Dont Be Blown Off By A Typhoon

Wherever part of the world you may live, you are likely to encounter a typhoon of some kind from time to time. Of course, there are specific places more prone to typhoons. There are also typhoons which are deadly and could cause great damage, not only to crops and infrastructures but also to human beings. If meteorologists forecast that a strong typhoon is coming, it is not enough for us to just sit at home and watch TV. If the typhoon is strong enough, you wont even be able to watch TV because of electricity blackouts. Typhoons are just one of the ways nature demonstrates its power, you should take precautionary measures to avoid any untoward incidents during the typhoon. Although different kinds of typhoons in different places may bring different kinds of danger, there are some basic emergency preparations that you can do. To ensure your safety, familiarize yourself with the kinds of typhoons that hit the area where you live or are visiting and with the local governments safety rules and regulations. Once the National Weather Service have broadcasted that a typhoon will possibly hit your area, immediately start your emergency typhoon preparations. Here are a few things you can do before a typhoon arrives. 1. Fix any broken doors and windows. Make sure that there are no objects which could obstruct the entrance, just in case you may need to evacuate. Tape your big glass windows which can be potentially shattered by road signs, tree branches and other things. 2. If the place where you live always had problems with floods and a great typhoon is expected, move to an evacuation center in a higher ground even before the water levels reach a meter high. You should also park your car in a higher ground. Do not leave it in your garage because it can be carried by strong floods and cause bigger disasters. 3. Since it wouldnt be wise to be loitering around during typhoons and convenience shops are possibly closed, store enough food and water for a few days. Power and water connections might also stop, so you might as well prepare a lot of candles, batteries, rain coats and thick blankets to keep you warm. 4. Make sure that all items in your backyard or balcony are fixed. If any of those items can possibly be flown by strong winds, better store them inside for the meantime. Also, remove rooftop construction accessories, if any, as these can be detached and may break other peoples windows. 5. Ensure that all water drains in your home are clean to avoid clogged drainage systems which can cause a lot of water problems. 6. Listen to news about the typhoon. If the power is down, make sure that you have a battery-powered radio so you are still updated on what is happening, and know if in case there is an emergency evacuation program. Listening to the news will also keep you informed when the typhoon is expected to stop. Even if it already seems clear outside, do not leave you home unless you have confirmed that the typhoon is not coming back. It is possible that your area is just experiencing the eye of the typhoon. When the eye of typhoon passes, there are no rains or strong winds. After the typhoon, do not forget to fix whatever has been damaged. Check that no water is leaking into your home. There are still a lot of accidents which can happen because of not taking enough responsibilities of the effects of the typhoon.

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