buy, the less you will pay per pound, giving you additional savings. PPPPP Word Count 552

Developing Nuclear Power as Alternative Energy

Many researchers believe that harnessing the power of the atom in fission reactions is the most significant alternative energy resource that we have, for the fact of the immense power that it can generate. Nuclear power plants are very clean-burning and their efficiency is rather staggering. Nuclear power is generated at 80% efficiency, meaning that the energy produced by the fission reactions is almost equal to the energy put into producing the fission reactions in the first place. There is not a lot of waste material generated by nuclear fissionalthough, due to the fact that there is no such thing as creating energy without also creating some measure of waste, there is some. The concerns of people such as environmentalists with regards to using nuclear power as an alternative energy source center around this waste, which is radioactive gases which have to be contained. The radiation from these gases lasts for an extraordinarily long time, so it can never be released once contained and stored. However, the volume of this waste gas produced by the nuclear power plants is small in comparison to how much NOx (nitrous oxidethat is, air pollution) is caused by one day's worth of rush-hour traffic in Los Angeles. While the radiation is certainly the more deadly by far of the two waste materials, the radiation is also by far the easier of the two to contain and store. In spite of the concerns of the environmentalists, nuclear power is actually environmentally friendly alternative energy, and the risk of the contained radiation getting out is actually quite low. With a relatively low volume of waste material produced, it should not be a difficult thing at all for storage and disposal solutions for the long term to be developed as technology advances. The splitting of an atom releases energy in the forms of both heat and light. Atomic power plants control the fission reactions so that they don't result in the devastating explosions that are brought forth in atomic and hydrogen bombs. There is no chance of an atomic power plant exploding like a nuclear bomb, as the specialized conditions and the pure Plutonium used to unleash an atomic bomb's vicious force simply don't exist inside a nuclear power plant. The risk of a meltdown is very low. Although this latter event has happened a couple of times, when one considers that there are over 430 nuclear reactors spread out across 33 nations, and that nuclear reactors have been in use since the early 1950s, these are rare occurrences, and the events of that nature which have taken place were the fault of outdated materials which should have been properly kept up. Indeed, if nuclear energy could become a more widely accepted form of alternative energy, there would be little question of their upkeep being maintained. Currently, six states in America generate more than half of all their electrical energy needs through nuclear power, and the media are not filled with gruesome horror stories of the power plants constantly having problems.
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