Tips in successful freelancing

With the rising prices of commodities, it is not surprising that people are looking for other ways to earn money. Extra work is no longer an exception but a rule especially in cities where the cost of living can be really high. Now, people hold two or three jobs just to make both ends. And this is not just a trend for students but also for people who have established careers. Nowadays, everyone is doing a sideline for that extra income. One of the most popular sources of extra money is freelancing. Unlike part-time jobs like babysitting on weekends or doing some hours at the local movie house after work, freelancing allows you to practice your profession. This way, you are able to use what you are already doing in your regular job and apply the things that you already know or in short your expertise. Freelancing also affords the person more free time compared to other side jobs. This is because freelancing does not require the person to render a specific number of hours. Jobs are often per project basis. The schedule is given at the start of the contract. It is up to the person to manage or budget his time so that he can finish the job on or before the deadline. This is actually one of the good things about freelancing. The job is finished when the person is finished with it. Another great thing about freelancing is that you can do it without being physically present. The World Wide Web and the faster transfer of data allow people to telecommute. Although they would still be doing the job, they need not be in the same area or location as the company they are working for. They can do the transactions over the internet. You can even be living in the Asian regions and do a freelancing job for a company based here in the United States. But of course, not all things are as easy as it seems. Like everything in this world, freelance work can also be hard, especially if you are not used to doing it. Freelancing to be really successful, one must remember some important points. Here are some of them. Build a reputation Remember that freelance work only survive through referrals and repeat job orders. Unlike your regular job, which has a steady amount of income and a steady number of work, freelancing assignments will largely depend on the orders from people that you have already worked with and those people who have heard of your services. The industry is quite small, when you think about it and it is important to make sure that you do your job well. Guard your reputation especially your work ethics and attitude as this will help or break your freelance career. Make sure that there is no conflict Although there really is no law against freelancing unless it is stipulated in the contract that you have signed when you were hired; it is still important that you consider ethical points before accepting a job. One of the things to look into is the conflict with your company and the freelancing assignments that is being offered to you. It is ethical to refuse freelance assignments from companies that are a direct competitor of the company you are working for.

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