Eczema and Food Allergy; are They Really related to Each

Eczema and Food Allergy; are They Really related to Each Other Eczema is a type of skin ailment that usually comes with itching, skin thickening and scaling. Most often, eczema appears on the knees, arms, elbows and even on the face. When this type of skin ailment affects children, especially those who have a clear skin, parents are not able to distinguish its cause at once. Usually, parents perceived that food allergies are the source of their child's eczema. However, there are numerous experts who find this belief to be untrue. Instead, these experts advise parents not to limit the diet of their child without consulting with a pediatrician first. An example of eczema relating to food allergy was the case of a five month old baby who suffers from severe eczema. According to the mother, the baby is intolerant to lactose early on, even the formulas of lactose free appear to be incompatible to her baby. Hence, she decided to shift to soy. The soy shows a good reaction on the baby's skin. However, after sometime, the eczema appeared again. If you are in the position of the mother, would you think that the soy caused the eczema to the baby? Would you prefer to use again the lactose free formula? As what has been mentioned in the previous paragraph, eczema usually appears and vanishes, leaving the child with clear eczema free skin for a couple of weeks. That makes the triggering factor of eczema hard to be determined. This is the exact thing experienced by the mother in the presented case. Though it is true that the controversy about food allergies as a triggering factor of eczema do not die away until now, the relationship of a lactose free formula to the baby's eczema do not show a good reason. According to the experts, the baby might catch the allergy from milk proteins, or if not from the soy proteins. They reject lactose, a sugar, to be the reason. Shifting to lactose free formula can be her option. But experts affirmed that lactose do not include a formula that would cure the baby's eczema. If ever it does, it is certainly a coincidence. Lactose may develop other symptoms, like or instance fussiness, diarrhea or gas. If you have the same case, it is suggested that you visit your baby's pediatrician rather than rely on hearsay. You can cite to your baby's pediatrician that you are suspecting the baby to be allergic on soy formula including those that are milk based. Your pediatrician will tell you whether these formulas really worsen the eczema. Hypoallergenic formula like Alomentum or Nutramigen can be prescribed. The pediatrician might also advise allergy testing. This is done through blood testing. Now, if you really observe that the food or even drinks your baby had taken has worsen his eczema, then you can just simply avoid them. But clarify it with your pediatrician; he is more knowledgeable about food allergies. Note that there are also some children who both have eczema as well food allergies. But these two do not tend to affect one another. The best thing about this case is to know the treatments for eczema. Follow the prescription of the pediatrician; this will assure you that you are applying the right medication for your baby. Determine properly the triggering factor. Usually, pediatricians prescribe moisturizers, or topical steroids.

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DropYourAllergies mengatakan...

Eczema / FOOD Allergy = First Sign of Child > Allergy MARCH.

1 in 3 INFANTs Begin Life Fighting a LifeTime > Sequence of multiple Diseases as a result of their often inherited Allergy Disease….

> Called Allergy MARCH !

Allergy MARCH = Allergy / Allergic ASTHMA Parents > Allergy INFANT / Birth > Eczema > G.I. / Colic > ear > respiratory > Rhinitis Issues > Allergic ASTHMA !

Followed by a Lifetime Consumption of MED’s > Which Only Mask SYMPTOMs > Leaving Progression of Allergy MARCH InTact > Progressing / Exacerbating UnAbated > Leading EACH Sufferer on a Lifetime Slippery Slope of multiple “Allergy Driven “ diseases, recalcitrant Health Issues, Poor Self Esteem & compromised Quality of Life ( Achoo & Ouch ! ).


Today’s Child ALLERGY March = Tomorrow’s Allergic ASTHMA !


It is Never to Late to STOP ! >> YOUR Child’s Allergy MARCH to Allergic ASTHMA !

Allergy MOTHERs > With ALLERGY Kids !


> A Simple / FDA Approved / At Home / $ 45.00 / Finger or Heel Stick > ALLERGY Blood Test

> WILL Test YOUR Child > For the > TOP TEN ALLERGY Producing Allergens

> That Signal the Presence / Progression of > ALLERGY March to Allergic ASTHMA > In YOUR Child.


> 3 Foods / 2 Grass / 1 Dust Mite / 1 Tree / 1 Weed / 1 Mold / 1 Animal

ALLERGY MARCH = Allergy Parents > Allergy INFANT / Birth > Eczema > G.I. > Ear > Respiratory Issues > Allergic Rhinitis > ALLERGY ASTHMA !

[ 80% of Children with Allergic ASTHMA > Demonstrated Asthma Symptoms before Age 5 ]

STOP ! >> YOUR Child’s Allergy MARCH to Allergic ASTHMA !

> Followed by a LifeTime of Medications > Which Only Mask SYMPTOMs
> While Your Child’s Allergy Disease Continues / Exacerbates UnAbated …

> Leading Your Child on a LifeTime, Slippery Slope of multiple “Allergy Driven” Diseases, recalcitrant Health Issues, compromised Quality of Life & Poor Self Image / Poor LifeStyle Choices.

Once You have FDA Test Identified / Confirmed > Your Child’s ALLERGY Disease Presence > You and Your Primary Care Physician can move forward with an Expanded, Insurance Covered, Single Draw, Enviro Allergy Blood Test > Which will further Test / I.D. Your Child for the most common Seasonal & Year-round Allergens specific to Your Geo-Region.

Once Your Child’s Offending Allergens are TEST ID’ed…
> Your Dr. can Prescribe Your Child’s Self Administered > Immuno-Allergy DROPS ( Think Allergy SHOTS / > But No OUCH ! )

Which are virtually Drug Free, Custom Formulated specifically to Neutralize the SOURCE of Your Child’s Offending Allergens / Allergy Disease.

ReCalibrating Your Child’s Immune System > Producing Lasting, If Not LifeTime Health & Quality of Life Benefits that come with being > Allergy FREE !

> You Can STOP Your Child’s Allergy MARCH and Take Allergies Out of Your Child’s Future !

The Time is NOW To > and > with 6 Months FREE Supply of Custom Test ID’ed / Formulated > !

Best Health = Wealth Regards,

Principal >

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